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debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010. 15 th of December 2010. Organizer:. Partners :. Supporting Sponsors:. Media Partners:. debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010. General Information.
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 15th of December 2010
Organizer: Partners: Supporting Sponsors: Media Partners:
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 General Information The first edition of Debizz Business Excellence Awards gala aims to reward in a festive atmosphere companies and managers of companies with German, Austrian or Swiss capital which activate on the Romanian market for their remarkable results and for the projects developed/ finalized during 2010. Date: 15th of December 2010 Location: JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, Constanţa Ballroom Participants: Managers, consultants, bankers, diplomats, politicians Estimated number of participants: 200 General information Awarded categories Program Register Become a sponsor About the sponsors Schimbăîn Sprache wählen
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Awarded categories Best overall company of the year Best new company of the year Best CSR program Green Company of the year Special Award Investment of the Year Most innovative company of the year Best brand General information Awarded categories Program Register Become a sponsor About the sponsors Schimbăîn Sprache wählen
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Program 19.00 – 19.30: Registration and welcome cocktail 19.30 – 21.00:Dinner 21.00 – 22.30: Awards ceremony 22.30 – 23.00: Mini concert General information Awarded categories Program Register Become a sponsor About the sponsors Schimbăîn Sprache wählen
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Registration Registration fee: 150 Euro + VAT – 2 invitations For confirmations, please contact us by email at oana.manolache@debizz.ro or by phone at 021 231 08 07. The confirmation email will contain the following information: Name and First Name of the participating person(s) Company Position within the company Postal address Email address City / County Phone / Fax Fiscal Code (CUI) Chamber of Commerce Registration Number (J) IBAN Number Bank Name General information Awarded categories Program Register Become a sponsor About the sponsors Schimbăîn Sprache wählen
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Become a sponsor • ‘’Premium Sponsor’’ Package – 4000 Euro • Benefits: • Presentation as main sponsor of one of the award categories (short video presentation of the sponsor company before the winner of the category is announced, a representative of the sponsor company will hand out the award to the winner of the category) • Advertising banner in the conference room • Advertising materials distributed to all the participants at the event • Logo on all the materials promoting the event (ads, invitations, etc) • 1 full advertising page in Debizz magazine • A full-page ad in the awards dinner program book which will be distributed to all the participants • Leaderboard banner on the www.debizz.ro website for 1 month • Short presentation of the sponsor company within the presentation materials of the event • Follow-up • 10 free invitations to the event • ‘’Supporting Sponsor’’ Package – 2000 Euro • Benefits: • Logo on all the materials promoting the event (ads, invitations, etc) • ½ advertising page in Debizz magazine • Standard banner on the www.debizz.ro website for 1 month • Short presentation of the sponsor company within the presentation materials of the event • 4 free invitations to the event General information Awarded categories Program Register Become a sponsor About the sponsors Schimbăîn Sprache wählen
