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Overview. Many System inputs and outputs do not require much human intervention Electronic transmissions or paper outputs to external agents Integrity and Security Controls protect the system and its data Integrity Controls validate data
Overview • Many System inputs and outputs do not require much human intervention • Electronic transmissions or paper outputs to external agents Integrity and Security Controls protect the system and its data • Integrity Controls validate data • Security Controls protect the system from outside threats • System Interfaces can have technical requirements that pose high risk • Design high-risk elements in early elaboration phases • Security controls (secure transactions, encryption, digital certificates) • Design low risk elements in construction phases • Reports, Integrity Controls Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
SYSTEMS INTERFACES • Most Object-Oriented Systems involves extensive Input and Output and many people and organizations require access to Data stored by a System. • Information Systems capture Inputs and produces Outputs, and Inputs and outputs occur where there are “Interfaces” between the System and its environment. - User Interfaces handle inputs and Outputs that involve a System User directly. - System Interfaces handle Inputs and Outputs that require minimal Human intervention. Many of the Systems Interfaces are not as obvious to the end-users. • Systems Analyst requires a deep understanding of the existing Systems, Databases and Network technologies involving I/O design Systems that incorporates all I/O needs. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Identifying System Interfaces • System Interfaces are broadly as any Inputs and Outputs with minimal or no human intervention. - Such as standard Outputs e.g. Billing notices, Reports, Printed forms, Electronic outputs to other automated Systems. - Inputs that are automated or come from non-User Interface devices are also included.. Such as Inputs from Bar Code Scanners, Automated scanners , OCR device and other Computer systems. • Today’s highly integrated and interconnected Systems increasingly go beyond User needs, requiring System Interfaces to handle Inputs and Outputs faster, more efficiently, accurately and at any hour of the day or night. • Systems Interfaces can Process Inputs, interact with other Systems in real-time and Distribute Outputs with minimal human intervention. • When designing the System the System Analyst should consider alternatives to HCI to automate the capture of Inputs and the Distribution of Outputs. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Identifying System Interfaces • The following list provides some categories of System Interfaces to aid in identifying I/O Requirements and Design possibilities • Inputs from other Systems • Highly Automated Inputs • Inputs that are from Data in External Databases • Outputs that are to External Databases • Outputs with minimal HCI • Outputs to Other Systems • Real-time Connections (both input and output) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
The full range of Inputs and Outputs in an Information System Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Identifying System Interfaces 1. INPUT FROM OTHER SYSTEMS Inputs from Other Systems can arrive as Network messages, Electronic Data Interface (EDI) and many Web-based Systems integrated with other Systems through direct messaging. • Electronic Data Exchange (EDI) reduces the need for User input. • The challenge in EDI is to define the format of the transaction. • XML (Extensible Markup Language) provides a common System-to-System interface. • XML is extremely Scalable, simple and readable by Human being. • XML is extension of HTML that embeds Self-defining data structures with textual messages • Markup Codes are defined in a separate Document Type Definition (DTD) file or XML Schema. • Designed to take advantage of the Internet • Many newer Systems are using XML to provide common System-to-System Interface. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
A System-to-System Interface based on XML Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Identifying System Interfaces 2. HIGHLY AUTOMATED INPUT DEVICES Highly automated Input devices such as Scanners can capture many System Inputs. • In some cases, a Scanner might record the Input as an item moves by on a conveyer belt with no human interaction. • INPUT FROM EXTERNAL DATABASES Many Inputs come from External Databases. Some Inputs from an External Database might occur during processing of another input. e.g. Verifying Credit history prior to extending credit 3. OUTPUTS TO EXTERNAL DATABASES Outputs to External Databases might be required when the System produces large amounts of detailed data. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Identifying System Interfaces 4. OUTPUTS WITH MINIMAL HCI Such as theReports that are produced and e-mailed to recipients or Printed and distributed to the recipients, but the user is not directly interacting with the System to obtain Output. 5. OUTPUTS TO OTHER SYSTEMS Messages sent to External Systems that triggers processing are also Outputs. 6. REAL TIME CONNECTIONS Sometimes System Inputs and outputs must be Real- time connections. A Real time connection is both a System Output and a System Input, much like a System-to-System dialog. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
