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Kabj Hari Churna a 100% ayurvedic churna for constipation provides fast relief from various stomach disorders. Click here for more info: https://www.shrichyawanayurved.com/products/best-medicine-for-constipation-kabj-haripack-of-2
WHATIS CONSTIPATION? • Constipation is a condition in which you may have fewer than three bowel movements a week; stools that are hard, dry, or lumpy; stools that are difficult or painful to pass; or a feeling that not all stool has passed. Constipation is a problem faced by people across ages, from elders to youth tomiddle-agedpopulation. • Constipated patients may feel tightness in their abdomen, or a sharp, cramping pain deep in their gut. They may also feelfullallthetime—as ifthey'vejusteatenalarge meal—evenwhentheyhaven'teatenforseveralhours.
CAUSES Eating a diet that's low in fiber. Getting little or no physical activity.Takingcertain medications,includingsedatives, opioid painmedications, someantidepressantsor medicationsto lowerbloodpressure.Havingamental healthconditionsuchasdepressionoran eatingdisorder.
SYMPTOMS • Fewerthanthreebowel movementsaweek • Stoolsthatare hard, dry,orlumpy • Stoolsthataredifficultorpainfultopass • Feelingthatnotallstoolhaspassed
TREATMENTINAYURVEDA Ayurvedic treatment of Constipationinvolves herbal formulationsthatinduce bowelmovementsandget yourdigestivesystemback inorder.Theseremedies treattheproblematthesourcetofacilitatebowel movementsnaturally.
WHYKABJHARI? ShriChyawanAyurvedahasformulatedconstipation ayurvedic medicine - KabjHari Churna. It helps in a lot of stomachrelatedissueslikegas,acidityandabdominalpain. Kabj Hari Churn is made using all herbal and natural ayurvedic ingredients like Harde, Sonth, Mulethi, Baheda, Hing, Variyali, Amaltas, Black Salt, Blackpepper and Amla which made it no sideeffect ayurvedicmedicine.
BENEFITSOFKABJHARI • ImprovesDigestion:ShriChyawanAyurveda’sKabj Hari Churneffectivelyhelpsto cure yourproblems related todigestivesystemandfacilitates smooth digestionprocess. • Relieves Constipation: It effectively helps to give you relieffromstomachissuesandconstipation. • Bloating and Gases: Kabj Hari Churn reduces stomach bloating,digestion issuesandgases andreduces indigestion.
Pure andNatural Product:KabjHariChurn ismade usingallnaturalandherbalingredientsandensures smoothdigestionprocess. • HOWTOUSE? • Mix1-2gmofthischurnwithhalfcupofwater,consume everydaybeforegoingto bed.
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