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Promoting new masculinities in Estonia. 1 4 October 2011 GET: Gender Issues in Europe Today. Key points. Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable, partner in GET project A few facts about Estonia Women, men and distribution of power in Estonia
Promoting new masculinities in Estonia 14 October 2011 GET: Gender Issues in Europe Today
Key points • Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable, partner in GET project • A few facts about Estonia • Women, men and distribution of power in Estonia • Toward a more balanced society - promoting new masculinities
Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable (EWAR), established in 2003, is an open and democratic women’s organizations network based on co-operation. Its aim is to form common positions among women on questions important to society, to advance participatory democracy and equality between women and men. www.enu.ee
Estonia Population: 1.3 million Area: 45 000 sq km HDI: 34th (2010) Parliamentary republic Riigikogu/Parliament 101 seats Independence restored 20 August 1991 Singing Revolution
WEF competitiveness ranking Estonia keeps 33rd position in WEF competitiveness rankings27.09.2011 Estonia and the Czech Republic, which ranked 38th, remain the best performers within Eastern Europe. The countries' competitive strengths rely on ☺ excellent education ☺highly efficient and well-developed goods, labor, and financial markets ☺strong commitment to advancing technological readiness In addition, Estonia's 33rd rank reflects solid institutions and well-managed public finances.
Women, men and distribution of power in Estonia Men are the head of the family, women are the neck,they can turn the head wherever they please.
Global Gender Gap Report 2010 Source: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GenderGap_Report_2010.pdf
It’s normal Let’s be clear: globally, males have all the advantages – at least some men in some countries! On virutally every measure – political representation, the workplace, the professions, share of wealth – males control a disproportionate share of resources in every culture on earth. So “normal” is this state of affairs, so universal, that everywhere measures of women’s relative status are set against the criteria of male standards. Source: Boys and School. A Background Paper on the “Boy Crisis”. Michael Kimmel. Stockholm 2010. Swedish Government Official Reports. http://www.regeringen.se/content/1/c6/14/91/69/04632432.pdf
Estonia is a rather typical post-communist country that has not yet gone through a culture shift from materialist to post-materialistvalues. Subsequently,Estonian culturally exalted form of masculinity is heavily based on working, earning andspending money. Source: Building a sense of worth while undoing hegemonic masculinity. Marion Pajumets, 2011. http://imatis.unige.ch/conference/abstractbooks/pdfversion.php?aID=3131
Value patterns among Estonian population The pronounced difference in the values of men and women distinguishes Estoniafrom other European countries, especially from Northern Europe. Compared to women, Estonian men’s value set is more one-sided and stressful, being more oriented towards success and progress. Estonian women and girls place greater importance on the majority of the remaining values, including orientation towards a secure environment, the harmonious development of personality, and self-expression. It can be expected that the failure of goals related to success and progress, caused by the economic crisis, will have a more devastating impact on men’s health and quality of life, since alternative ideals and interests that could provide support exist to a lesser degree in the value sets of men. Source. Reference: Human Development Report, 2009: http://ess.nsd.uib.no/bibliography/details/publication/503
Social problems are manifested in men’s short life expectancy (W 80.5, M 70.6 among the widest in the EU, data for 2011) The main problems of men are work overload intensification of working life pressures to earn more money neglected health problems low educational levels changes in marital behavior fathers’ rights Source: European Research Network on Men in Europe.The Social Problem and Societal Problematisation of Men andMasculinities./ Estonia, Voldemar Kolga, p 16 https://umdrive.memphis.edu/slease/public/ResearchTeam/ResearchReadings/Men%20in%2010EU%20countries.pdf, p Men pay a high price in a society that promotes male domination and traditional standards of masculinity
How should we change this? To change the situation, we need gender transformative interventions which question, challenge and change rigid gender norms and inequities. “In the social sciences, we no longer speak of masculinity in the singular, but of masculinities, in the plural, in recognition of the different definitions of manhood that we construct. By pluralising the term, we acknowledge that masculinity means different things at different times.” Source: Boys and School. A Background Paper on the “Boy Crisis”. Michael Kimmel. Stockholm 2010. Swedish Government Official Reports.