DESIGNING SYSTEM INPUT • When designing Inputs for a System, the System Designer must focus on three areas:-1. Identify Input Devices and Mechanisms • Electronic forms, Scanning devices etc 2. Identify all system inputs and develop a list with the data content of each (Provides link between Use case Descriptions and Interface design) 3. Determine what kinds of controls are necessary for each system input (Develop a statement of policy and control points) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Input Devices and Mechanisms • When Analysts begin to design a System, they assume that all Inputs will be captured via Electronic, Graphical forms because they are now so common on Personal Computers and Work Stations. • When Design of User Inputs commence,one of the first task is to Evaluate and Assess the various alternatives for entering information. • The primary objective of any form of Data Input is to enter or Update “Error-free” data into the System. • Several Good Practices to Input error-free Data into a System • Capture data close to the originating source • Use Electronic devices and automatic entry whenever possible • Avoid human involvement as much as possible • Use information from Electronic Forms whenever possible, rather than re-entering information • Validate and Correct information at the time and location it is entered Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Good Practices to Input error-free Data into a System Capture data close to the originating source Today many Systems enable the Data to be captured electronically at the point at which they are generated. (eg. Applicants filling their Life Insurance Policies) Use Electronic devices and automatic entry whenever possible Automating Data Entry and Avoiding Human Involvement are very closely related and often are essentially different sides of the same coin. Although, using electronic devices does not automatically avoid human involvement. • System Designer must design a System with fewer Electronic Input Forms to avoid some common Data-entry problems. - One of the most pervasive source of erroneous data is User’s typing mistakes in fields and numbers. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Input Devices and Mechanisms DEVICES USED TO AVOID HUMAN KEYSTROKING • Magnetic Card Strip Readers • Bar Code Readers • Radio Frequency Identification Tags • Optical Character Readers (OCR) and Scanners • Touch Screen and Devices • Electronic Pens and Writing Surface • Digitizers (Digital cameras, Audio devices etc) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Input Devices and Mechanisms • Using Electronic devices for data Input is critical but another potentials source of problem is the Input of “Fraudulent Information”. • Two Problems with Fraudulent data need to be addressed:- • Access Control • Input Control • Access to the System must be controlled so that only authorized persons or Systems can gain access. • Input Controls must be built into the System so that fraudulent data cannot easily be entered. • Although it is not possible to completely eliminate the potential for fraud, careful design of Input Controls will help to minimize the risk. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Defining the Details of System Inputs • Identifying Users and System Inputs with Object-Oriented approach requires the use of System Sequence Diagrams. • The Sequence Diagram provides a detailed perspective of the User and System Inputs to support the Use Case and the corresponding Business Event. • Additional analysis of the Messages themselves also supplies information about the Data Fields on the messages. • To obtain a through analysis of the messages Developer may have to consult the Design Class Diagram. • The Actual parameters that are passed in on the Messages need to be consistent with the attributes that are found in the Design Class. A table created from the SSD, that lists the Input Messages and Data parameter can help the Designer in defining the Details of System Inputs. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
System Sequence Diagram for Create New Order Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Input Messages and Data Parameters from a System Sequence Diagram Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Designing System Outputs The primary objectives of System Outputs is to present information in the right place at the right time and to the right people. • Designing the System Outputs tasks accomplish four objectives:- 1. Determine the type of each System Output 2. Make a list of specific System Outputs based on Application Design 3. Specify any necessary Controls to protect the information provided in the Output 4. Design and Prototype the Output Layout • Users may also develop their own Ad-hoc reports using tools and preformatted templates An Ad-hoc report is a report that are not predefined by a Programmer but designed as needed by a User. When Designing Reports, Analyst should ask whether the Systemrequires an Ad-hoc reporting capability and if so add such a capability. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Defining the Details of System Outputs • The objectives of this task is to ensure that the Designer has identified and specified all of the Outputs for the New System. • Designer should Use Models to identify and define the detailed specifications of Outputs. The model-based approach utilizes the information in: • Event Tables • Sequence Diagrams (Shows those Messages that originated from an Internal System object and are sent to an External Actor or System.) • Output Messages that are based on an individual Objects (records) are usually part of the Object’s Methods • Use Class-level Method to report on all objects within a Class • A review of all Output Messages generated across all Sequence Diagrams provides the consistency check against the required Outputs identified in the Requirements Models. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
