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Nixon's Foreign Policy Achievements and the Cold War Realpolitik

Explore how Nixon's foreign policy, guided by Realpolitik and Détente, reshaped US relations with China and the Soviet Union. Learn about S.A.L.T talks, Middle East conflicts, and the OPEC oil embargo, and how Nixon's Shuttle Diplomacy resolved these crises.

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Nixon's Foreign Policy Achievements and the Cold War Realpolitik

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NixonAdministration Return to Conservatism 20.5 Nixon and the Cold War

  2. Nixon and Foreign Policy Was a very good President at Foreign Policy Henry Kissinger the major reason Nixon was so successful in foreign policy • Realpolitik- basing foreign policy on realistic views of national interest rather than broad rules or principles.What does this mean? *Détente-thecooling of tensions between capitalism and communism

  3. Nixon Goes To China • Understanding that Soviet and China were not getting along- Nixon decides to take advantage and try and split them(Realpolitik) First our Ping Pong team is invited to China and we accept “Ping Pong Diplomacy” Nixon first president to visit communist China- Soviet Union wonders what is going on so they invite Nixon to visit them. many things start to change for the better between the U.S. and the major communist powers(Détente)

  4. Ping-Pong Diplomacy

  5. Nixon Goes To China

  6. S.A.L.T. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (S.A.L.T)-reduction of the number of missiles that The Soviet Union and U.S. have By mid 1970’s each side had25,000 warheadsToday U.S.-10,000 Russia-15,000 Known nuclear countries:U.S., Russia, England, France, China, India, Pakistan, N. Korea and Israel

  7. Middle East Problems • OPEC-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries*** Not only in the Middle East***

  8. Israeli-Arab Conflict • Since the formation of Israel in 1947 her Arab neighbors have wanted to destroy her. Series of wars have been fought. • 1967-Six Day War- supposedly reason why Sirhan Sirhan shot RFK • 1973-Yom Kippur War- this one serious-Soviet Union sides with Arabs- U.S. helps Israel • Because U.S. sides with Israel, OPEC puts an oil embargo on the U.S. (stops selling oil to us) • 1/3 of oil came from foreign sources. Today 2/3 of our oil comes from foreign sources ½ of that is from OPEC. Actually Canada is our biggest oil partner.

  9. Yom Kippur War

  10. Embargo Effects • Gas went from .38¢ to .55¢ (1 year time) rationing system could only fill up by Last number of license plate. This one Could only fill up on odd days of the month Though Oil Embargo lasted about a year the affects will last until late 1970s- another gas crisis will hit in 1979.

  11. How was it solved? Shuttle Diplomacy

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