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Carpenters, plumbers, & electricians. Legalities, tips, and strategies for sharing data across state databases. Florida’s Integrated, Longitudinal PK20 Education Data Systems. The “System”
Carpenters, plumbers, & electricians Legalities, tips, and strategies for sharing data across state databases
Florida’s Integrated, Longitudinal PK20 Education Data Systems • The “System” • Public pre-kindergarten through graduate school with student level data for public schools, community colleges, career and technical education, adult education, and the state university system • Staff, facilities, finance, and financial aid • Post school employment and non education system program data • Primary means of support is state general revenue • Dependencies • State level imperatives, funding • System of common course numbers and directories • Statewide articulation agreements and oversight committee • A state level culture of data management and interagency sharing • A means to follow the records of individual students across geographic areas, education sectors, and related programmatic areas. • 67 School Districts, 28 community colleges, 11 state universities • Very open public records laws
Primary K-20 Data Resources Pre Kindergarten Students Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) National Student Clearinghouse K12 Student & Staff Data Base Teacher & Professional Certification Exams Unemployment Insurance (Archives) Adult Education/ Career & Technical Student & Staff Data Bases Community College Student & Staff Data Base College Placement Tests Department Children Families- TANF, Food Stamps. Foster Children (Archives) PK12 Finance & Facilities College-Level Academic Skills Test Department of Defense; U.S. Postal Service, Ofc Personnel Mgt State University System Student & Staff Data Base College Board: Advanced Placement SAT Non Public Postsecondary Institutions Student Financial Aid Data Bases ACT ACT & Work Keys (Fingers Crossed)
Credential Outputs Major Pipeline Outputs Students Exiting/Entering Additional Pipeline Inputs Doctoral Degrees Professional Degrees Part time traditional students, stop in/stop outs, students entering from out of state, students >24 years old. Master’s Degrees “Traditional Students” 18-24 Age Group Employment Bachelor’s Degrees Associate Degrees One-year PS Cert. HS Diplomas The PK-20 Pipeline Model
The Pipeline Schematic Bachelor’s Degree Working Adult Students 24+ Universities Full-time Work Colleges Community College Voc Tech Schools Part-time Work Working Students 17-24 Traditional Students High School Exits
Florida’s Primary K-20 Data Resources SUS Finance & Facilities Division of Accountability Research & Measurement Fin Aid Tch Cert Source Information Systems Integrated Data Systems Other Assessment & School Performance PK-12 Student & Staff Comm Coll Tech Center Student/Staff FETPIP PK20 EDW Data collected from testing vendors, school districts, community colleges Data collected from source systems, agency administrative data bases PK20 EDW = PK-20 Education Data Warehouse FETPIP = Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program
Florida’s PK20 Education Data Warehouse • Longitudinally Integrates “source data” from PK-12, Workforce, Adult Education, Community Colleges, Universities student and staff data bases. • Additionally integrates financial aid, facilities, and finance data sources. • Includes demographic, course-level enrollment, attendance, statewide assessment results, and awards for students. • Includes demographic, payroll, and facilities information for all staff; certification, course data, preparation information for instructional staff. • Links to follow-up information and external agency data.
Technical Center data Community College data State University data PK-12 data Florida’s PK20 Education Data Warehouse EDW Central Repository (1995 forward) PK-20 Assessments Pre-defined & Ad Hoc Reports/Requests Research Extracts Data Marts
Matching Individuals in Florida’s Education Data Warehouse: Sophisticating the Matches, Anonymizing Data
Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program • Helps to answer the question: What happens to students after they graduate from or leave programs • Designed & developed to follow-up all participants and students from Florida’s education and training programs at all levels • Integrated interagency data collection and reporting system, administered through the Florida Department of Education • Relies administrative data resources of state and federal agencies, including archival repositories
Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program
Classrooms & Local Administration: Assessment analysis, contextual information, transcript exchange, Individual Education Plans, high school/community college feedback • Federal Performance Accountability: NCLB; IDEA; WIA (Wagner-Peyser, Voc Rehab, Blind Services, Adult Education); Perkins; the Chafee Act; HEA • State Performance Accountability: School attendance; class-size; FRL Eligibility; Foster Child Outcomes; Prison education Programs; performance-based funding; public education funding • State and federal Performance reviews: Welfare reform; state financial aid; articulation; financial audits • Customer Information: Career Guidance, career planning • Others: • Private School Licensure • Problem Solving • Legislative Performance Reviews/Budgeting • Internal and External Policy Research • Government, Public, Media Requests
How are Florida’s Students doing on High-Stakes Assessments? Source: PK-20 Education Data Warehouse
How are Florida’s Students with Disabilities doing on High-Stakes Assessments? Source: PK-20 Education Data Warehouse
89,461 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 31,749 30,000 20,000 10,000 2,329 1,588 1,505 0 STANDRDDIPLOMA SPECIALDIPLOMA CERTIFICATE OFCOMPLETION GED DROPOUTS How do Florida Students Leave Public High Schools?1995-96 Source: PK-20 Education Data Warehouse
How do Florida Students Leave Public High Schools?2006-07 Source: PK-20 Education Data Warehouse
How do Florida’s Students with Disabilities Leave Public High Schools?1995-96 Source: PK-20 Education Data Warehouse
How do Florida’s Students with Disabilities Leave Public High Schools?2006-07 Source: PK-20 Education Data Warehouse
What Happens After They Graduated? - Standard Diplomas to Postsecondary 1995-96 The1996-97 Academic Year* PK-12 Adult Programs 4,735 (9%) 34,343 (62%) Community Colleges 89,461 Diploma Recipients 14,518 (26%) State University System Independent Universities 2,608 (5%) 2,805 (5%) Outta State *54,858 Unduplicated Students – 61% Source: PK-20 Education Data Warehouse
What Happens After They Graduated? - Standard Diplomas to the Florida Labor Force 1995-96 October- December, 1996 45,763 (51%) Employed 40% of employed Employed Full Time 89,461 Diploma Recipients $17,336 • Av. Earnings Full Time 1,408 Military Enlistment 5,518 Public Assistance (TANF &/or Food Stamps) 53% of Postsecondary Enrollments also working Source: PK-20 Education Data Warehouse
Florida 1995-96 High School Graduates Highest Educational Credential Attainment as of 2007 Post BA 4% BA 18% AA 8% Standard Diploma 66% Col Credit Voc 2% VOC 2% 89,461 Standard Diplomas (15,478 – 17% Never Enrolled in Florida – 6.48% out of State) Source: PK20 Education Data Warehouse
Florida 1996 High School Graduates Students With Disabilities Highest Educational Credential Attainment as of 2007 Post BA 1% Col Credit Voc 2% BA 5% AA 4% VOC 2% Standard Diploma 87% 4,763 Standard Diplomas (1,339 Never Enrolled) Source: PK20 Education Data Warehouse
Florida Public High School Class of 1996Annualized Earnings Based on Highest Education Credential Attained Through 2007 Source: Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP)
Education and Training pay … Unemployment Rate(Percent) Median Earnings (Dollars) Doctoral degree Professional degree Master’s degree Bachelor’s degree Associate degree Some college, no degree High-school, graduate Some high-school, no diploma Notes: Unemployment and earnings for workers 25 and older, by educational attainment; earnings for full-time wage and salary workers Sources: Unemployment rate, 2006 annual average: Bureau of Labor Statistics; 2006 Weekly Median Earnings (multiplied by 52 weeks), Bureau of the Census.
Sunshine Connections Demonstration www.sunshineconnections.org
Jeff Sellers 850.245.0437 Jeff.Sellers@fldoe.org