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New Horizon College English. Iron and the Effects of Exercise. Unit Two: Section A. 1.Preview. 2.Pre-reading Activities. 3. Text Study. Preview. Task One: Turn to page 32 and read the preview part. Try to find the topic of this Unit. Discuss in pairs. (5 minutes) Topic:.
New Horizon College English Iron and the Effects of Exercise Unit Two: Section A
1.Preview 2.Pre-reading Activities 3.Text Study
Preview • Task One:Turn to page 32 and read the preview part. Try to find the topic • of this Unit. Discuss in pairs. (5 minutes) • Topic: Exercise&Health Task Two:Tell each other a example of how exercise affects one’s health.(10 minutes) 下一页
Home • sufficient • modify • undo • interfere • sum up • endurance • moderate • respective • plus • restrict • liable Task Three:Learn the important words and expressions.
Pre-reading Activities Task one: Spot dictation. Task Two: Get familiar with the background information.
Task Three: Listen to a short passage and discuss the questions in groups. • Task Four: Learn the new words. • 1.Learn to read correctly. 2. Learn to use correctly. Task Five: Learn the phrases and expressions.
Background Information 1.Purdue University: for more information about Purdue University, please visit http://www.purdue.edu. 2.digestive system: The digestive system is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. Inside this tube is a lining called the mucosa. In the mouth ,stomach, and small intestine, the mucosa contains tiny glands that produce juices to help digest food.
Background Information • blood protein level: please visit the web page at http://www.studentcentral.co.uk/coursework/essays/885.html to learn more about the composition and functions of blood. • Vitamin C To find out how Vitamin C works, you can check out the web page at http://www.howstuffworks.
1 New Words endurance n. the state or power of enduring (sth. painful) Example: He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness. Now You Try: 显然,这种锻炼会增强体力和耐力。 The exercise obviously will improve strengh and endurance. CF: endure v. endurable adj.
2 New Words moderate adj.Of middle degree, power, or rate;neither large or small, neuther high or low Example: Ten years of working in the company enabled him to afford a house of moderate size. 在公司工作了十年,他得以有能力买一栋中等大小的房子。 Now You Try: 以适中/中等的速度 一间中等大小的房间 at a moderate speed a room of moderate size
3 New Words respectively adv. separately or in turn Example: she gave a glass of beer to the man, and a toy to the boy, respectively. Now You Try: 他们的两个儿子,本和约翰,分别为3岁和6岁。 Their sons, Ben and John, are 3 and six years respectively. CF: respective adj. 分别的,各自的 respectable adj. 可敬的;受人尊敬的 respecful adj. 有礼貌的;态度恭敬的
4 New Words plus: 1) conj. and 2) prep. with the addition of 3) n. A sign showing that two or more numbers are to be added tegether, or that a number is greater that zero; an advantage. Example: • They will pay about $675 million plus interest. • 2) 3 plus 6 is 9. Now You Try: 这工作不仅需要经验,而且需要细心。 This work needs experience plus care.
5 New Words restrict vt. put a limit on Example: Speed is restricted to 30 miles per hour in towns. 在镇子里时速被限制在每小时30英里。 Now You Try: 由于校园小,有必要限制学生人数。 As the campus is small, there is a need to restrict the number of students. Use: restrict sb./sth. to sth.
6 New Words liable adj. 1) likely to do sth. 2) responsible by law Example: • We are all liable to make mistakes when we’re tired. • 2) Parents are liable for their children. Now You Try: 他一生气就高声喊叫。 He is liable to shout when angry. Use: be liable to do sth. 易于…的 be liable for sth. 对…负有责任
7 New Words sufficient adj. enough Example: There is no sufficient evidence to show that he suffers from iron deficient.没有足够证据表明他缺铁. Now You Try: 我们没有足够的食物分给每个人。 We don’t have food sufficient for everyone. 辨意:deficient adj. 缺乏的,不足的 efficient adj. 高效率的
8 New Words modify vt. change sth. slightly, esp. to improve it. Example: The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficient. Now You Try: 如果要使这些计划成功实施,必须对它们进行修改。 These plans must be modified if they are to be used successfully. (in grammar) we can use the word to show the meaning of ‘describing or limiting the meaning of another word.’