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 About the sponsors Drees & Sommer Romania: Project Management, Real Estate Consulting, Engineering Professional project management, competent real estate consulting, innovative engineering: enthusiasm for challenging projects are our strengths since 1996 on the Romanian market. Drees & Sommer Romania ensures the successful implementation of building projects of all types and sizes in fields such as civil constructions, industry, infrastructure and environment. General information Awarded categories Program Register Become a sponsor About the sponsors Schimbăîn Sprache wählen
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Allgemeine Präsentation Die erste Auflage der Debizz-Gala "Business Excellence Awards" möchte, in feierlichem Rahmen, in Rumänien tätige Unternehmen mit deutscher, österreichischer und Schweizer Kapitalbeteiligung sowie ihre Manager für ihre Leistungen und im Jahre 2010 umgesetzten/abgeschlossenen Projekteauszeichnen. Datum der Veranstaltung: 15. Dezember 2010 Ort: JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, Ballsaal ‘’Constanţa’’ Teilnehmer: Manager, Berater, Banker, Diplomaten, PolitikerGeschätzteTeilnehmeranzahl: 200 AllgemeinePräsentation Kategorien Verlauf Registierung Sponsoring Pakete Über die Sponsoren Schimbăîn Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Kategorien Best overall company of the year Best new company of the year Best CSR program Green Company of the year Special Award Investment of the Year Most innovative company of the year Best brand AllgemeinePräsentation Kategorien Verlauf Registierung Sponsoring Pakete Über die Sponsoren Schimbăîn Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Verlauf 19.00 - 19.30: Eintragung und Willkommenscocktail19.30 - 21.00: Dinner21.00 - 22.30: Preisverleihung22.30 - 23.00: Künstlerische Einlage AllgemeinePräsentation Kategorien Verlauf Registierung Sponsoring Pakete Über die Sponsoren Schimbăîn Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Registierung Teilnahmegebühr 150 Euro + MwSt. je Unternehmen (2 Einladungen) ZwecksTeilnahmebestätigung bitten wir um eine E-Mail an: oana.manolache@debizz.roodertelefonisch021 231 08 07 Die Teilnahme-E-Mail solltefolgendeInformationenbeinhalten: Name und Vorname des/derTeilnehmer(s) Firma Funktion Postanschrift E-Mail-Adresse Ort/Landkreis Telefon/Fax Steuernummer (CUI) Handelsregisternummer (J) IBAN-Kontonr. Bank AllgemeinePräsentation Kategorien Verlauf Registierung Sponsoring Pakete Über die Sponsoren Schimbăîn Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Sponsoring Pakete • Paket ''Premium Sponsor'' - 4000 EURVorteile: • 10 kostenlose Einladungen • Ihr Logo auf allen Werbematerialien der Veranstaltung • Banner im Saal, in dem die Veranstaltung stattfinden wird • 1/1 Anzeigenseite in der Zeitschrift Debizz • Leaderboard-Banner auf der Website www.debizz.ro (1 Monat) • Vorstellung als Hauptsponsor einer zur Wahl stehenden Preis-Kategorie (vor der Vorstellung des Aiszeichnungsträgers wird eine kurze Video-Vorstellung des sponsernden Unternehmens ausgestrahlt, ein Vertreter des sponsernden Unternehmens überreicht den Preis der entsprechenden Kategorie) • 1/1 Werbeseite im Programmheft der Veranstaltung, die an alleTeilnehmer ausgeteilt wird • Kurze Vorstellung des Unternehmens auf der veranstaltungseigenen Microsite • Werbe-/Darstellungsmaterial, das an alle Teilnehmer ausgeteilt wird • Follow upPaket ''Supporting Sponsor'' - 2000 EURVorteile: • 4 Einladungen zur Veranstaltung • Ihr Logo auf allen Werbematerialien der Veranstaltung • 1/2 Anzeigenseite in der Zeitschrift Debizz • Standard-Banner auf der Website www.debizz.ro (1 Monat lang) • Kurze Vorstellung des Unternehmens auf der veranstaltungseigenen Microsite • Werbe-/Darstellungsmaterial, das an alle Teilnehmer ausgeteilt wird • Follow up AllgemeinePräsentation Kategorien Verlauf Registierung Sponsoring Pakete Über die Sponsoren Schimbăîn Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Über die Sponsoren Drees & Sommer Romania: Projektmanagement, Immobilienberatung, Engineering Professionelles Projektmanagement, kompetente Immobilienberatung, innovatives Engineering, Begeisterung für anspruchsvolle Projekte sind unsere Stärken seit 1996 auf dem rumänischen Markt. Drees & Sommer Romania sichert die wirtschaftliche Realisierung von Bauvorhaben jeder Art und Größe im