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Emergence of the United States as a Global Power

Explore the United States' transformation into a world power through interventions in WWI, expansion of influence, trade policies, Panama Canal, annexation of Hawaii, and the aftermath of World War I.

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Emergence of the United States as a Global Power

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  1. In the 20th century the United States will emerge as a world________?

  2. POWER

  3. The United States became a world power when we intervened in _____?

  4. WWI

  5. How did the United States expand its influence in the world?

  6. The United States helped create an international market

  7. John Hays’ policy to open China to trade for everyone?

  8. Open Door Policy

  9. President Tafts’ policy in dealing with Central America was called?

  10. Dollar Diplomacy- Got U.S. businesses to invest in Central America.

  11. Taft also Promised?

  12. Taft promised to protect their investments

  13. The first era of a true global economy occurred from?(time period)

  14. Late 1800’s to WWI

  15. Roosevelt and the Panama Canal

  16. Teddy Roosevelt encouraged Panama to secure its independence from___?

  17. Colombia

  18. Once free, Panama negotiated a treaty with the United States to?

  19. Build the canal

  20. Asia and the Pacific

  21. In order for the United States to bring Hawaii into the union it had to?

  22. Depose its monarchy

  23. Hawaii will then be ______into the union


  25. Hawaii will be annexed under the administration of?

  26. President McKinley

  27. Under the open door policy if you wanted to trade with China you had to?

  28. Obey Chinese Law

  29. World War I

  30. Although American entrance into the war ensured an allied victory, it failed to do what?

  31. Ensure a lasting peace.

  32. Wilson’s plan to eliminate the causes for future wars was called?

  33. Wilson’s Fourteen Points

  34. The most important things in Wilson’s fourteen points was his?

  35. League of Nations

  36. Mandate system?

  37. Gave certain countries control over parts of Germany or some of her colonies.

  38. Treaty of Versailles

  39. The ___and the___insisted on the punishment of Germany.

  40. English, French and also the Italians

  41. A League of Nations was created, but who was not a member?

  42. United States

  43. Many boundary lines were redrawn creating?

  44. Many new countries

  45. The United States failed to approve the Treaty of Versailles. Why?

  46. NO Republicans in the Senate voted for it.

  47. The Depression

  48. Roosevelt’s plan called the___ ___will permanently alter the role of the government in the economy.

  49. The New Deal

  50. It will also change the peoples’ ideas about the role of the government in our lives.

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