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The Impact of ICTs on Teaching and Learning in Australian University. M S Arifeen Khan Mamun SUPERVISORS Professor Patrick Danaher Mohammad Mafizur Rahman. This project is supported through the Australian government’s collaborative research networks program (CRN Project 5 ).
The Impact of ICTs on Teaching and Learning in Australian University M S Arifeen Khan Mamun SUPERVISORS Professor Patrick Danaher Mohammad Mafizur Rahman This project is supported through the Australian government’s collaborative research networks program (CRN Project 5)
Policy context • The expansion of higher education participation (Stoke & Wright 2010) • The expansion of online learning opportunity (DBCDE 2011)
Introduction • E-learning is a definite output of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) used in tertiary education (OECD 2005, p. 21), and mobile learning is an advanced version of e-learning. • Online interactive teaching and learning is getting momentum around the world. • In Australia, in 2010, 12 % of the higher education students were studying externally (online distance mode of education) (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011)
What are the Education policy concerns ? • Student Attrition Rate/ Dropout Rate. Because it generates wastage of tax payers money. “ Outcome is more important… high attrition rate is not acceptable” (Education minister Senator Carr , The Australia, 2013, July 10, p. 25) • In Australia students’ dropout among the online/distance learners was 35% compared to 12% in the face-to-face system. • In Australia students’ attrition costs per institution A$ 36 million (Hare 2010, The Australian)
What are the issues ? • Overall, the graduation rate of the Australian young with bachelor degree was 37% compared to OECD average 40% in 2012 (OECD 2012) • During the year 2002-2007, percentage of graduation to the population at the typical age of graduation was 49.3 %, 49.8%, 50.8%, and 49.7%.
HE participation: National perspective Figure: Enrolment in tertiary types of higher education in Australia Gross enrolment rate was 80 % (World Bank 2010) Source: http://stats.oecd.org
HE participation: USQ perspective Total students’ enrolment in number • Reason might be decreasing international student enrolment. • In Australia in 2012, total enrolment decreased by 2.7 percent. Source: Data warehouse of USQ; updated on :Monday, July 15, 2013
What are the issues ? • There is an argument that the online/distance education provides inferior education (Keeles, 1995), though the researchers have shown contrasting results (López-Pérez, Pérez-López & Rodríguez-Ariza2011; Coates et al 2008; Yousef and Dhmani2008;Tien and Fu 2008; Lim 2002).
What are the issues ? • There are substantial researches about the ‘digital divide’ at the country levels, community, and at the household levels (e.g. Gutierrez and Gamboa2010) • However, the research about the use and purchase of ICT goods and services is another important issue.
Background literature Students’ dropout related: • Socio-economic background affects the likelihood of dropping out. • The differences in pre-university academic preparation is a significant factor conditional upon socioeconomic factors. • The students’ dropout is higher among the distance learners compared to the face-to-face leaners. • The organizational support and the relevance of degree program are two important drivers for distance learners’ dropout. Source: Belloc, Maruotti & Petrella 2011; Bound & Turner 2011; López-Pérez, Pérez-López and Rodríguez-Ariza 2011; Park & Choi, 2009),
Literature review..continued Students’ academic achievement related: • Social Networking Sites (SNSs) decrease both efficiency and productivity in an academic setting (e.g. Karpinski et al. 2013) • The use of ICT on students’ academic achievements are subject-specific,country specific. Moreover, the findings are inconclusive(e.g. Tien & Fu 2008; López-Pérez et ai. 2011)
Literature gap • Past researchers had defined ICT narrowly either as a computer or as an internet (e.g. Anderssen2006; Gutierrez & Gamboa 2010; van Dijk 2006). • The Digital Consumption Divide is under-researched area.
Literature gap • Aggregated data were used to investigate the students’ dropout issue; and where the institutional inputs are overlooked in the conceptual framework regarding the production function.
Research objective • To make theoretical contributions to the existing body of knowledge.
Major research questions • Is there any digital consumption divide; and what is the extent of the divide ? • What is the key determinant of a learner’s decision to drop out from the online course? • How does the factors influence the differences in learning outcomes?