A table of System Outputs based on Object Oriented messages Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
DESIGNING REPORTS, STATEMENTS & TURNAROUND DOCUMENTS • With the advent of Office Automation and other Business Systems, business people initially thought that Paper Reports would no longer be needed. • In fact just the opposite has happened. Business Systems have made information much more widely available, resulting in the proliferation of all types of Reports, both Paper end Electronic Reports.. • One of the major challenge to the Designers is to organize the overwhelming amount of information so that it is meaningful. • One of the most difficult aspects of Output Design is to decide what to provide and how to present information to avoid a confusion mess of complex data. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Types of Output Reports That The Users Require • Detailed Report Are used to carry out day-to-day processing of the business. They contain detailed transactions or records. They provide working documents for people in the company. • Summary Report They recapture or summarizes detailed information over a period of time or summarizes info belong to some category.. Mainly used by Middle Management. • Control Break Reporta report that includes Detailed and Summary information • Exception Report a report thatcontains only information about non-standard or exception conditions. It is also used to monitor progress • Executive Report :- A report that containsSummary information from Internal business activities as well as contain comparative performance with industry wide averages. This report is used by the Top Management to assess overall organizational health and performance. (Strengths and Weaknesses of the Organization) as well as for Strategic Decisions making. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
TYPES OF OUTPUT Internal vs External Outputs • Internal Report is a Printed Report (Hard Copy Report or document) produced for use inside an organization. Hard Copy Reports is mainly printed on chip stock paper. • External Reports are official business documents for an outside audience such as Statements, Notices, Legal documents etc. • External Report can consist of complex Multi-page documents • Printed on high quality paper containing pre-printed Company’s logo and Heading details. • Turnaround Documents (Report) An external output that contains a tear-off portion that is returned to the System as an input. e.g. A Bill that contains a payment stub to be returned with a check. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
RMO Shopping Cart Order Report (an External Report) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
RMO Inventory Report (an Internal Control Break Report) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Electronic Reports (Screen Reports) Organizations use various types of Electronic Reports, each serving a different purpose and each with respective strengths and weaknesses. Electronic Reports provide great flexibility in the organization and presentation of information. Screen outputs can be formatted like a printed report but displayed electronically. However, electronic reports can also present information in many other formats such as detailed and summary sections data and graphic together, dynamically change their organization and so on so forth. • An important benefit of Electronic Reporting is that it is ‘Dynamic”. It can change to meet the specific needs of a user in a particular situation. It can also provide Ad-hoc capability. • The other benefit is its ability to provide links to further information. • One technique is “Drill Down Technique” that allows the User to activate a ‘Hot Spot Hyperlink’ on the Report which tell the System to display to a Lower- level report providing more detailed information. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Electronic Reports • Another variation of Hotlink capability lets User correlate or extends information from one Report to related information in another Report. • Another Dynamic aspect of Electronic report is the capability to view data from different perspective such as Frames, Hotlinks, Graphics and even Animation. • Some Report Generating Package programs provide Electronic Reporting capabilities that includes all of the functionality found on internet pages. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