Toward a more balanced society - promoting new masculinities
Are we ready to share power?Research into attitudes among young Estonian male politiciansuniversity graduates /recent graduates (2001) Main findings: • They granted women the right to work, because home and children wereinadequate for self-realisation. • They would not invite women into politics or leading positions in thebusiness world. • They were unanimously opposed to a quota system,which would give a boost to women’s participation in politics. • They attributedwomen’s modest involvement in politics to women’s naturally smaller talents or interestin politics. • They thought that quota systems constituted unfair competition. Everybodyhas equal opportunities and why should women have extra help via quota systems! • They thought women are satisfied with thesituation, because they themselves have chosen their roles. Source: Research on governance, women and men politicians’ equality. Marion Pajumets, 2001.http://www.medijuprojekts.lv/uploaded_files/3_Estonia_ResReport_governance_ENG.pdf, pp 17-18
Are we eager to promote new gender roles?Gender equality monitoring 2009:
Notebook: My friends e-mail, skype, MSN, hobbies ... Front Back Minu sõbrad, Egmont 2011
ABC book for boys, 2011 Boys • deal with heavy machinery • are corageous • fear nothing • dare take risks • have no weaknesses • possess superpowers • act alone • don’t show affection • appear small outside, but are big as the Sun inside because they think so smart
New masculinities as solution to existing social problems Under ESF programme “Promoting Gender Equality 2008-2010”, the ”Fathers calendar” for 2009was prepared and distributed. The aim of the calendar was to draw attention to fathers’ andgrandfathers’ role in taking care of children. Also, a conference „Caring Fatherhood” was arrangedin order to discuss different concepts of fatherhood. It was discussed whether caring fatherhoodcould play a part in solving such problems as early mortality of men, low birth rate, high number ofchildren in one-parent families, child poverty, the gender pay gap.
I’m thrilled and proud of being a fatherFathers balancing work and family life Publication by the Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre, 2008
Parental leave in Estonia • In January 2004, when the Parental Benefit Act (2003) was enacted, was an exciting moment in the evolution of Estonian social policies concerning gender. For the first time, social policies encouraged mothers and fathers to negotiate who would focus on childcare and who on a career. The new policy stands out for its generosity, and has three components. • The maternity leave benefit normally starts a month before expected childbirth, lasts 140 days and compensates 100% of the mother's previous wage. • In 2007, the period of parental leave benefit was extended from 11months - until the child is 18 months old: - 100% of the parent's previous earnings, - can be used by either parent - from September 2007 fathers can use the benefit as soon as the child has reached 70 days. • At the end of the parental leave benefit period either parent can stay on leave and receive a moderate childcare allowance until the child is three years of age. The jobs of parents on leave must be held for them until they return to work. • Read more: http://periodicals.faqs.org/201004/2061353051.html#ixzz1aZGCBefC
The majority of Estonian men entitled to parental leave have not taken advantage of it and preferred to continue working.(Uptake rate in 2009 and 2010 6%). Accordingly, Estonian men's neglect of one of the most generous parental leave systems in contemporary world could be caused by a combination of specific historic background and more universal power inequalities of men and women. Formal measures must be supported by a shift towards post-materialist values and tolerance of diversity in Estonian society. Until that happens, embracing nurturant fathering as a lifestyle choice means a confrontation with dominant norms. http://periodicals.faqs.org/201004/2061353051.html
Why fathers don’t opt for staying at home with kids? • Although parents thought that excellent care was in the best interests of their offspring, they believed that the social status of caregivers was rather low, and for men, would certainly not contribute to their masculinity. • Replacing a work centered lifestyle with a child centered one was considered a significant risk to men's social image. Parental leave was associated with social labeling by men's colleagues and employers. Being cut off from work itself, work related issues and relationships, and knowing no other men in this situation, men might also become socially isolated. Source: Estonian couples' rationalizations for fathers' rejection of parental leave. Research, Marion Pajumets, http://periodicals.faqs.org/201004/2061353051.html
The world has changed enormously in the past half-century, but the ideology of masculinity has not kept pace with these changes. To promote new masculinities, we have to start as early as possible, from early childhood, from school.
According to the Gender Equality Act, effective as of 1 May 2004, educational and research institutions and institutionsengaged in the organisation of training are required to ensure equal treatment for men and womenupon vocational guidance, acquisition of education, professional and vocational development andre-training. The curricula, study material used and research conducted have to facilitateabolishment of the unequal treatment of men and women and promote equality.
General human values: honesty care respect for life justice integrity dignity towards oneself and others Social values freedom democracy respect for native language and culture patriotism multiculturalism tolerance environmental sustainability legality solidarity responsibility gender equality New national curricula for basic schools and gymnasia effective as of January 2011Fundamental values
Wake up, Observe and Act! • Project funded by ESF • Main objective: breaking gender stereotypes (and challenging hegemonic masculinity) • Implemented by the Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable • Coupled with a piece of research on teachers’ attitudes toward gender equality • Training for teachers in 9 regions • Study tour to Sweden • International conference • CD with videos and discussion topics
Conclusion What held girls back from succeeding in school were both institutional and structural barriers as well as traditional ideologies of femininity. ... What holds boys back from succeeding at school is the persistence of those traditional ideologies of masculinity. Understanding that ideology, it seems to me, is the best entry point for educators and parents who seek to develop remedies for the contemporary boy crisis. It is an entry point that would enable boys to fully embrace an expansive definition of manhood – one that could even encourage them to succeed in school. Michael Kimmel: Boys and School: A Background Paper on “Boy Crisis”, Stockholm, 2010.