Hochbau-, Industrie-, Infrastruktur- und Umweltbereich. AllgemeinePräsentation Kategorien Verlauf Registierung Sponsoring Pakete Über die Sponsoren Schimbăîn Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Detalii eveniment Aflata la prima editie, gala Debizz Business Excellence Awards isipropunesapremiezeintr-un cadrufestivcompaniisimanageriaicompaniilor cu capital german, austriacsielvetianceactiveazapepiata din Romania, pentrurezultateleinregistratesiproiecteledesfasurate/ finalizatepeparcursulanului 2010. Data evenimentului: 15 decembrie 2010 Locatie:JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, ‘’Constanţa’’ Ballroom Participanti: Manageri, consultanti, bancheri, diplomati, oamenipolitici Numarestimat de participanti: 200 Detaliieveniment Categoriipremiate Program Înregistrare Promovare Despresponsori Sprache wählen Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Categorii premiate Ceamaibunacompanie a anului Ceamaibunacompanie a anuluinouintratapepiata Celmai bun program de CSR Compania-verde a anului Premiu special Investitiaanului Premiulpentruinovativitate Celmaicunoscut brand Detaliieveniment Categoriipremiate Program Înregistrare Sponsorizare Despresponsori Sprache wählen Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Program 19.00 – 19.30: Inregistrare si welcome cocktail 19.30 – 21.00: Cina 21.00 – 22.30: Decernarea premiilor 22.30 – 23.00: Moment artistic Detaliieveniment Categoriipremiate Program Înregistrare Sponsorizare Despresponsori Sprache wählen Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Înregistrare Taxă de participare: 150 Euro + TVA – 2 invitatii Pentru confirmări, vă rugăm sa ne contactaţi la adresa de e-mail: oana.manolache@debizz.rosau la numarul de telefon021 231 08 07. E-mailul de confirmarevacontineurmatoareleinformatii: Numelesiprenumelepersoanei/ persoanelorparticipante Compania Functia Adresapostala Adresa e-mail Oras/ Judet Telefon/ Fax Cod fiscal (CUI) Numar de inregistrare la registrulcomertului (J) Cont IBAN Banca Detaliieveniment Categoriipremiate Program Înregistrare Sponsorizare Despresponsori Sprache wählen Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Sponsorizare • Pachet ‘’Premium Sponsor’’ - 4000 EUR • Beneficii: • 10 invitatiigratuite • Logo petoatematerialele de promovare a evenimentului • Banner in sala in car vaavea loc evenimentul • 1/1 paginapublicitara in revistaDebizz • Leaderboard banner pe www.debizz.rotimp de 1 luna • Prezentarea ca sponsoriprincipaliaiuneicategorii la alegere (inainte de anuntareacastigatorului, se va face o scurtaprezentare video a companiei-sponsor si un reprezentant al companiei-sponsor vainmanapremiul la categoriarespectiva) • 1/1 paginapublicitara in brosura- program de prezentare a evenimentuluicevafidistribuitatuturorinvitatilor • Scurtaprezentare a companieipemicrosite-uldedicatevenimentului • Materiale de promovare/ prezentaredistribuitetuturorparticipantilor la eveniment • Follow up • Pachet ‘’Supporting Sponsor’’ - 2000 EUR • Beneficii: • 4 invitatii la eveniment • Logo petoatematerialele de promovare a evenimentului • 1/2 paginapublicitara in revistaDebizz • Banner standard pe www.debizz.ro timp de 1 luna • Scurtaprezentare a companieipemicrosite-uldedicatevenimentului • Materiale de promovare/ prezentaredistribuitetuturorparticipantilor la eveniment • Follow up Detaliieveniment Categoriipremiate Program Înregistrare Sponsorizare Despresponsori Sprache wählen Switch to
debizz Business Excellence Awards 2010 Despresponsori Drees & Sommer Romania: Management de proiect, consultanta imobiliara, inginerie Profesionalismul in management de proiect, consultanta imobiliara competenta, ingineria inovativa, entuziasmul pentru proiecte provocatoare, acestea sunt atuurile care ne caracterizeaza incepand cu anul 1996 pe piata de consultanta din Romania. Drees & Sommer Romania asigura implementarea cu succes a proiectelor de constructii de toate tipurile si marimile in domenii precum constructii civile si industriale, infrastructura si mediu. Detaliieveniment Categoriipremiate Program Înregistrare Sponsorizare Despresponsori Sprache wählen Switch to