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AELP Regional Network Update January 2017

Gain support and training in delivering apprenticeship standards, from curriculum planning to working with employers. Attend interactive workshops, webinars, and online training to enhance your delivery capacity. Receive guidance on becoming an end point assessor or assessment organization, and learn strategies for maximizing business growth while maintaining quality. Available support for new and existing providers.

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AELP Regional Network Update January 2017

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  1. AELP Regional Network UpdateJuly 2017 AELP Regional Network Update January 2017

  2. Support to deliver apprenticeships

  3. Future Apprenticeships – the offer so far The programme has focused on: • delivering apprenticeship standards and end-point assessment; • building on new and developing existing relationships with employers; • understanding the systems and processes necessary to deliver high quality apprenticeships.

  4. Impact Phase 1 supported a total of 638 providers and 2,757 individuals up until March 2016. Phase 2 95% Good or Excellent satisfaction rating 1,600 Supported individuals on face to face courses 2,600 Supported through webinars

  5. Future Apprenticeships – Phase 3 Support for: • Delivery of the on-programme parts of apprenticeships • Individuals to become end point assessors • Organisations to become end point assessment organisations • Equality, diversity and inclusion in apprenticeships.

  6. Understanding apprenticeships, requirements, systems, delivery and capacity • Workshops • Webinars • Online training • Toolkit

  7. Webinars • Higher Apprenticeships effective practice • ESFA policy update 1 – putting policy into practice: 20% off the job and other issues • ESFA policy update 2 – putting policy into practice: back to policy basics

  8. The basics of apprenticeship policy and delivery (1 Day) • Overview of Apprenticeship Policy • Impact on staffing • Differences in curriculum planning • Simple costing template (to work on in the workshop) • Share best practice • Train the Trainers approach (cascade into your organisation)

  9. Transition and delivery planning

  10. An introduction to curriculum planning for apprenticeship standards (1 day) • Differences between frameworks and standards • Assessment plans, end-point assessment and liaison strategies with Apprenticeship Assessment Organisations • How to involve employers and others in the design of the apprenticeship • Delivery model options including blended learning • Monitoring/tracking apprentice progress

  11. Building your business: delivery of apprenticeship standards (1 day) • Optimising internal sales processes, including the use of the online apprenticeship service • Developing differentiated sales strategies • Building strategic relationships with employers of all sizes • Differentiating the offer according to market segments • Developing robust business processes including contracts and policies • Increasing capacity for rapid business growth whilst maintaining quality

  12. Organisation Specific Support (3 days F2F; 2 days remote) If you are new to delivering standards: • understand what you need to do to begin your delivery of standards or If you are already delivering standards: • agree an action plan to show you how to meet your aims as a provider of high quality standards • be able to target specific areas of your business to receive support • understand effective approaches to successful delivery of standards

  13. Delivery of apprenticeship standards

  14. Starting the delivery of apprenticeship standards – 1 day Workshop details

  15. Accelerating the delivery of apprenticeship standards – 2 day Workshop

  16. Improving the delivery of apprenticeship standards…. Two ‘Advanced approaches for delivering apprenticeship standards’ one-day seminars with key speakers and workshops on a range of topics including innovative curriculum planning and working with employers to deliver apprenticeship standards Dates: 20th July (Coventry) 27th September (Manchester)

  17. ….Breakout Workshops • Delivering apprenticeship standards • Supporting SEND learners into apprenticeships delivery • Innovative curriculum planning • Building your business • Preparing apprentices for gateway • Teach Too/Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment • Working with employers to deliver apprenticeship standards • The digital apprentice

  18. End Point Assessment

  19. Support for Assessors • To help understand what makes a good assessor • 3 large scale events featuring key note speakers, plenary and workshop sessions • Opportunity to meet AAOs and understand their requirements • Access to online self-assessment to identify CPD needs and help you choose workshop sessions to attend

  20. Support for Organisations Support for Organisations • One day workshops to equip you to make practical preparations for your organisation’s involvement in EPA • Self-assessment decision making tool and action plan template to map the process of either: • Becoming an Apprenticeship Assessment Organisation (AAO), or • Collaborating with others to deliver End Point Assessment (EPA)

