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Learn how managing work-life balance impacts work quality, health, and relationships. Addressing WLB is crucial for professionals and their students. Explore definitions, debates, and impacts on productivity and well-being.
Abstract • Work-life balance (WLB) is all about managing the work and life expectations without significant conflict. • If you are not addressing WLB, the negative implications can be seen in your work quality, physical/mental health, and in relationships. • As disability service professionals, we not only need to address our own WLB, but we may need to work with our students on WLB issues.
Speaker Introduction • The Story of Deanna’s Work-life Balance and Imbalance
Wikipedia • Work–life balance is a concept including proper prioritizing between "work" (career and ambition) and "lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/meditation). 1
Business Dictionary • A comfortable state of equilibrium achieved between an employee's primary priorities of their employment position and their private lifestyle. Most psychologists would agree that the demands of an employee's career should not overwhelm the individual's ability to enjoy a satisfying personal life outside of the business environment. 2
Techco’s • Techco asked 12 entrepreneurs and other professionals define the elusive “work-life balance.”3 Key Terms: • Feeling in control • Disconnecting • Not feeling rushed • “Attempt” is the keyword • Being able to live in the present • Money and time • Being a whole person • Happiness
All or Nothing? • Does work-life balance mean you are either balanced or your are not?
Do you need work-life balance? Why do you believe you need to have WLB?
Who says you need work-life balance? Who is telling you that you need WLB or that you currently don’t have it?
Who says you need work-life balance? What is your definition of WLB? In other words, what does WLB look like?
Gender issue? • WLB not initiated because of concerns about the individual or even as the result of gender equality 1 2 • WLB was addressed because of the needs of the larger workforce 1 2 • Both men and women can struggle with WLB
Potential Positive • Employee satisfaction • Organizational commitment • Increased productivity • Increased performance • Decreased turnover • Improved family functioning • Well-being of employees
Potential Negatives • Employee dissatisfaction • Decreased productivity • Decreased performance • Increased turnover • Domestic violence • Parenting problems • Physical health concerns • Mental health concerns
Disclaimer • This is not a scientific test. Information provided is not a substitute for professional advice. If you feel that you may need advice, please consult a qualified health care professional.
Instructions • Answer the questions as agree or disagree – you can keep your answers to yourself
I often feel guilty because I can’t make time for everything I want to do
I frequently feel anxious or upset because of what is happening at work
I rarely miss out on important family events because of work
My family is frequently upset with me about how much time I spend working
What Your Score Means • You may be out of balance – you need to make significant changes to find your equilibrium. But you can take control! • You may be keeping things under control – but only barely. Now is the time to take action before you’re knocked off balance. • You may be on the right track! You’ve been able to achieve work/life balance – now, make sure you protect it.
What Your Score Means • To find out the meaning of your score, visit the quiz on-line at http://www.cmha.ca/mental_health/work-life-balance-quiz/
Satisfaction versus Dissatisfaction • Do you think your students can sense your degree of satisfaction with your job?4
Satisfaction versus Dissatisfaction • Do you think your students will make a commitment to their WLB if you are modeling imbalance?
Productivity & Performance • Do you think students will perform to their capacity if they are imbalanced?
What if … • If you have a significant imbalance and it leads sickness or leaving your job – what happens during the transition to your students?