An RMO Summary Report with Drill Down to the Detailed report Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Graphical and Multimedia Presentation • The Graphical presentation of data is one of the greatest benefits of the information age. • Chart and Graphs have made information Reporting:- • Much more User-friendly for Printed and Electronic formats. • Summarize massive amounts of data and present it in Graphical form • Graphical Presentation is useful for examining trends and changes • Multimedia Outputs have become available recently as Multimedia tool capabilities have increased. • Combining Visual and Audio output is a powerful way to present information. • It is possible to see a Graphical and possible Animated presentation of the information on the screen and to hear an Audio description of the salient points. • As the design of System Outputs progress, it is beneficial to evaluate the various presentation alternatives. • Reporting Packages can be utilized to provide a full range of reporting alternatives. Developers should carefully analyze each output report to determine the objective and select the form of the output that is most appropriate for the information and its use. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Sample Bar Chart and Pie Chart Reports Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Formatting Reports • Generally Report Design is not difficult if you remember that the objective of any Report is to provide meaningful information not just data and to provide it in a format that is easy to read. • Analyst must keep three Design Principles in mind during the design of output reports 1. The objective of the report 2. The intended audience 3. The medium for presentation • In some instances user need the Report to monitor progress, or to make strategic decision etc. • Decision about the content and the Format should be based on the audience and the use of the report. • Often Designers must decide on the level of details for the format of the report. Avoid information overload! • The Format of the Report is also important. Every report should have a meaningful title to indicate the data content. Date the report produced, effective date of the report and page number. • Designers often assume that reports will be printed on stock paper. However Electronic Reports are also powerful method of producing output information. • Designers must consider whether output information will be accessed from non-standard devices and transmitted via limited bandwidth channels. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Designing Integrity Controls • Information System Controls are mechanisms and procedures that are built into an Application System to safeguard both the System and the information within it. • Generally Controls that are integrated into the Application Systems and into the Database that support them areIntegrity Controls • Controls in the Operating Systems and Network are often referred to as Security Controls. • Systems Developers are generally so focused on designing the Software itself that they forget to develop the necessary Controls. • Because Computer Systems are so pervasive and companies depend heavily on Information Systems , a Development Project that does not specifically include Integrity Controls is inviting disaster. System will be subject to errors, fraud, and deceptive practices, making it unusable. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Points of Security and Integrity Controls Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Designing Integrity Controls The primary objectives of Integrity Controls • Ensure that Only appropriate and correct business transactions occur • Ensure that the transactions are recorded and processed correctly • Protect and safeguard the assets of the organization • The first objective focuses on the identification and capture of Input transactions and ensures that all important business transactions are included - .(No transactions is lost or missing and that no fraudulent or erroneous transactions entered ) • Second Objective focuses on the Controls that are needed to detect and alert users to Data-entry errors and system bugs that cause problems in processing and recording data. • Third objective addresses loss of information from Computer crashes or catastrophes including protection of important information on computer files that could be destroyed by a disgruntled employee or possible even a hacker. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Input Integrity Controls One of the primary Control Points for ensuring correct data is at the point of Data Input. • Input Controls are an additional level of verification that helps reduce errors in input data. • Input Integrity Controls are used with all input mechanism, from electronic devices to standard keyboard inputs. Common Input Integrity Techniques • Field Combination Controls • Value Limit Controls • Completeness Controls • Data Validation Controls Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Input Integrity Controls • Field Combination Controls Review various combinations of fields to ensure correct data entry • Value Limit Controls Check numeric fields to make sure that amount entered is reasonable • Completeness Controls Ensure that all necessary fields are completed. This check can be executed asinput occurs so that, when certain fields are entered. Additional required fields must be entered. • Data Validation Controls Ensure that Numeric fields with Codes are correct. e.g .Verify the Check Digit entered as part of input data by recalculating check digit based on the numerical fields. If result do not match, then report input error. • Other Data Validation Controls Validation Controls that can be done Online against Internal Tables or Files. eg. A Customer Number can be validated against the Customer File at the time of entering a new Order. The System Designer can reduce the need for Other Data Validations by designing a System to obtain the data for a particular field from other information already in the System. