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Coulomb Breakup and Pairing Excitation of Two-Neutron Halo Nucleus 11 Li

Coulomb Breakup and Pairing Excitation of Two-Neutron Halo Nucleus 11 Li. Niigata University S . Aoyama RCNP T. Myo Hokkaido Univeristy K. Kato Riken K. Ikeda. S. Aoyama, K. Kato, T. Myo and K. Ikeda, PTP 107(2002). T. Myo, S. Aoyama, K. Kato and K. Ikeda, PLB576(2003).

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Coulomb Breakup and Pairing Excitation of Two-Neutron Halo Nucleus 11 Li

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  1. Coulomb Breakup and Pairing Excitation of Two-Neutron Halo Nucleus 11Li Niigata University S . Aoyama RCNP T. Myo Hokkaido Univeristy K. Kato Riken K. Ikeda S. Aoyama, K. Kato, T. Myo and K. Ikeda, PTP 107(2002). T. Myo, S. Aoyama, K. Kato and K. Ikeda, PLB576(2003).

  2. Neutron Halo Structure neutron neutron Borromean system 9Li+n subsystem  ⇒unbound 9Li-core n+n subsystem ⇒unbound Neutron Halo 9Li+n+n ⇒loosely bound B.V. Danilin et al. PRC43, 2835(1991)

  3. Complex Scaled Cluster Orbital Shell Model 4He+n+n: S. Aoyama, S. Mukai, K. Kato and K. Ikeda, PTP93 (1995). J. Aguilar and J.M. Combes, Commun. Math. Phys. 22(1971), 269. E. Balslev and J.M. Combes, Commun. Math. Phys. 22(1971), 280. Many higher orbits 9Li+n+n threshold Gamow Shell Model (Complex Scaled Shell Model) N. Michel, W. Nazarewicz, M. Ploszajczak , J. Okolowicz, PRC67(2003). R. ID Betan, R.J. Liotta, N. Sandulescu, T. Vertse, PRL89(2002).

  4. Proof of ECR for CSM was given in Giraud and Kato, Ann. of Phys.308(2003). Giraud et al., J. Phys. A37(2004). Gamow Shell Model is also based on ECM.

  5. Cluster Orbital Shel Model (Hybrid TV model ) T-type V-type ・wave function ψJM=φJM(V)+φJM(T) + ・Core+n+n Hamiltonian ・potential Core-n: Folding potential n-n: Minnesota(u=0.95) Gaussian-type potential VFcore-n=Vcnt +Vls S. Aoyama, K. Kato and K. Ikeda, PTP. Suppl. No.142 (2001).

  6. Energy Convergence of 3/2- state in 11Li Channel of COSM (V-type) Channel of ECM (T-type) [1] (p1/2)2 l=L=S=0 [2] (p1/2)2+ (s1/2)2 COSM [3] ・・・・・ Shell-like bases can not accurately describe halo! ! Hybrid -TV V-type + V-type T-type 28 shell-like orbits (l=14) 9Li-n potential: HN1,δ= 0.245, δp= 0.0866 n-n potential: Minnesota, u=0.95 S. Aoyama, K. Kato and K. Ikeda, PTP. Suppl. No.142 (2001)

  7. Partners of mixed configurations of (1s1/2)2 and (0p1/2)2 in 11Li three-body resonance Excited 3/2- state (0p1/2)2+ (1s1/2)2+ ・・・ 0p1/2 1s1/2 Ground 3/2- state 9Li+n threshold (1s1/2)2+ (0p1/2)2+ ・・・ 9Li+n+n threshold 10Li 11Li loosely bound state

  8. Pairing excited 9Li+n+n resonance Calculations with the Hybrid TV model

  9. A peak is observed at 0~1MeV in the Coulomb (E1) breakup experiments. ⇒ Soft dipole resonance? (E1 or 1-resonance) Neutron Halo 9Li-core Dipole oscillation K. Ikeda, INS Report JHP-7(1988). P.G. Hansen and B. Jonson , EPL4(1987).

  10. Separation of the Strength Function for Eλ-trandition Complex scaled Hamiltonian

  11. No three-body resonant states which correspond to the soft dipole mode! In this calculation, we deveop COSM in order to include the core excitation.

  12. Summary (1)As an excited resonance in 11Li, by using CSM, we predict the pairing type three-body resonance at low energy region (0~1MeV). (2)For the peak of the E1 strength in 11Li, we understand that the experimental peak is considered to be from the 10Li+n breakup and the 9Li+n+n breakup rather than the three-body resonance. Next problem We will study new Riken data.

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