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An overview of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's NERSC Center, including its facilities, collaborations, accomplishments, and scientific support.
State of the Labs:NERSC Update Juan Meza Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
NERSC Center Overview • Funded by DOE, annual budget $28M, about 65 staff • Supports open, unclassified, basic research • Located in the hills next to University of California, Berkeley campus • Close collaborations between university and NERSC in computer science and computational science • Close collaboration with about 125 scientists in the Computational Research Division at LBNL
HPSS 12 IBM SP servers 15 TB of cache disk, 8 STK robots, 44,000 tape slots, 20 200 GB drives, 60 20 GB drives,max capacity 5-8 PB Visualization Server – “escher” SGI Onyx 3400 – 12 Processors/ 2 Infinite Reality 4 graphics pipes 24 Gigabyte Memory/4Terabytes Disk ETHERNET 10/100 Megabit HPSS HPSS STK Robots SGI SYMBOLIC MANIPULATION SERVER FC Disk Gigabit EthernetJumbo Gigabit Ethernet OC 48 – 2400 Mbps ESnet Testbeds and servers PDSF400 processors (Peak 375 GFlop/s)/ 360 GB of Memory/ 35 TB of Disk/Gigabit and Fast EthernetRatio = (1,93) IBM SP NERSC-3 – “Seaborg” 6,656 Processors (Peak 10 TFlop/s)/ 7.8 Terabyte Memory/44Terabytes of Disk Ratio = (8,7) LBNL “Alvarez” Cluster 174 processors (Peak 150 GFlop/s)/87 GB of Memory/1.5 terabytes of Disk/ Myrinet 2000 Ratio - (.6,100) Ratio = (RAM Bytes per Flop, Disk Bytes per Flop) NERSC System Architecture
2003 Accomplishments • High End Systems • NERSC 3 (“Seaborg”) 10 Tflop/s system in full production • Increased HPSS storage capacity to > 8 Pbytes • Evaluation of alternative architectures (SX-6, X-1, ES, BG/L) • Initiated procurement of NCS (New Computational System) • Comprehensive Scientific Support • Reached >95% utilization on Seaborg • Excellent results in User Survey • Intensive Support for Scientific Challenge Teams • INCITE allocations and SciDAC projects • Unified Science Environment • All NERSC systems on the grid (2/2004)
Terascale Simulations of Supernovae • PI: Tony Mezzacappa, ORNL • Allocation Category: SciDAC • Code: neutrino scattering on lattices (OAK3D) • Kernel: complex linear equations • Performance: 537 Mflop/s per processor (35% of peak) • Scalability: 1.1 Tflop/s on 2,048 processors • Allocation: 565,000 MPP hours; requested and needs 1.52 million
Simulation Matches Gamma Ray Burst • SciDAC Project by Stan Woosley et al., UC Santa Cruz • In March 2003 HETE satellite observed unusually close and bright GRB • “Rosetta stone” of GRBs, because it conclusively established that at least some long GRBs come from supernovas • By 1993, 135 different theories on the origin of GRBs had been published in scientific journals • NERSC simulations show that “collapsar” model best describes data [1] J. Hjorth, J. Sollerman, P. Møller, J. P. U. Fynbo, S. E. Woosley, et al., “A very energetic supernova associated with the -ray burst of 29 March 2003,” Nature 423, 847 (2003).
ProteinShop: Computational Steering of Protein Folding • Teresa Head-Gordon et al. , UC Berkeley (optimization and protein folding), and Silvia Crivelli, LBNL et al. (visualization) • ProteinShop incorporates inverse kinematics from robotics or video gaming to permit biologist to manipulate protein interactively • Optimization finds local energy minimum on Seaborg • Permits much larger search space, and integration of intuitive knowledge • Best paper award at IEEE Visualization Conference, and “most innovative” at CASP • submitted for R&D 100 award
INCITE • INCITE - Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment - devotes 10% (4.9M hours) of NERSC resources to the most significant science regardless of DOE affiliation • Proposal Demographics • 52 proposals received • 130,508,660 CPU hours requested (1 proposal asked for 71,761,920 hours – the rest were well justified – less than 5M hours) • An oversubscription of 13 to 29 times.
FY04 INCITE Awards Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) • Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Photosynthetic Centers; William Lester, Berkeley Lab • Stellar Explosions in Three Dimensions; Tomasz Plewa, University of Chicago • Fluid Turbulence; P.K. Yeung, Georgia Institute of Technology