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Database Integrity Controls Most Database Management Systems include Integrity and Security features providing an additional layer of Control. Five Major areas of Security and Control can be implemented at the Database level:- 1. Access controls 2. Data Encryption 3. Transaction Control 4. Update Control 5. Backup and Recovery Protection Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Database Integrity Controls Access Control An Integrity Control that determines who has access to a System and its data. It refers to the ability of a User to get access to the data. Access Controls can be defined on Schema sub sets such as groups of related Tables or Objects, single Table, or Objects on single attributes as read only or read/write access. • DBMS stores Security Access information within the Schema and applies control each time data are read or written. • DBMS enforces Security Controls, it automatically enforces them for Application Programs that access the Database. • Some DBMSs rely on Operating System to identify the User who is attempting to access Data, which relieves the User from heaving to identify him/herself multiple times. • Some DBMSs implement Security Controls independently of Operating System. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Database Integrity Controls Data Encryption Encryption is the process of converting data into code in order to prevent unauthorized access. • Encryption is used both for data within a Database and the transmission of data especially over public carrier. • Data within a Database are normally encrypted with a “Single Key Encryption” methodTransaction Controls Transaction Control is enforced by “Transaction Logging Technique” in which any update to the Database is logged with audit information on who performed the update, when and how. (i.e. User ID, date, time, Input data, and type of update.). Audit trails of all updates to database can help trace any errors or problems that occur. • Advanced DBMSs include Transaction Logging as part of DBMS Software. • Some smaller DBMSs run on Personal Computers, do not include Transaction Logging. So the System Designer must add it directly to the Application. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Database Integrity Controls Transaction Controls Transaction Logging achieves two objectives. 1. Helps discourage fraudulent transactions. If a person knows that every transaction is logged, then that person is less apt to attempt a fraudulent transaction. 2. Provides a recovery mechanism for erroneous transactions. • A mid-level Transaction Logging System maintains the set of all updates. The System can recover from errors by “Unapplying” the erroneous transactions. • More sophisticated Logging Systems can provide a “Before” and “After” image of the fields that are changed by the transaction as well as the audit trail of all transactions. • These sophisticate systems are used only for highly sensitive or critical data files, but they do represent an important control mechanism that is available when necessary. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Database Integrity Controls Update Controls • DBMS are designed to support many Application Programs simultaneously. • Several programs may want to access and update a record or Field at the same time. • Update Control within a DBMS provide “Record Locking” to protect against multiple updates that might conflict with or overwrite each other. • Also Delaying commitment of the update until all updates have been verified is a technique used to protect the data from partial update of the complex transactions. • Delaying technique is useful where some transactions are applied to the Database have multiple parts; such as a financial transaction that must be credited one account and debit a different account Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Database Integrity Controls Backup And Recovery Backup and Recovery procedures are designed to protect the Database from all other types of catastrophes. • Many DBMSs provide various levels of Backup and Recovery. • Partial or Incremental Backups are used to capture changes to the Database during the time periods between Total Backups. • A Total Backup is used only periodically to achieve a complete copy of all the Data. The total copy is kept away from the site location to protect it against catastrophic threats such as fire, earth-quick or terrorist attack. • Another expensive yet popular security is a “Mirror Database” or “Mirror Site” technique. This technique completely duplicates the Database and the transactions as they occur. (This technique is becoming important as information becomes more and more critical to the daily operations of organizations. