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120-Day Study Overview

Washington State University. 120-Day Study Overview. Dr. Christopher J. Keane Vice President for Research Professor of Physics Washington State University. Presented to: Faculty Senate Washington State University Pullman, WA October 9, 2014.

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120-Day Study Overview

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  1. WashingtonState University 120-Day Study Overview Dr. Christopher J. Keane Vice President for Research Professor of Physics Washington State University Presented to: Faculty Senate Washington State University Pullman, WA October 9, 2014

  2. The 120-day study is a follow-on to the WSU Strategic Planning Process • WSU Strategic Plan includes goals and metrics for research (“Theme 1: Exceptional Research, Innovation, and Creativity”) • Plan tasks the VPR to “identify areas of research excellence and emerging areas requiring additional investment to achieve national and international prominence.” • Study will be inclusive in terms of scholarly disciplines, Campuses,….

  3. Key outcomes from the 120-day study • Set of prioritized research themes reflecting future opportunities matched to current and emerging WSU capabilities • Priorities to guide: - Research infrastructure and other investments - Execution of workshops and other activities to advance research and scholarship at WSU • Actionable findings and recommendations, and associated metrics, in key areas to support WSU research enterprise The study supports the WSU goal of AAU membership via improvement of our AAU metrics.

  4. 120-day Study Organization/Team Executive Review Group (Deans, Vice-Chancellors, senior faculty, other WSU leaders) Co-Chairs: C. Keane, D. Bernardo Management and Integration (interim) C. Keane D. Nordquist E. Pratt E. Austin Assoc. Deans for Research or College/Campus designees* Faculty and Student Engagement/Productivity (Co-Chairs: R. Craft, J. Jones) Outreach, Engagement, and Economic Development (Co-Chairs: S. Pappu, J. Tang) Research Infrastructure (Co-Chairs: S. Clark, S. Simasko) Research Themes (Co-Chairs: D. Bender, T. Spencer) *C. Corbett, D. Field, A. Hossain, J. Krueger, A. Lazarus, T. McElwain, J. Moyer, B. Pinkleton, C. Portfors, D. Sprott, T. Church, P. Whitney

  5. Schedule for Study Execution Preparation Subgroups brief charters, members, information requests, and progress to date; M+I subgroup commences drafting report Subgroups gather data, address charge issues, and initiate strength/weakness/opportunity/threat (SWOT) analysis Subgroups describe data gathered and results to date, and address integration issues Subgroups complete charge and develop findings and recommendations Subgroups brief initial conclusions, findings, and recommendations Management group completes draft report This is a change (3 large group meetings instead of 4) from previous plan

  6. The 120-Day Study “Day 1 Kick-off” event was held Sept. 16, 2014 Team goal: Advance research, scholarship, and creativity at WSU

  7. Thank you for your interest and support!

  8. Backups

  9. The Association of American Universities (AAU) Membership Indicators • Phase I indicators: Primary indicators of institutional breadth and quality in research and education • Phase II indicators: Used to provide additional important calibrations of institutional research and education programs Phase I indicators • Competitively funded federal research support • Federal research expenditures, including competitive USDA programs • Membership in the National Academies • National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine • Faculty awards, fellowships, and memberships • National Research Council maintained lists • Citations • The average of the institution's citation data for the most recent three overlapping five-year increments (e.g., 2005-2009, 2006-2010, 2008-2011)

  10. The Association of American Universities (AAU) Membership Indicators Phase II indicators • USDA, state, and industrial research funding • Non-competitive USDA, state and industry expenditures • Doctoral education • Number of Ph.D.s granted annually • Number of postdoctoral appointees • NSF compiled data from institutions on postdoctoral appointees • Undergraduate education • AAU Committee assessment on the institution’s undergraduate programs Subgroups will develop conclusions, findings, and recommendations tied to improving our AAU indicators

  11. Executive Review Group Responsibilities • General senior level oversight of Study goals, processes, and recommendations • Review of draft report • Executive committee will attend full group meetings and generally not meet separately, except for review of draft report (Jan. 2015)

  12. Management and Integration Group Roles and Responsibilities • Overall coordination and integration of study effort • Support for subgroups, including data requests • Generate overallstudy conclusions, findings, and recommendations • Preparation of draft report • This will commence immediately • 120-Day Study writing team is led by Esther Pratt from the WSU Foundation, and includes Alicia Foth (OR) and others • Thanks to John Gardner and Anson Fatland for their support!

  13. Subgroup Responsibilities • Subgroups should execute charge (to be discussed at this meeting), including identifying findings and recommendations that are specific and actionable • Office of Research will provide technical and administrative support for each subgroup • Management and Integration subgroup provides information and other support as requested • There will be overallstudy conclusions, findings, and recommendations in addition to those reported by subgroups • Individual subgroup pursuits of “overlap” questions is encouraged- final study recommendations will integrate the various viewpoints Note: A list of upcoming large proposal calls, prepared by Geeta Dutta, will be distributed today- we need to manage this more systematically ASAP

  14. Executive Review Group

  15. Management and Integration Committee

  16. Faculty and Student Engagement / Productivity Subgroup

  17. Outreach, Engagement, and Economic Development Subgroup

  18. Research Infrastructure Subgroup

  19. Research Themes Subgroup

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