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Time Management

Time Management. Goal. Get as much done, remember as much as possible in as LITTLE time as possible!!! WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER Key word: EFFICIENCY. Excuses. “Studying takes too much TIME!” Or “It’s a WASTE of my TIME!”. Truth. Retaking a course is a waste of time.

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Time Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Time Management

  2. Goal Get as much done, remember as much as possible in as LITTLE time as possible!!! WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER Key word: EFFICIENCY
  3. Excuses “Studying takes too much TIME!” Or “It’s a WASTE of my TIME!”
  4. Truth Retaking a course is a waste of time. Spending 5 minutes trying to find a pen, pencil, paper, folder, etc. is a waste of time.
  5. ASK Get a few classmates emails/FB pages Ask if you’re confused – they can help to explain something you missed ASK TEACHERS We’re here to help! RULE OF THUMB: Don’t email teachers late. 3-5pm is the best time.
  6. Student Planner Use this! REALLY use this! Cross things out that are complete Check every day Highlight big assignments or unfinished
  7. Multi-Tasking Biggest waste of time ever In 90’s, thought to be the best for production Proven to be wrong Why? Hardly anything stores in memory Many errors made Little to show for time spent
  8. Work vs. Play Work or Play Work hard, play harder Goal: Do well in school so your work will feel like play
  9. Internet Tips Bookmark the following pages Teacher website, specifically homework pages School Loop Commonly used research sites Irvington Library page
  10. Desk Organization Draw the place where you do your homework. This can be your desk, bed, kitchen table, etc. Draw anything that normally appears on the desk.
  11. Materials Are materials in reach? Point and label the following: Pens/Pencils Erasers White out Flash cards Planner Calendar Books Dictionary Computer/Printer
  12. What’s not within reach? Create a list of things that are not in reach on your drawing Label the list ADD (things you need to ADD to your study area)
  13. Materials not related to study Do you have any items not related to study? Create a REMOVE list- things you need to remove from the study area (a.k.a. – clutter)
  14. Distractions Label DISTRACTIONS – Cell phone TV Video games Notes/Love letters from friends Books not related to school Computer Applications not related to school Facebook Email Chat
  15. Clock Do you have a clock nearby? Use as a timer- every 30 minutes take a 5 minute break If you don’t have one, add to the ADD list
  16. Calendar Besides your planner, do you have a calendar nearby? If no, print a calendar sheet out from the internet. Just search “Calendar template 2012” Make sure you fill BIG dates, activities, etc. on your calendar. Post near your study area so you can see each day Use your planner to help fill this in
  17. Messy Bessy Do you have any items or areas near your study area that are messy? Where can you put these items?
  18. Priority List Take out your planner and a new sheet of paper Let’s do a priority list – you can do this each week to stay on top of your work Have 3 columns 1st column: Rank 2nd column: Assignment 3rd column: Due Date
  19. Worksheet
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