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European Union Police Mission Operations on the ground : lessons to be learned. Bosnia Herzegovina

European Union Police Mission Operations on the ground : lessons to be learned. Bosnia Herzegovina. Study days – EEP-ED Group in the European Parliament 2-4 July 2008 Operations on the ground : lessons to be learned Bosnia Herzegovina.

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European Union Police Mission Operations on the ground : lessons to be learned. Bosnia Herzegovina

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  1. European Union Police Mission Operations on the ground : lessons to be learned. Bosnia Herzegovina

  2. Study days – EEP-ED Group in the European Parliament 2-4 July 2008 Operations on the ground : lessons to be learned Bosnia Herzegovina

  3. The presence of the IC on the ground with specific reference to the police missions: IPTF and EUPM • The different approach; • The change of mandate from EUPM I to EUPM II: the programmatic approach Vs the operational approach; • Monitoring and mentoring Vs operational support and incisive presence.

  4. The main aspects of the International presence • Integrated approach: in Theatre, in the Region, inter pillar (judicial, police, penitentiary), inter-institutional (Council, Commission, EUSR, others); • The level of ambition has to be realistic; • The appropriate instruments: capability to enforce own mandate, avoidance of different agendas, common strategies and goals; • Focused-refocused action: flexibility and rapidity of the decision making process;

  5. The main aspects of the International presence • Transfer of competencies: among EU instruments (ESDP-Institution building) with a well synchronized strategy; • Early involvement: of the local institutions into the decision making process; • Synergy, credibility, commitment, assistance; • Result oriented approach: to adapt the mission to the results and to the changing situation and not vice-versa.

  6. Implementation of the Mission mandate • The Police reform as a case study (police reform as conditionality to sign the SAA and as a concern for future EU security); • Mandate: implementable according to the local situation and functional to the results to be achieved; • Timing: soon after the establishment of the State agencies and immediately after the end of the IPTF;

  7. Implementation of the Mission mandate (follow) • The Police reform as a case study (police reform as conditionality to sign the SAA and as a concern for future EU security); • Reasons: lack of coordination and cooperation • The way: top-down or bottom-up? • Political approach: the same approach, the same failures;

  8. The fight against Organised Crime • Operational approach: cooperation Vs monitoring and mentoring; • Police-prosecutor to be seen as a system and not as separate institutions; • Intelligence driven activities: appropriate instruments to be set in place (intelligence sharing procedures, Criminal justice unit, etc); • Regional approach Vs local approach; • Facilitating role with Int. organisations

  9. Lessons Identified On 5-6 June in Sarajevo EUPM organised the Seminar on Security sector reform in BiH. Many interesting points were discussed. • Among others: • Need for strong political agreement as a base for any major intervention; • Consideration to the local sensitivities;

  10. Lessons Identified • Local ownership under the supervision/monitoring of the IC; • Timing functional to the political debate; • Level of ambitions commensurate to the capabilities of support or implementation by the IC.

  11. Questions?

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