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SWK 64 5 : Field Practicum III

SWK 64 5 : Field Practicum III. Presenter: Jennifer D. Street, LCSW Class Meeting Week T hree. Agenda. Welcome Situation of the Week In small group In large group Stages of Internship Self Assessment of Skills Discussion Wrap-up. Situation of the Week. Small group guidelines:

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SWK 64 5 : Field Practicum III

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  1. SWK 645: Field Practicum III Presenter: Jennifer D. Street, LCSW Class Meeting Week Three

  2. Agenda • Welcome • Situation of the Week • In small group • In large group • Stages of Internship • Self Assessment of Skills Discussion • Wrap-up

  3. Situation of the Week • Small group guidelines: • Briefly summarize your situation of the week for your partner • Ask for feedback • Reverse the process

  4. Situation of the Week • Large Group Guidelines: • Choose an appropriate practice situation • Summarize it in 2-3 minutes (with attention to confidentiality) • Develop one question or comment you would like the class to respond to in discussion

  5. The Stages of Internship Sweitzer and King’s theoretical approach to internship movement over semesters

  6. The Five Stages are…. • Anticipation • Disillusionment • Confrontation • Competence • Culmination These occur over the three semesters of field placement Task accomplishment: the attitudes, skills, & knowledge that you hope to acquire at each stage

  7. Confrontation Stage • “THE ONLY WAY AROUND IS THROUGH” • The way to get past the Disillusionment stage is to face and study what is happening to you • Some students resist addressing problems; again, failure to acknowledge limits your learning, your performance & your evaluation • Making mistakes, emerging though problems, creates learning under safety of supervision!

  8. Confrontation, cont’d…. • Re-examining your goals, expectations & role is common at this stage • Through time and experience, you may find some of your original ones are no longer realistic or relevant. Programs and personnel change; goals are dynamic too • Feeling grounded: having clear sense of your role & what those expectations are

  9. Confrontation, cont’d…. • Check out your lifeline: those in your support system that bolster you when the going gets tough as well as when the going is great! • An effective lifeline is vital to the effective intern

  10. Confrontation, Cont’d… • Interpersonal challenges often occur with supervision and co-worker relationships • It is essential that the student examine, among many factors, the intrapersonal that may be contributing to the challenge, such as… • mounting personal problems • unexpected crises in your outside life

  11. Confrontation, Cont’d…. • Your task accomplishment at this stage is to keep working at the issues raised • A typical temptation is to “freeze the moment” & resist raising any more issues for fear of spoiling the progress you have made. • If a student gives into this temptation, they often exist in stagnation or end up regressing

  12. Confrontation, Cont’d… • With each round of confrontation that is addressed, the student: • feels more independent • is more effective • is more empowered as a learner YOU WILL HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU CAN GRAPPLE WITH TOUGH PROBLEMS EFFECTIVELY!!

  13. Self-Assessment of Skills In a group of 2, share the results of your self-assessment activity, including your greatest area of strength and your greatest area for growth. You have 5 minutes to complete this activity.

  14. Questions?

  15. For Next Week • Modules 1-4 • Finals Learning Plans in IPT • Ohare Chapter 2

  16. Have a great week!

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