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Learn about the importance of academic honesty, definitions of cheating, plagiarism, and unauthorized collaboration. Understand the Honor Code and the consequences of violating it. Report any suspected offenses to uphold the integrity of the educational community.
A. B. Freeman School of Business Graduate Exchange Student Orientation August 16, 2018 Academic Integrity at Tulane
May 2007 (AP) “The largest cheating scandal ever at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business involved more than a take-home exam, a business school official said Tuesday.” “A judicial board later investigated the final exam and other assignments, resulting in the punishment of 34 graduate students” It can Happen anywhere
“Nine students face expulsion from the competitive two-year program, which will cost first-year students in 2007 almost $50,000 for tuition, books and a laptop computer. Another 15 students could be suspended for one year and receive a failing grade in the course. Nine others are set to get a failing grade, and one student could receive a failing grade on an assignment separate from the exam.” It can Happen anywhere
In a 2016 article, The Wall Street Journal reported serious incidents of cheating at each of the following schools: Ohio State University The University of Arizona The University of California, Irvine Purdue University Georgia Tech It can Happen anywhere
According to a June 5 article in the Wall Street Journal, public universities in the U.S. recorded 5.41 reports of alleged cheating for every 100 international students, versus one report per 100 domestic students. • An understanding of the Honor Code? • A cultural issue? • A problem with the language? Do Foreign Students Cheat more?
Are these schools different from Tulane? Is human nature similar in all students? Does cheating occur at the Freeman School? Does the presence of an honor code prevent cheating? What is the purpose of an honor code? It can Happen anywhere
Cheating – Giving, receiving, or using, or attempting to give, receive, or use unauthorized assistance, information, or study aids in academic work… Consulting with any persons other than the course professor and teaching assistants regarding a take-home examination between the time the exam is distributed and the time it is submitted by the student for grading. Definitions
Students should assume the exam is closed book; they may not consult books, notes, or any other reference material unless explicitly permitted to do so by the instructor of the course. Definitions
Plagiarism – Any paraphrasing or quotation must be appropriately acknowledged. Plagiarism also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials. Definitions
The presence of a student’s name on any work submitted… is considered to be an assurance that the work… (is) stated in his or her own words, and produced independently, unless clear and explicit acknowledgment of the sources for the work and ideas is included (with the use of quotation marks when quoting someone else’s words). Definitions
Unauthorized collaboration– Collaboration not explicitly allowed by the instructor to obtain credit for examinations or course assignments. Definitions
Facilitation of academic dishonesty– Knowingly helping or attempting to help another student violate any provision of the Code. NOTE – This means that if you help another student on a test or an individual assignment, YOU are guilty of violating the code. Definitions
If a student is unsure how a particular assignment is affected by the Code, it is his or her responsibility to consult the Instructor. Responsibilities
Lack of familiarity with the Code or with the precise application of its principles to any specific instance is not an excuse for noncompliance. Responsibilities
When a violation of the Code is observed, it is the duty of every member of the University’s academic community who has evidence of the violation to take action. Students should take steps to uphold the Code by reporting any suspected offense to the instructor or the Dean of their School. Responsibilities
Any member of the University community may file charges against a student for violations of the Code… preferably within five (5) working days of the alleged violation. Responsibilities
When you are charged before the Honor Board, you will be asked to state whether you are guilty or innocent • If you plead innocent, there will be an Honor Board hearing • If you plead guilty, there will be a penalty without a hearing • Usually, the penalty from a guilty plea is less than the penalty from an Honor Board hearing. Honor board options
In all cases of findings of guilt, the offense is noted permanently in the academic record of the student. Sanctions
A guilty verdict may include: • Probation… a student cannot graduate while on probation • Lowering of a grade to zero • A grade of “WF” in a course • Suspension from the University for a period of time • Expulsion from the University • Admission to or a degree awarded by any School within Tulane University may be revoked Sanctions
Students should be aware that a finding of guilty from the Honor Board usually warrants a grade of a “WF” for the course and Honor Board probation of two semesters for a first offense. • If the course is a prerequisite for other courses, it may mean delaying the entire program for a year. • Students may not graduate while on probation Sanctions
The University reserves the right to withhold institutional support from a student’s application for study at another institution if violations of the Code are noted in the student’s academic record. Sanctions
Students are expected to know the Code and follow the Code to the letter. Students are expected to encourage other students to know and follow the Code. Students are expected to know what is considered cheating and what is considered to be plagiarism. Students MAY NOT help classmates on an exam or an assignment. Expectations
Do you want your surgeon to have cheated his way through medical school? Do you want your airline pilot to have cheated his way through flight school? Tulane employers (our customers) don’t want to risk hiring students who might have cheated their way through business school. What’s in it for you?
The only value of a Tulane degree is its reputation Upholding that reputation is worth money to you on the job market and for years to come A loss in the validation of a Tulane degree costs you reputation and income What’s in it for you?