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Library/Rec Center. By: Alexandra Ruina , Kevin Dietz, Lisa Beharry , Sameer Sayed. Using GIS tools and constraint mapping to identify the best sites to place a Library/Recreation center in York Region Developing layers that each find locations that are suitable and unsuitable
Library/Rec Center By: Alexandra Ruina , Kevin Dietz, Lisa Beharry, Sameer Sayed
Using GIS tools and constraint mapping to identify the best sites to place a Library/Recreation center in York Region • Developing layers that each find locations that are suitable and unsuitable GIS Tools used • Buffering creates a set of new features, areas of interest or areas to be avoided • Overlay narrows the focus area down to the sites which don’t have limitations. This includes: • The Erase tool to remove unsuitable sites, it creates a feature class from those features outside the erase feature class • The Intersect tool to join buffers creating a new feature class • The Union tool to build a new feature class by combining the features and attributes of each feature class Purpose and tools
Away from Highways • Away from Wetlands • Away from Steep land • Away from Forested areas • Away from CBD • Near Residential • Near Recreation and sports Areas • Near Schools Constraints
Clipped out Residential from the York Region Land Use layer (DMTIlurYork) • Clipped out Parks/sports field and other Parks from the York Region Parks and Recreation layer (DMTIpprYork) • Clipped out freeway and freeway interchanges from York Region Roads Layer (RoadYork) Process (Clip)
After adding and creating the needed layers the next step was to buffer based on constraints • The residential areas were buffered to 100 meters – This buffer was chosen based on the constraint that a Library/Rec center should be near a residential area, thus the 100 meters was chosen as it ensures the Library/Rec center will be in close proximity to residential areas. • Wetlands were buffered to the required 120 meters • Clipped freeways were buffered to 100 meters – This buffer was chosen based on the constraint that it should be away from freeways because of the direct contact to noise and also safety concerns with children using these facilities. Also, taken into consideration was that a closer proximity to a freeway/main road allows for better accessibility. Since many youth use these facilities and either take public transit, walk or get a ride then better accessibility is a consideration as long as it is not too close to the freeway/main road. Process (Buffer)
The current locations of some Libraries/Rec centers in York Region are in fact close to freeways/main roads, like the Dufferin Clark Library close to Duffeirn Street. • Schools and parks/sports fields were buffered to 500 meters – This buffer was chosen based on the constraint that it should be near a school as well as parks/sports fields. Thus, 500 is well within walking distance to these features, it is in close proximity and therefore youth can use the library/rec center easily as well as it will be near parks/sports fields for recreation purposes. 500 meters was chosen instead of 100 or 200 meters because those who live in a residential area and aren’t students need access to these facilities as well, therefore it is close to schools but still accessible to those who aren’t students. Buffers Con’t
Overlay was used to remove sites unsuitable for land use • Overlay/Erase was used to remove wetlands, forest and 100 meter buffers on freeways a new feature class was created from the features outside of the erase feature class. Process (Overlay/ Erase)
We intersected the result of the erased output • Then, we intersected the buffers around schools and parks/sports fields building a new feature class from the intersecting features common in both feature classes. Process (Intersect)
The final constraint was that the Library/Rec center shouldn’t be on steep land, thus a new layer was created with the slopes layer to ensure that the final sites do not have steep land. • First, the slopes layer was used and the range of acceptable slope was determined (from 0.2-3.5) the rest of the slopes layer was blacked out in the map. This range was chosen based on the need for fairly flat land where the Library/Rec center building can be built. • the slope layer was used and the outline of the residential areas was cut from it, overlay-Erase was used to remove the wetland, highway and forest layers from it. Then the intersected buffers of the Schools and the Parks/sports fields was cut from the Slope layer to get the final result. Process (Slope)
Overlay /Union was used for the rest of York Region creating a new feature class by combining the features and attributes of each feature class (blacked out part of the map). • The final result was the available sites for the land use of a Library/Rec-center (with the slopes and lot boundaries). Available Sites