Data • The proposed area of the study is the University of Southern Queensland. • The unit of analysis will be the individual student of a university. • The population of the study will be drawn from students enrolled in degree programs only under different departments as a full time or part time student. • In order to ensure student representation from all disciplines, a stratified sampling technique will be used to constitute the population of the study.
How ‘ICT use’ is defined ? Capturing the heterogeneity of the use of ICT
How ‘ICT use’ is defined. ? • Measurementof the variable is challenging. We propose the following ways:- • Say, Rahman, a student, uses laptop, and desktop computers for learning, so his ICT uptake n = 2. Total expenditure will be equal to (n× p) = $ value • Now say he subscribes broadband mobile and fixed internet so, his ICT use n=2. Total expenditure will be equal to (n× p) = $ value • Finally we aggregate monetary value; and calculate percentage of the total education expenditures. The individual distribution of ICT expenditures will be grouped into digitally poor and digitally rich.
Why ‘Consumption divide ‘ ? ICTs are household consumption items and educational contingencies. The Australian household spends 4% - 7% of the total weekly expenditures for the use of ICTs for both educational and recreational purposes (ABS 2012)
What theory is applicable ? Consumption demand, as understood by the economists, is defined as the amount of goods/services the people are willing to buy at a certain price. The theory of consumption demand states an inverse relationship between the price of the goods and services, and the quantities demanded,if other things remain same.
Model for ICTdemand = aggregate individual expenditure for ICT goods and services; = household income, = logarithm, = level of degree program, = discipline of study [dummy variable to be used], = mode of study of the studentand is ICT price basket.
Conceptual framework for dropout & academic achievement External factors- organizational support, family issues, financial issues, health issue Learner characteristics – ability, past academic preparation Individual Inputs Socio-economic status (SES)- age, gender, distance, parents education, income. Dropout/non-completion/ Results OUTPUT Education inputs at the departmental level – student: teacher ratio, quality of instructor, social integration, use of ICT devices Expenditure for educational inputs. Expenditure for ICT. Institutional inputs Individual Inputs
Theoretical framework for dropout • The study focus on the individual courses completion (outcome) at a particular semester say , in order to graduate at a certain point of time, say . Under such circumstances, there are two likely outcomes for a student at the point The outcomes are:- • The student complete the course. • The student do not complete the course (or drop out). Here is a vector of independent variables. The variable is a latent variable linked to the observed binary variable by the measurement equation Threshold point
Theoretical framework for academic achievement Education production function The education production function is usually a function mapping quantities of measured inputs to some measures of university outputs. is a variable for test score (or final exam grade) of the student. The variable K is a sum of ICT capital stock [ICTcapital] and ICT non capital stock [ICTnoncap]. L for other inputs. For detail: http://hanushek.stanford.edu/publications/education-production-functions
Analytical framework for academic achievement…continued Since, our study confine to one study, institutional inputs need not to be included. Specific econometric model: og+ …………… Eq.(3) og = Academic result of an individual. = Individual expenditures for ICT. = Individual entry score. = Individual’s socio-economic status. = Academic discipline [ dummy variable] - Hierachicalmultiple linear regression modellis proposed. - The regression will be used separately for the face-to-face and the online learners.
Novel contributions • Theoretical: • The consumption divide among the university student and its likely influence on students’ participation in university education. (i.e. minimum ICTsuse and consumption levels) • Factors influencing the distance learners’ decision about dropout. • Factors influencing the distance learner’s academic achievement.
Novel contributions • Methodological: • Introduction of ICT demand function incorporating the market price of ICT. • Introduction of education production function where individual ICT expenditure will be incorporated as an input of education.
Ethical issues The project 5 team have received a clearance from the ethics committee regarding survey already. In the context of the new faculty structure, a revised approval will be required.
Limitation of the study • The study focuses on one university only. • The study does not investigate the use of ICTs from the teachers’ and the institutions’ perspectives (e.g. web 2 technology) . This remains as future avenue of further research.
Summary Exploratory analysis • What factors ? And How ? Issues:- • Consumption divide • Students’ dropout • Academic outcomes Understanding the differences of consumption divide among the external learners and face-to-face learners Regression analysis Path analysis Applying the descriptive analysis Theoretical knowledge. Mean, median, ratio, percentage, ANOVA