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Constructionarium What is the Nuclear Island?

New Nuclear Build Forum 19 November 2009. Constructionarium What is the Nuclear Island?. Clive Smith Skills Development Director Nuclear. Constructionarium Industry Engagement Workshop. Why are we here? Role of Cogent and National Skills Academy Nuclear Labour Market Intelligence

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Constructionarium What is the Nuclear Island?

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  1. New Nuclear Build Forum 19 November 2009 ConstructionariumWhat is the Nuclear Island? Clive Smith Skills Development Director Nuclear

  2. Constructionarium Industry Engagement Workshop • Why are we here? • Role of Cogent and National Skills Academy Nuclear • Labour Market Intelligence • Role of Job Contexts • Meeting the Challenge • What is the Nuclear Island?

  3. Value Chain for Cogent and NSA Nuclear SQS Qualifications valued by employers National Occupational Standards Modular qualifications and industry standard training Operative to Post Graduate Employer demand Employee CPD Learning Record Quality Assured Provision • Stakeholder Engagement • Project Funding • Policy • Employer Engagement • Industry strategy • Job and Training Standards • Education and qualification needs • Research • LMI • Forecasting skills supply and demand • Education & Qualifications • Qualification development and reform • Apprenticeship frameworks • Common Industry Standards • Skills Infrastructure • Sector Compact • Funding • T2G Brokerage • Employer Engagement • Individual Companies – skills, training and recruitment issues • Union identified issues • Delivering Solutions • Product & Services inc. • Nuclear Skills Passports • Training Needs Assessment • Industry standard training • Community Apprentices, Foundation Degrees, Award for Nuclear Industry Awareness, Certificate of Nuclear Professionalism etc. • Providers • High Quality Provider Network • HE Associate members COGENT SKILLS ACADEMY

  4. Labour Market Intelligence • Lack of national data – limited SIC/SOC coverage • Lack of common role descriptors • On formation of NDA ~900 role description now at 51. Another company has 22 skillsets, another 54 resource codes, another 9 competence frameworks ………… • A description of the roles in the nuclear industry required to achieve granularity of LMI– Job Contexts

  5. Job Contexts Role Levels 5. Senior Managers 4. Middle Managers/Graduates 3. Technician 2. Skilled 1. Semi-skilled 1. Energy Production Operations 2. Decommissioning Operations 3. Process Operations 4. Maintenance Operations 5. Safety & Security 6. Radiation Protection 7. Project Management 8. Engineering Design 9. Scientific & Technical Support 10. Business 11. Construction 12. Waste & Repository Operations 13. Commissioning Operations

  6. www.cogent-ssc.com/research/ nuclearresearch.php

  7. Power PeopleNuclear Workforce – Job Contexts

  8. www.cogent-ssc.com/research/ nuclearresearch.php Renaissance 1: Power People: The Civil Nuclear Workforce Renaissance 2: Next Generation: Skills for New Build Nuclear Renaissance 3: Assurance: Skills for Nuclear Defence Renaissance 4: Illuminations: Future Skills for Nuclear

  9. Next GenerationWorkforce for 16GWe New Build

  10. Role of Job Contexts • Is there a Skills Shortage today?? • What do we need to do to ensure that the right skills are still available in the future for all elements of the Nuclear Programmes

  11. Role of Job Contexts • Collect LMI http://www.cogent-ssc.com/research/nuclearresearch.php • Detail Competences and Qualifications/Training Standards enables Nuclear Skills Passport http://www.cogent-ssc.com/industry/nuclear/Training_Job_SPUG.php

  12. Job Contextshttp://www.cogent-ssc.com/industry/nuclear/Training_Job_SPUG.php Developed • Nuclear Decommissioning • Radiation Protection • Process Operations • Nuclear Maintenance 2010 Programme • Safety Case Preparation • Construction • Project Management • Radioactive Waste Management

  13. Meeting the Challenge • Provide the training capacity and sufficient staff through initial training and upskill/reskill through National Skills Academy Nuclear • Provide opportunities to demonstrate industry attraction:

  14. What is the Nuclear Island? • Collaborative Project (Cogent, Construction Skills, RAE, Imperial College and Constructionarium Ltd) providing opportunities to demonstrate industry attraction: • Benefit to student and employers - Constructionarium adds experience to academic courses • Benefit to student to experience scale construction project and all peripherals activities • Benefit to participating employers to see potential employees in action

  15. Questions

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