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Global Strategy Implementation Meeting for Agricultural Statistics in CIS Region

Join the meeting on the progress, funding, governance, and research component of the Global Strategy for Agricultural Statistics. Learn about the action plans, implementation in regions, training activities, and outcomes of research planned for 2015.

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Global Strategy Implementation Meeting for Agricultural Statistics in CIS Region

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  1. CIS Region Start-up meeting on implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics Budapest 4-5 February 2015 Christophe DUHAMEL, Global Office FAO

  2. Outline Reminder on the Global Strategy How far are we in the implementation? Progress on the research component Funding

  3. Reminder on the Global Strategy

  4. Addressing urgent needs How? Research: cost-effective methods; guidelines

  5. How far in the implementation?

  6. Governance Global governance put in place and functioning Regional mechanisms functioning Action plan extended: 2012-2016 > 2012-2017 Regional action plans: • Africa and Asia-Pacific operational • CIS to be endorsed by GSC • LAC, Near East to be finalised

  7. Implementation at global level Coordination: improved with regional implementing partners New M&E framework, articulated with regions GS, umbrella for other TA initiatives Research component:>> • Communication tools: e-bulletin, booklets, website

  8. Implementation in the regions (1) • Implementing partners: • FAO regional office for TA, ESCAP/SIAP for Training (Asia) • AfDB for TA, UNECA for Training (Africa) • Regional Steering Committees • chaired by Philippines and Sri Lanka (Asia) • chaired by Ghana and Cabo Verde • Regional Offices in place

  9. Implementation in the regions (2) • Country Assessments and In-Depth Country Assessments (IdCA) • CA carried out in 2012-2013, used for selecting priority countries • IdCA completed in 5 countries in Asia, 7 in Africa • Support Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Rural Statistics (SPARS) • “Light” SPARS (following IdCA) in Asia: • Full SPARS in Africa • Technical Assistance on new cost-effective methods • to start following priorities identified through IdCA, SPARS evaluation

  10. Implementation in the regions (3)

  11. Training activities • Coordination Africa/Asia (needs assessment, curricula, syllabus, e-learning material) • Support to regional training centres • Scholarships in Africa • Training modules to be prepared Implementation in the regions (4)

  12. Which progress on research?

  13. OUTLINE Recall of goal of research programme Research activities for 2015 Focus on Minimum Set of Core Data / AGRIS

  14. Goal of Research programme contribute to significant improvement in quality, reliability ,cost- effectiveness of agricultural statistics in developing countries through: developing cost-effective methods (new methodological and technological developments) documenting, consolidating and disseminating good practices inputs for developing guidelines, handbooks and training materialsfor TA and Training

  15. Research activities planned for 2015

  16. OUTCOME OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN 2015: TECHNICAL REPORTS EXPECTED IN 2015 Technical Report on Improving methods for linking area frames with list frames Technical paper on Spatial disaggregation, integration of geo. Info - geo-ref. survey data Technical Report on Cost-efficiency of remote sensing in developing countries Technical Report on improved methods for estimating Crop Area, Yield and Production of mixed, repeated, continuous crops Technical Report on Improved Methods for Estimating Livestock and Livestock Products Technical Report on reconciliation of agricultural census and survey data Technical Report on Determination of users data needs for decision making

  17. OUTCOME OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN 2015: MAJOR GUIDELINES EXPECTED IN 2015 Handbook on Master Sampling Frame Guidelines on Integrated survey framework Guidelines on AGRIS (Agricultural-Rural Integrated Survey) Handbook on SEAA-AFF Handbook on Methods for estimating cost of production Guidelines on improved methods for estimating Post-Harvest Losses Handbook of best practices on nomadic livestock estimates Guidelines for Compiling Food Balance Sheets Guidelines on Improved Methods for Estimating Crop Area/Yield of root crops Guidelines to improved methodology for using remote sensing Guidelines on Fisheries and Aquaculture in Census Framework Guidelines to improve quality and use of administrative data

  18. Minimum Set of Core Data / AGRIS Reminder: Minimum Set of Core Data What has been improved • Data structure and additional information • Planning the data collection of MSCD • Proposing a survey tool on Agricultural Holding sector: AGRIS • Ensuring linkages between MSCD-WCA 2020-AGRIS items

  19. Reminder: MSCD Objectives of the Global Strategy: enabling countries to produce and disseminate on a regular basis a minimum set of reliable and comparable core economic, social and environmental data , using cost-effective methods The Minimum Set of Core Data =the first pillar of the Global Strategy to improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics within the purpose of integrating the Agricultural Statistics in the National Statistical System. Provide basic items as inputs for:the national accounts and global balances of supply demand for food and other agricultural products ; running of a multitude of indicators needed to monitor and evaluate development policies, food security and progress toward meeting the MDGs/SDGs

  20. MSCD: What has been improved • Data structure and additional information • Planning the data collection of MSCD • Proposing a survey tool on Agricultural Holding sector: AGRIS • Ensuring linkages between MSCD-WCA 2020-AGRIS items

  21. Data Structure

  22. Reference Metadata for each variable

  23. Summary Table

  24. MSCD: What has been improved • Data structure and additional information • Planning the data collection of MSCD • Proposing a survey tool on Agricultural Holding sector: AGRIS • Ensuring linkages between MSCD-WCA 2020-AGRIS items

  25. How to plan the data collection of MSCD Determine the national priorities of core items 10 years Identify Statistical Unit Frequency Other (Admin. Records) Holding (HH and non-HH sectors) Agricultural Census Annual or Multiannual Household Surveys, AGRIS Agric. Household Yes No Annual or Multiannual 10 years Frequency Household Surveys PopulationCensus

  26. MSCD: What has been improved • Data structure and additional information • Planning the data collection of MSCD • Proposing a survey tool on Agricultural Holding sector: AGRIS • Ensuring linkages between MSCD-WCA 2020-AGRIS items

  27. The Agricultural and Rural Integrated Survey (AGRIS) A methodology for a standardized multipurpose and modular survey on Agricultural Holding sectors, which aims at collecting MSCD and other relevant agricultural and rural data on a regular basis Using methods and tools developed under the Global Strategy Building on and strengthening existing survey activities going on in countries

  28. AGRIS Structure

  29. AGRIS advantages as an integrated survey framework approach • Strengthening the country capacity in planning and coordinatingthe national agricultural surveys program (ref: SPARS List Censuses-Surveys) • Harmonizing sample frames in building a master sampling frame for all modules • Improving the data quality by harmonizing the main sources, with the adoption of common international standards on concepts, definitions and classifications (CPC, SEEA, HS, etc.) in line with the recommendations of World Census Program 2020 • Better use of resources such as the reduction of cost and timefor the implementation and technical personnel training

  30. What has been improved • Data structure and additional information • Planning the data collection of MSCD • Proposing a survey tool on Agricultural Holding sector: AGRIS • Ensuring linkages between MSCD-WCA 2020-AGRIS items

  31. Link between MSCD-WCA 2020-AGRIS items

  32. Funding

  33. Funding: the situation Total budget: 84 M USD, Total committed: 41 M USD Recentlyin negotiation with EU: 10 M USD for Africa Global Trust Fund put in place and disbursements made to regional implementing partners (UNECA, UNESCAP, AfDB, FAO) Still 3 regions without funding from Trust Fund: LAC, Near East, CIS - but support of the World Bank (CIS), IaDB (LAC) > Mid-term conference + Donors meeting June 2015 Rome

  34. Thank You www.gsars.org christophe.duhamel@fao.org

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