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Foreign Language Curriculum Mapping

Foreign Language Curriculum Mapping. Deborah W. Robinson, Ph.D. Debbie.robinson@ode.state.oh.us. What IS Curriculum Mapping?. A tool for communicating the “Big Picture” for curriculum decision making.

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Foreign Language Curriculum Mapping

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  1. Foreign Language Curriculum Mapping • Deborah W. Robinson, Ph.D. • Debbie.robinson@ode.state.oh.us

  2. What IS Curriculum Mapping? • A tool for communicating the “Big Picture” for curriculum decision making. • Documentation of content, skills, & assessments of students’ actual learning experiences in the classroom, by the calendar.

  3. Additional Map Content • Unit Themes or Topics • Essential/Guiding Questions • Learning Activities • Vocabulary and Structures • Materials and Resources

  4. The Mapping Process • Phase One: Collecting the Data • Phase Two: The First Read-Through • Phase Three: Mixed Group Review • Phase Four: Large Group/Job-Alike Review • Phase Five: Determine Immediately Revisable Points • Phase Six: Determine Points Requiring Study • Phase Seven: The Review Cycle Continues

  5. What Are the Benefits of Curriculum Mapping? 1. Involves all teachers in the curriculum development process through constructing, reading, & comparing maps. 2. Ensures horizontal and vertical articulation within/among departments through discussion about key concepts, skills, & assessments.

  6. Benefits (Continued) 3. Promotes interdisciplinary connections. 4. Serves as a monitoring device about whether standards are being met in each classroom. 5. Ensures that the textbook cannot become the default curriculum.

  7. Academic Content Standards Importance of Verbs >>> Cognitive Engagement with Material Importance of Nouns >>> Content

  8. How Do the K-12 Academic Content Standards Fit with Mapping? • Begin with the grade-level appropriate indicators. Level One starts in Grade 7? Use Grade 7 Level One starts in Grade 9? Use Grade 9 Level Two? Use Grade 10

  9. In Addition… • Include Lower-Level Indicators in Activities, Formative Assessments Groundwork Foundational Tasks Scaffolding Tips

  10. Mapping Misconceptions 1. We Must Develop Generic Maps for Level One, Level Two, etc. • Problem: Content ≠ Same (vocabulary, structures, cultural information) • Skills and Assessments May Be The Same • Solution: Maps for Each Language, with Dialog on Common Skills/Assessments.

  11. Chinese Vocabulary Nu’er, er’zi, Structures Tamen shi wo nu’er, wo er’zi, he wo. Cultural information Number of Children Limited or Pay Fees French Vocabulary Fille, fils Structures Voici ma famille: ma fille, mon fils, et moi. Cultural information Government Encourages Having Children ExampleTheme: Family

  12. SKILLS Describe Your Family. Identify members Physical/personality description Professions Favorite Pastimes ASSESSMENTS Create a ______About Your Family. - oral presentation - book - multimedia presentation - poster Skills and Assessments

  13. Mapping Misconceptions 2. Our maps are being used as check-off sheets for the FL Academic Content Standards. • Problem:Indicators are functional and repeat throughout year.

  14. Example “Engage in oral, visual or written exchanges to obtain and provide information related to target language cultures or topics from other content areas.” (Grade Seven, Indicator 1)

  15. Solution: Make a scatter plot to reveal gaps and redundancies.

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