9 New Words undo v.1) remove the good or bad effects of an action or several actions 2) untie Example: 1).She knew it would be difficult to undo the damage that had been done. 2). He undid the parcel. Now You Try: 要是她赢了,她会毁掉我为之奋斗的一切。 If she won, she would undo everything I have fought for.
10 New Words interfere vi. 1) prevent sth. from being done; 2) involve oneself in matters which are collected with other people. Example • Don’t interfere with him while he’s working. • Don’t interfere in matters that don’t concern you. Now You Try 1)这噪音防碍我工作。 2)我从不干涉他的事。 • This noise interferes my work. • I never interfere in his affairs.
Important Phrases and Expressions 1.at risk: in danger. 2.go up: become higher in price, level, etc; rise. 3.sum up: summarize briefly. eg. 1.He is at risk now. 2.The temperature is going up. 3. You have 100 words to sum up his speech.
Newspapers contain many information topics such as spots, current events, business and entertainment. Which topic do you like to read most often? Give reasons to explain your answer. Writing Practice
Finish the Ex. III, IV,V, VI on Page38-41. • Read the text in detail and do the Ex.II on Page38. • Finish reading aloud part on Page 38. Assignments
Text Study Task one: Discuss the questions on Page32. Task two: Summarize the main idea.(students involved)
Task three: Analyze the organization of the text. Task four: Read the text and ask any questions on text. (Interpretation of the difficult sentences) Task five: Learn to write.
Main Idea The author tells us the fact that exercise will lead to iron loss. And then he gives us some details about iron deficiency,such as some causes for iron deficiency, 3stages of iron deficiency, and how to check iron deficiency, ect. Finally he just gives us readers some suggestions to correct iron deficiency. Main Idea
Organization Organization Part I(Para. 1-3):The fact that exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to iron loss in the blood of women. Part II(Para. 4-9):Some details about iron deficiency, such as some causes for iron deficiency, 3stages of iron deficiency, and how to check iron deficiency, ect. Part III(Para. 10-12): Some suggested ways to correct iron deficiency.
Difficult Sentences Important Phrases 1. Tip her over the edge: bring about a noticeable change; Cause to develop into another status Examples: Because of not being able to cope with everyday life they were tipped over the edge into break down. 因为不能应付日常生活,他们处于崩溃的边缘. 2. Throw up: vomit, be sick Example:The child has thrown up her dinner again! Jane can’t come; she’s been throwing up all the morning. She said she had thrown up after reading reports of the trial
Difficult Sentences Important Phrases 3. Striking increase: a great increase Examples: a striking idea A woman with striking good looks He bears a striking resemblance to his father. 4. Sum up: give the main idea of sth; make a total of an amount Example:You have only 100 words in which to sum up his speech. I can best sum up the advantages of the system by describing some recent encouraging results.
Translation Paragraph 5: The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron,” notes another expert. “for a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss form exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,” notes the expert Translation: 另一名专家注意到,”普通女性只摄入了日需铁 含量的三分之一”.他提醒说,”对于那些已经缺铁的女性,任 何因锻炼而产生的铁离子流失都足以导致体内缺铁状况的 恶化”.
Translation Paragraph 6: Athletes in high-impact sports such as running may also lose iron through a phenomenon where small blood vessels in the feet leak blood. Translation: 运动员从事高度剧烈的运动,比如跑步时,也可 能因为足部细血管失血的现象而使铁质流失.
Translation Paragraph 3: Women who consume additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,” she notes. “but the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels.” Translation: 莱尔注意到, “那些增食肉类食品或服用铁离 子补济的女性,能够恢复到健康状态.”但突然参加锻炼却仍 沿用原来的食谱的人, 则显示出铁离子含量的降低.
Difficult Sentences Difficult Sentences • …that endurance atheletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiencies.(Para.1) • Meaning: …that atheletes such as long distance runners, especially women athletes, often show a lack of iron. • 7 • Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back, …(Para.) • Meaning: Women who ate more meat than they usually did or took iron-added pills were able to return to their normal, healthy state, … • 7
Difficult Sentences Difficult Sentences • Women of child-bearing age…(Para.4) • child-bearing age:The normal span of women's production is between 18 and 50, with some exceptions. Women who are in that period are supposed to be able to give birth. • 7 • …since their monthly bleeding is a majoy source of iron loss.(Para.4) • monthly bleeding: women's physical phenomenon that occurs once a month, during which they bleed. The special term for that phenomenon is “menstruation”. • 7
Difficult Sentences Difficult Sentences 5. For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the stage into a more serious deficiency, …(Para.5) Meaning: If a woman who already has less iron than necessary starts a program of exercise that causes more loss of iron, then her iron status will change greatly and she’ll be put in a more serious state of iron deficiency, … • Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. (Para.6) • Meaning: exercise can lead to iron loss because of the various functions of the body.
