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Follow Gabriel's journey as he advances in oral motor skills, from accepting food to self-feeding and personal care activities like dressing and handwashing. Discover his progress and next steps in this comprehensive report.
Kristin Baruzzini Personal Care 2/24/2014 Oral motor Coordinates sucking and swallowing on 2/10 Gabriel (14 months) accepted food from a spoon he closed his lips when swallowing. Gabriel swallows food without much leakage and he swept his tongue to move his food around . Gabriel pursed and rounded his lips when he swallowed and swallowed his food without choking. Next step is to help Gabriel learn how to use a spoon.
Oral motor Swallows pureed or lumpy food On 2/12 Gabriel (14 months) ate some of the child study center’s snack of cottage cheese. Gabriel swallowed and closed lips when swallowing , and he accepted the lumpy new food. Gabriel used his tongue to move and munch the lumpy food around and chewed with his lips together.
Rate 2 Self Feeding Cooperates with feeding on 2/26 Gabriel (14 months) is able to hold his own bottle and can feed himself. Feeds Self Gabriel used his fingers to grasp the crackers and eat them. Next step for Gabriel is to help him learn to use a cup.
Dressing/Undressing Assists in dressing/ undressing On 2/26 Gabriel pulled off his hat and attempted to help put it back on. Next step is to teach Gabriel how to put on his hat . Gabriel kept wanting me to put it back on so he could take it off again.
Care of Hands Face and nose Cooperates and assist in personal car routines On 2/26 Gabriel (14 months) allowed us to wash his hands we assisted him in rubbing his hands together when we washed his hands. Next step is to get Gabriel to wash his hands by himself. Toileting No Evidence: Gabriel is not yet showing us any signs of soiled or wet diapers.