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Data Center Consultant: When You Should Hire Experts

Arnie W. Evdokimo is Chief Executive Officer of DP Air Corporation, a leading provider of data center design, build and maintenance services based in Phoenix. For more information about Data Center Consultant, visit our website.

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Data Center Consultant: When You Should Hire Experts

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  1. Data Center Consultant: When You Should Hire Experts

  2. Data Center Consultant • Any time a company plans to construct or expand a data center, hiring a data center consultant can provide the highest return on investment. • Data center design, construction and management are extremely complex functions. For the best possible end results, businesses need professional, expert advice.

  3. Data Center Consultant • When You Should Hire Experts • Level of expertise not often available in-house. Companies seek the help of a data center consultant for their design and building projects. • Areas of a data center project prime for consulting help include pre-design and planning, design and prject management. Data center consultants provide huge benefits during these project stages.

  4. Data Center Consultant • Planning Stage • Planning can make the difference between success and failure. • Determine specific requirements for your data center with comprehensive planning. • Companies get round-the-clock availability. • Select the best site location for your data center. • Data center planning considers the needs of today and the future.

  5. Data Center Consultant Design Stage A data consultant should have a team of architects and engineers in-house to help design the most appropriate facility for your requirements. Design expertise should cover; • power and cooling • fire suppression • security • mechanical and electrical systems • and more... • monitoring

  6. Data Center Consultant • The right design provides; • Energy efficiency to lower operating costs; and • Secure environment to protect critical company information and resources; • A well-qualified consultant will be able to provide a comprehensive solution.

  7. Data Center Consultant Project Management Services Management of the overall project is as complex as data center planning and design. A consultant can help: • Manage vendors and contractors • Acquire and install equipment • Deliver rigging • Commission your data center facility

  8. Data Center Consultant • Project Management Services • You would want a proactive consultant to identify issues before you lose time and money. • Avert issues with regular communication. • Have close attention to details.

  9. Data Center Consultant • Qualifications for the Right Data Center Consultant • Must have proven track record • With hundred data center projects • Can provide better chance in delivering project as expected. • Able to operate your facility effeciently for more years

  10. About the Author Arnie W. Evdokimo is Chief Executive Officer of DP Air Corporation, a leading provider of data center design, build and maintenance services based in Phoenix, Arizona. For more information about BMS integration, visit http://www.DPAir.com today.

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