Thank you for listening Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable Riina Kütt riina.kytt@gmail.com
Thank you for listening Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable Riina Kütt riina.kytt@gmail.com
Feminism? • The young male politicians thought that feminism is an out-dated import for which thereis no demand in Estonia. Estonia is not a western country where the standard of livingis high and people can fancy feminism. • In Estonia, Here isolated feminists fight with non-existentproblems, have a need for attention and appear afflicted. • Feminism is perceived as anattack on male roles, or even as an attempt to establish matriarchy. • In the interviews, theyoung men praised Estonia’s own and enduring concept of femininity that Sovietequality politics could not destroy, nor will western feminism affect it. • Gender equality was equated with by-gone Soviet power, Communistideology and leftist movements.
Promoting new masculinities • Research on men and masculinity • Gender equality monitorings • Projects • Wake up, Observe and Act
In 2008 an analysis was conducted by the Ministry of Social Affairs about policy measuressupporting fatherhood in Estonia and Europe. • In 2007 the Centre for Policy Studies PRAXIS made a qualitative study on the request of Ministryof Social Affairs for finding out reasons why fathers do or do not stay home with small children.
Thematic network: the social problem and societal problematisation of men and masculinities • Estonian national report on newspaper representations on men and men’s practices • The qualitative analyses reveals that gender is mostly presented in a traditional way, with inequality represented as deriving from nature of man and women. • Estonian printed media does not devote much of attention to men´s and masculinities issues. Men`s work-home, social exclusion, violence and health problem are presented mostly gender neutral way. If gender is explicitly presented, then traditional views are mostly supported • Space devoted in cm/2 on men issues and masculinities • Two weeks’ estonian press output to examine explicit and implicit analyses on men and masculinities, and their problematisation.
Research coverage is relatively good on work and health, but not on social exclusion. The explicit gendering of men and focus on masculinities is not directly presented in most studies. Gender issues are not seen as a top priority. • While problems like crime, poverty and unemployment are strongly gender-laden, their gendering is generally ignored. Social problems are manifested in men’s short life-expectancy; after Russia, Estonia has the largest difference in life expectancy between men and women, as the result of men´s health problems. • Interestingly Estonian men subjectively tend to estimate that their health is better than women’s and that they have less chronic diseases and health problems, even though this is not the case.
Post-socialist transformation • Surprisingly there has been relatively little academic work on men’s health from a gendered perspective in many countries. Evidence suggests that generally men neglect their health and that for some men at least their ‘masculinity’ is characterized by risk-taking, an ignorance of the men’s bodies, and reluctance to seek medical intervention for suspected health problems. • Risk-taking is especially significant for younger men, in smoking, alcohol and drug taking, unsafe sexual practices, road accidents. • In this context it is interesting that Estonian research finds that men are over-optimistic regarding their own health (Kolga 2000). Men’s suicide, especially young men’s, is high in the Baltic countries, Finland, Poland, Russia, Ireland. In these countries there is also a high difference in life expectancy between men and women
Considering the Estonian Parental leave benefit in the context of the current global economic crisis, fathers' rejection of the state's offer is even less reasonable. Indeed, the parental leave benefit has proven to be a most reliable source of income. • Compared to most other EU member states, the global recession has severely drained the Estonian economy (Eurostat, 2009). Many people have lost their jobs. Registered unemployment in 2008 rose to 13.5% (Statistics Estonia, 2009a). Several social welfare programs were either suspended or severely cut down. • However, despite the stringent state budget, in autumn 2009, the Estonian Government raised the maximum parental leave benefit by 15%. Retaining parental leave benefit's high compensation levels has clearly gained the status of the "holy cow" in Estonian politics.
Promoting new masculinities • What will happen to the gender roles? Visions of male politicians of the future“.
Situation with gender equality • The Gender Equality Act entered into force 1st of May 2004 • The Gender Equality Act stipulates that state and local government agencies are required to promote gender equality systematically and purposefully. • According to the § 9 of the Act public authorities are required to change the conditions and circumstances which hinder the achievement of gender equality. • Upon planning, implementing and assessing national, regional and institutional strategies, policies and action plans, the agencies have to take into account different needs and social status of men and women and consider how the measures applied and to be applied will affect the situation of men and women in society.
Women very easily take the blame for the phenomena whose root causes are found in prevailing patriacrhial culture and the norm of hegemonic masculinity
http://www.cpec.ca.gov/CompleteReports/ExternalDocuments/ESO_BoysAndGirls.pdfThe truth about girls and boys • The hysteria about boys is partly a matter of • perspective. While most of society has finally • embraced the idea of equality for women, the ideathat women might actually surpass men in someareas (even as they remain behind in others) seemshard for many people to swallow. Thus, boys areroutinely characterized as “falling behind” even asthey improve in absolute terms.