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Vocabulary Unit 2

Vocabulary Unit 2. Theme: Up. It is difficult to pilot a blimp, so the pilot must be particularly adroit. Adroit. Skillfu l , expert in the use of the hands or mind. You might expect “Kevin” to be rather wild and unfriendly, but Russell found him quite amicable. Amicable.

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Vocabulary Unit 2

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  1. Vocabulary Unit 2 Theme: Up

  2. It is difficult to pilot a blimp, so the pilot must be particularly adroit.

  3. Adroit • Skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind

  4. You might expect “Kevin” to be rather wild and unfriendly, but Russell found him quite amicable.

  5. Amicable • Peaceable, friendly

  6. Muntz, the villian of Up, has a trio of dogs that are very belligerent.

  7. Belligerent • Given to fighting, warlike • combative, aggressive • one at war, one engaged in war

  8. When Russell first meets Mr. Frederickson, the old man seems rather grumpy and unkind. It is only later that we see just how benevolent he truly is.

  9. Benevolent • Kindly, charitable

  10. In his cursory attempt to earn a merit badge, Russell accidentally stows away on Carl’s “airship.”

  11. Cursory • Hasty, not thorough

  12. Muntz relies on duplicity to trap and kill Kevin, but the bird is too smart for him.

  13. Duplicity • Treachery, deceitfulness

  14. Still in love with his wife, Carl extols her many qualities whenever Ellie is mentioned.

  15. Extol • To praise extravagantly

  16. Before leaving for Paradise Falls, Muntz insisted that it was feasible to capture another specimen of rare bird like the skeleton he had found.

  17. Feasible • Possible, able to be done

  18. Carl can only grimace at the thought of moving into a retirement home and allowing his house to be demolished.

  19. Grimace • A wry face • Facial distortion • To make a wry face

  20. Some sort of holocaust must have destroyed the rest of Kevin’s species of bird.

  21. Holocaust • A large-scale destruction, especially by fire • A vast slaughter • A burnt offering

  22. Once Doug sees a squirrel (“Squirrel!”) he is impervious to any commands, suggestions, or other distractions.

  23. Impervious • Not affected or hurt by • Admitting no passage or entrance

  24. Carl’s accidental injury of a construction worker is the impetus the company needs to remove him from his house.

  25. Impetus • A moving force, impulse, stimulus

  26. When Carl and Russell first meet Muntz, they do not suspect that they are in any jeopardy.

  27. Jeopardy • Danger

  28. After Carl is evicted by the judge, he meticulously constructs an “airship” from his own house.

  29. Meticulous • Extremely careful • Particular about the details

  30. Once his wife dies, it is difficult for Carl not feel nostalgia for their younger years together.

  31. Nostalgia • A longing for something past • homesickness

  32. In earning his final merit badge, Russell is seeking to become the quintessence of a Wilderness Explorer.

  33. Quintessence • The purest form of something • The most typical example

  34. After Muntz captures Kevin, Carl retrogresses to his previously solitary existence, retreating into his house to look through his scrapbooks.

  35. Retrogress • To move backward • To return to an earlier condition

  36. After scrutinizing the skeleton with which Muntz returned, experts proclaimed it a fake.

  37. Scrutinize • To examine closely

  38. Carl’s reaction to Russell as a traveling companion was, at best, tepid.

  39. Tepid • Lukewarm • Unenthusiastic • Marked by an absence of interest

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