  21. All courses advertised through Future Apprenticeships can be delivered on a provider’s premises 2 day packages of support can be condensed into one day Provider would be responsible for sourcing the venue and all catering arrangements Comprehensive pack of training materials is provided for each delegate Please email cswales@aelp.org.uk for further information and prices In House Support Events

  22. ETF bursary fund targeted at small ITPs who may face barriers to accessing CPD support. Designed to improve access by offering discounts on course fees, reducing the cost of travel and, in some circumstances, paying for overnight accommodation ITPs must be on the ROTO and have 250 (or fewer) learners in training) Please click here for complete details and on-line application form Bursary Support for ITPs

  23. Equality Diversity and Inclusion A free 2-hour course for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for apprenticeship providers is available. Following the new apprentice journey through 7 core modules. Includes in-depth modules on mental health in apprenticeships: • Building awareness, capacity & capability of practitioners; • Effective models and examples of accessible and inclusive apprenticeships

  24. Future Apprenticeships Toolkit .

  25. Contact details Access support through courses, the provider toolkit, webinars, resources and information through the portal: www.futureapprenticeships.org.uk www.etfoundation.co.uk enquiries@etfoundation.co.uk @E_T_Foundation

  26. Apprenticeship Reforms

  27. Anne Milton – First speech to the sector at the AELP National Conference • Six key announcements: • 1) A guidance document has now been published regarding examples of 20% off-the-job training delivery. • 2) Providers who made business cases following non-levy allocations will receive a written response - 42 providers will have increased allocations. • 3) Non-levy growth requests would begin in July 2017. • 4) The non-levy tender, currently paused will be scrapped, in favour of - • 5) The introduction of a new non-levy tender in July 2017, for contracts and allocations from January 2018-April 2019. However, this will only be available to those already on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers. (We await further details on this.) • 6) There will be another opportunity to apply to be on RoATP, but it will be limited to levy-funded provision only.

  28. ESFA Publish AEB Funding Rules • ESFA have published version 1 of the Adult Education Budget funding rules 2017 to 2018, which are available here.  Please note this version does not contain the performance management rules, which will be published in version 2 when procurement results have been announced. • Notifications of contract award will now be made at the end July 2017. As a result, the ESFA will now be extending the existing 2016/2017 contracts for Adult Education Budget (AEB) services for a three-month period, until 31st October 2017(see note below)

  29. IfA begin recruitment of Route Panels • The Institute wishes to recruit up to 150 new panel members.  This is a great opportunity for Employers and experts from across different industries to take an active role in shaping apprenticeships across England. The application details can be found on this link with a closing date for applications of midday on the 4th of August 2017. • The press release announcing the exercise can be found here. 

  30. AELP and GetMyFirstJob have launched a survey to get a snapshot view of the recruitment market for apprentices following the levy’s introduction.Aimed at AELP members and training providers across the UK, this survey will give an insight into the key challenges facing training providers in recruiting new apprentices for employers.The Survey should only take a few minutes to complete and can be accessed via http://bit.ly/2tCwPHi Apprenticeship Recruitment Survey

  31. AELP Regional Network Activity - Update Initial meetings now held with North, Central, South and London East and quarterly meeting dates have now been agreed for the next 12 months.  An opportunity for the AELP Senior Management Team to give and receive information directly to and from local regional networks Chairs and management Meetings will be attended by Mark Dawe, Jane Hickie or CPO Simon Ashworth with secretariat support from an AELP representative.  If you would like further information on this please speak to your local network Chair.

  32. Recent AELP Publications Warwick research confirms government needs to act fast on sharply falling apprenticeship numbers: https://www.aelp.org.uk/news/pressReleases/details/warwick-research-confirms-government-needs-to-act/ The Impacts of the Apprenticeship Levy: Findings from the employer survey: https://www.aelp.org.uk/news/general/details/the-impacts-of-the-apprenticeship-levy-findings-fr/ AELP Briefing Paper No 47 Apprenticeship Levy: Questions and Answers (May 2017 Update) https://www.aelp.org.uk/news/submissions/details/aelp-briefing-paper-no-47-apprenticeship-levy-ques/

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