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Chapter Operations

Chapter Operations. Chapter #4. Essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter. Knowledge of the FFA All members share responsibility Capable Officers A challenging Program of Activities A workable constitution and bylaws Proper equipment and records. Essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter.

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Chapter Operations

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  1. Chapter Operations Chapter #4

  2. Essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter • Knowledge of the FFA • All members share responsibility • Capable Officers • A challenging Program of Activities • A workable constitution and bylaws • Proper equipment and records

  3. Essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter • Well-planned regularly held chapter meetings • Adequate financing • School and community support • Chapter resource file

  4. Chapter Officers • President - Rhett Halverson • Vice President - Shane Kleppen • Secretary - Amy Fink • Treasurer - Blake Rasmussen • Reporter - Mark Shackelford • Sentinel - Jared Bolles • Parliamentarian - Nick Ator • Historian - Mandi Aus • Advisor - Mr... Osksa

  5. Duties of All Officers • Genuine desire to be part of a team • Willingness to accept responsibility • Desire to work with members as a leader • A commitment to lead by example • Knowledge of constitution and bylaws • Knowledge of parliamentary procedure • Memorize official ceremonies

  6. Duties of the President • Preside of meetings using rules of parliamentary procedure • Appoint committees (serve as non-voting member of committee) • Coordinate chapter activities • Represent chapter at official and public relation functions

  7. Duties of the Vice President • Assume duties of president if needed • Develop Program of Activities (serve as non-voting member of all committees) • Coordinate all Committee work • Work with President & Advisor to evaluate chapter goals • Maintain chapter resource file

  8. Duties of Secretary • Prepare and post agenda for meetings • Prepare minutes of meetings • Place all committee reports in Secretary’s Book • Be responsible for chapter correspondence • Maintain attendance records • Keep Program of Activities up to date

  9. Duties of Treasurer • Receive, record & deposit FFA funds • Present monthly treasurer’s report • Collect dues • Maintain Chapter Treasurer’s Book • Prepare membership roster for National • Serve as chairperson of the Finance Committee

  10. Duties of Reporter • Plan public information programs • Release news to media • Release news to State and National Newsletters / Magazines • Chair Public Relations Committee

  11. Duties of Sentinel • Assist President in maintaining order • Keep meeting room and equipment in proper condition • Welcome guests and visitors • Assist with special features and refreshments • Keep meeting room comfortable

  12. Duties of Parliamentarian • Assure rights of the minority and rule of the majority • Assist in maintaining order of meetings • Answer questions of Parliamentary Procedure

  13. Duties of Historian • Maintain Chapter Scrapbook • Serve as chapter photographer • Collect souvenirs and memorabilia

  14. Duties of the Advisor • Supervise all chapter activities • Inform prospective students and parents about the FFA • Instruct students in leadership • Build school and community support • Encourage member involvement in activities • Prepare students for competitive events

  15. Program of Activities • Serves as a Road map for the chapter • National Chapter Award Program • Broken down into 15 Divisions • Each division has a committee • Set Goals to accomplish for upcoming year • Every member should be on a committee

  16. Chapter Banquet • Spring of year • Awards for individuals • Highlight year’s events

  17. Chapter Meetings • Held monthly during school year • Conduct business • Agenda set ahead of time • Become involved • Respect others opinions • Be realistic • Have fun

  18. Sentinel Meeting Room President Secretary Reporter Advisor Treasurer Vice President

  19. Opening Ceremony Minutes of the Previous Meeting Officer Reports (Treasurer, Reporter) Report on Chapter POA Special Features Unfinished Business Committee Reports New Business Degree and Installation Ceremonies Closing Ceremony Recreation or Entertainment Order of Business

  20. Officer Stations • President........................................Rising Sun • Vice President..........................................Plow • Secretary.......................................Ear of Corn • Treasurer..........................Bust of Washington • Reporter............................................U.S. Flag • Sentinel...................................Clasped Hands • Parliamentarian..........Robert’s Rules of Order • Historian……………………………..Scrapbook • Advisor.......................................................Owl

  21. Opening Ceremonies • Officers memorize parts • Unison: To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should posses.

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