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Output Integrity Controls • The purpose of Output Controls is to ensure that output arrives at the proper destination and is accurate, current and complete. • Output Control is especially important for the Reports with sensitive information arrive at the proper destination and that they can not be accessed by an authorized person. • Types of Output Controls • Destination Controls • Completeness, Accuracy, and Correctness Controls Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Output Integrity Controls Destination Controls • Integrity Controls to ensure that Output information is channeled to the correct persons. • Destination Control in the past accomplished by a Report Distribution Control Desk. Destination and routing information is printed on a Report Cover Page along with the Report. • Destination Control today is implemented by placing Printers in each of the locations that need printed Reports still with a Cover page. • Electronic Outputs to other Systems is usually provided in one of two Forms:- • Online transaction by transaction output • Single Data file with a batch of output transactions. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Output Integrity Controls Destination Controls(Continued) Online Transaction-by-transaction Output Controls Each transaction must include its routing codes identifying the correct destination. - Both Sending and Receiving Systems need to work together to ensure that each transaction is sent and received correctly - The Output Transaction will have Verification Codesand bits to permit the Receiving System to verify accuracy of transaction. - The Receiving System also respond with an acknowledgement of a successful receipt of the transaction. • Although many of the Controls are now built in the Network Transmission Protocols, the Designer need to be aware of the Network and Operating System capability and supplement it where necessary to ensure that data are received successfully. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Output Integrity Controls Destination Controls (Continued) Controls For Output Data Files Normally, a System produces a Data file, either on Magnetic Tape or Disk and another System must find that Data File and use it. • The major Control issue is how to ensure that the second System uses the correct Data file. • Controls for Output Data file carefully identifies the Content, Version, Date and Time of the Data file before used again by another System.- Controls have “Special beginning and ending records” that contain Date, Time, Version number, Record count and Dollar control totals and so forth. • Destination Controls for Computer Screen Output are not as widely used as those for Printed Reports. • However Destination Controls in some instances used to control What information can be displayed on which terminal. This extra safeguard is used primarily for military or other sensitive systems. Close coordination are required between the Application program and Network Security Control system for Computer screen Output Control Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Output Integrity Controls • COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY AND CORRECTNESS CONTROLS The Completeness, Accuracy, and Correctness of Output information are a function of the Internal Processing of the System rather than any set of Controls. Systems Developers should ensure the Completeness and Accuracy by printing the following ‘Control Fields” on the Output Report. • Date and Time of Report printing • Date of the Report • Time period covered by the Report (eg. From 1 Jan to 31 March 2006) • Beginning header with Report identification and description • Destination or routing information • The Report version number and version date • Pagination in the format of “Page __ of __” • Control Totals and Cross footing • An “END OF REPORT” trailer Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Integrity Controls to Prevent Fraud • As mentioned earlier, one of the Objective of Integrity Control is to safeguard the Assets of the Organization. • Since Fraud is a serious threat to organizations assets several additional techniques must be considered in the System Design to further increase System protection besides several besides the Input Controls, Database Controls and Output Controls in order to prevent Fraud by Automated records of money and assets. • Control of Fraud requires both Manual Procedures and Computer Integrity Controls. Thus the System Developers need to work together with Business users who are knowledgeable about Accounting principles to prevent Fraud. • Software and System Controls will not completely eliminate fraud. Nevertheless, System Developers should be aware of the fundamental elements that make fraud possible and incorporate System Controls to combat it. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process
Integrity Controls to Prevent Fraud • Fraud is a serious problem! The economic losses of Fraud caused by fraudulent activity around the world is staggering. Several major corporations have been forced into bankruptcy or closure due to Fraudulent behavior of their key executives. Research indicates that three conditions are present in almost all fraud cases • Personal pressure, such as desire to maintain an extravagant lifestyle • Rationalization, such as the thought “I will repay this money later on ” • Opportunity, such as unverified cash receipt • An opportunity for Fraud can exist in every System regardless of being a Financial system. Therefore, System Designers must be aware of this and built Integrity Control mechanism in the System to reduce the opportunity for Fraud.. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process