Difficult Sentences Difficult Sentences • Fatigue and poor performance may begin in the second stage of iron deficiency, when not enough iron is present to form the molecules of blood protein that transport oxygen to the working muscles. (Para. 7) • Meaning: in the second stage of deficiency when there is no enough iron to form molecules of blood protein thattransport oxygen to the working muscles, one may begin to feel tired and unable to do their activities properly. • …and exercise performance is severely compromised.(Para.7) • Meaning: … and exercise performance is badly affected.
Difficult Sentences Difficult Sentences • You’re not stage 3 until your iron reserves go to zero…(Para.8) • go to zero: be used up; be exausted. • …it’s advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves.(Para.9) • Meaning: …it’s wise for people who belong to these groups to have a test each year on blood to see if the amount of their iron stores is sufficient.
Difficult Sentences Difficult Sentences • In general, it’s better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, because iron supplements can have serious shortcomings. • Meaning: Generally speaking, the better way to solve the problem of iron deficiency is to add more iron-rich foods to the diet rather than take in iron supplements because supplements may cause bad side effects. 12. This added iron supplements the small amount that naturally occurs in grains.(Para. 11) Meaning: This added iron adds to the small amount that is naturally contained in grains.
Difficult Sentences Difficult Sentences • …showed a striking increase…(Para.11) • a striking increase: a great increase • striking: adj. which draws the attention, eap. because of being attractive or unusual. • …the level going up nearly 30 times… (Para.11) • Meaning: …and as a result, the level has increased nearly • 30 times… • please note that this is the absolute structure in the sentence.
Difficult Sentences Difficult Sentences 15.…can interfere with iron being absorbed into the body.(Para.11) Meaning: can prevent iron from being absorbed into the body. 16. …you can remedy the deficiency before it really becomes a problem.(Para.12) Meaning: …you can correct the iron deficiency before it really becomes a problem.
Learn to Write Learn to Write This is an essay that deals with the relationship between iron deficiency and physical exercises. The author combines many different writing techniques to bring out this theme: iron deficiency and physical exercises are closely related to each other and we need to take proper measures to correct iron deficiency. One of the major writing techniques which is worth our attention is cause and effect.
Learn to Write Learn to Write Steps for cause and effect writing: Step 1: express one’s idea about something; Step 2: present the effrect Step 3: list the causes which bring about the above mentioned effect
Learn to Write Write Practice Topic 1: people should never be satisfied with what they have, they should always want something new or something different. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give reasons for your choice.
Assignments • Finish all the exercises after the text in Section A; • 2. Structured writing practice: Choose any one of the topics in Page 47 to write a short paragraph using the writing technique cause and effect.
Difficult Sentences Important Phrases 3. Stick by: continue to give help or support; be loyal to someone Examples: I’d like to thank my friends who stuck by me during the difficult times. She stuck by Bob when he was in trouble. His family can be trusted to stick by him whatever happens. 4. Sink into: 1) put money, labor, etc. into k invest Examples: I’ve sunk all my money into buying a new house; I hope I won’t be sorry. 2) put, force, or go into I’m hungry. I’d like to sink my teeth into a hot meal right now! You can sink you hand into the pile of feathers and feel how soft it is.
Translation Paragraph12: But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gains into this village that captured his heart with its fine stone cottages, its central area of green grass, green rows of hedges, and its fantastic view of rolling fields and pine forests disappearing into the distance like the men of an ancient army marching over the horizon. Translation: 但是最主要的, 是他将不法收入投进了这座山 村.精致的石屋农舍,茵茵的村中绿地,一排排青青的树篱,以 及绵延起伏的原野与松林,像古代行进的士兵渐渐消失于远 方的地平线上---这一派奇异的景色深深地吸引了他.