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The Purple panther

The Purple panther. By, Nate. Prologue.

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The Purple panther

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Purple panther By, Nate

  2. Prologue Once upon a time, there was a cool guy named Coolguy. He and his wife Montreal lived in a small cabin. They are top secret agents. He helps them with most of their missions. Montreal owns a diamond called the “Purple Panther.” All of a sudden one day, it disappeared! They suspect that Hurricane – the villain – stole it. Your job is to steal it back from Hurricane. Do you chose to accept your mission?

  3. Coolguy and Montreal are upset with you. They think that you should have accepted this mission. They will never ask you to do a mission again. Thanks a lot. Start over

  4. Okay. You have accepted the mission. Now you have to decide a plan. Would you like to spy on Hurricane, or just wing it and sneak in?

  5. Uh Oh! You decided to wing it, but you were caught! The police to you to court, and you were found guilty. Start Over

  6. You went to spy on Hurricane with Coolguy. He told you to try to climb over the gate to see in. Do you want to climb over the fence, turn away and say you are too scared, or tell Coolguy to climb over the fence? Tell Coolguy Climb the Fence Turn Back

  7. Coolguy and Montreal are upset with you. They think that you should have been brave and climbed the fence. They will never ask you to do a mission again. Thanks a lot. Start over

  8. You told Coolguy to climb the fence, but he says, “NO! Why in the world would I do that! Are you an idiot? You must be kidding me!” That made you cry and now you never want to be a secret agent again. Start over

  9. You decided to go and climb the fence. The only problem is, there are two fences. One is 20 feet tall, and the other is only 7 feet tall, but has barb wiring on it. Which do you want to climb? 20 ft.

  10. Uh Oh! Oh no! You tried to climb the tall fence, but when you got to the top you fell off! Hurricane heard you and reported you to the police, and you were taken to jail. Start over

  11. You told Coolguy that you want to climb the fence with barbs. He gave you special gloves to touch the wiring. You took them and started climbing. You made it over the top and then, accidentally, fell off! You landed in Hurricanes ginormous pool.

  12. Help! You are stuck in Hurricanes pool! Now you need to swim out and get the heck out of there. Or you can get out of the pool and check to see if Hurricane is in his house.

  13. What will you do? See if Hurricane is inside Runaway!

  14. You ran away but could not get over the wall! You were caught by the police and convicted of a felony. Now you will be in jail for the next 13 years. Start Over

  15. You got out of the pool and spied on Hurricane. You saw through his back window that the Purple Panther was just sitting there, hanging off a table. All you need to do is get in there. “You can get it!” Coolguy shouted to you.

  16. You tried sliding the back door open. It was unlocked! But the second after you opened it, an alarm rang! ALARM!

  17. Checkpoint! What do you do? Yell For Coolguy Break the Alarm Run Out

  18. Uh Oh! You tried to run away and found that Coolguy ditched you. Now you have to handle the police that are putting you in handcuffs. They end up taking you to jail. Back To Checkpoint

  19. Uh Oh! 5 You smashed the alarm, but then the police came, and before you had time to tell them what you were doing, they took you to jail. Back To Checkpoint

  20. You yelled for Coolguy. He came over to you and helped you disable the alarm. Then it turned off, and you grabbed the Purple Panther and ran.

  21. You and Coolguy both hopped the fence. But when you got over, you found Hurricane and his guards waiting for you. What do you do? Run past the guards Run in the house Surrender

  22. Oh No! You surrendered, and then Hurricane called the police and you and Coolguy went to jail. Hurricane got away with the Purple Panther. Back To Checkpoint

  23. Oh No! When you ran back into the house, Hurricane’s crew cornered you and called the cops. You and Coolguy were sent to jail. Back To Checkpoint

  24. You sprinted past the guards and they were slow as molasses! You and Coolguy jumped in you’re car and drove off.

  25. When you arrived at Coolguy’s house, Montreal was very happy that you were there. She was even more happy that you had the Purple Panther back! YAY! You’re welcome!

  26. Congratulations

  27. For

  28. Finding

  29. The

  30. Purple

  31. Panther!

  32. THANKS FOR PLAYING! Play Again!

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