Dr Chris Stout Marketing Your Practice Marketing Your Practice
Money Feels taboo or at least odd to discuss making money No one minds telling your where they graduatedfrom or how many patients they see but rarely doesanyone feel comfortable chatting about their networth Dr. Hofman’s “Psychotherapy for the rich andpsychotherapy for the poor.” Pro bono
Promotion This also feels uncomfortable for most professionalsas in poor taste or self-aggrandizing or may seemlike “selling-out” APA and the FTC Helps potential clients and colleagues know youexist and what you have to offer, your ethics ensurethat you are competent and honest As long as you provide honest information in atasteful manner, then it’s beneficial to you and toothers.
Publicity Today publicity seems = poor taste. Indeed, it can be, but it is defined as “notice or attentiongiven to someone or something by the media.” So, if one publicizes something that would be a help toothers, that’s not a “bad” thing Maybe think more so of what-you-do versus who-you-are, and then is seems less ego driven and more “other”focused Each of you have skills that benefit others in variousvenues: Therapy, writing, public lectures…
Profit OK, this may be the BIG one Making a profit (good) ≠ profiteering (bad) If you are in private practice, you are in business. If you cannot pay your rent then you cannotpractice then you cannot be as helpful to others. If you simply “breakeven” you cannot pay for yourmortgage or your shoes or your child’s pediatrician. Profit is what you get to live one once you have metyour expenses of practicing. It’s OK.
The Marketing Plan Situation analysis Marketing goals A marketing strategy Specific marketing tactics to support themarketing strategy An implementation plan (including budget) A method or methods to track progress ofmarketing plan
From a Mission to GoalsTime frames of 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years,10 years, 15 years, and on up to 20-year-plans.SMART goal, it must be:SpecificMeasurableAction-orientedRealisticTimed
What Are YourMarketing Goals?Here is a good example of a SMART goal:Build my private practice (by marketingactivities including speaking engagements andnetworking) to a full practice of 22 clients perweek over the next 18 months.
Strategies To Focus YourMarketingThe SIX Ps: People Price Place Product Promotion Positioning…
The selection of the target market.- PEOPLE, PRICE What are you trying to sell?- PRODUCT How will people know about you and yourservices?- PLACE, PROMOTION Your overall marketing message.- POSITIONING
Marketing Your Services Website Publishing Media On-line Referral Services
Creating Strategic ReferralPartnerships/Networking Chiropractors Nurses Physician Assistants PhysiciansPsychiatryPediatricsOrthopedicsOncologistsPain/PhysiatristsOB/Gyn
Attorneys Accountants Clergy and spiritual advisors Community leaders
Professors and staff at your current or pastuniversity Other therapists Therapists who do short-term treatment and thenseek referral sources for long-term work that you do,or therapists who do not treat the clinical issue that youspecialize in. Holistic or alternative medicinepractitioners.
Dietitians or nutritionists School psychologists, guidancecounselors, or teachers Physical therapists and rehabilitationspecialists Professional association or agencyleaders or members Massage therapists
Specialist or Generalist?Bavonese & Restum, Uncommon Practices When you try to be all things for all people,you risk being perceived as a non-specialist forany specific problem or issue in the minds ofpotential clients. The message to your community of what youcan help with, what your offer or service is,gets very diluted.
We have all seen ads for therapists who“specialize” in ten or more clinical issues. Sadly, in their attempts at spreading a broad net,such people end up creating a confused, unfocusedimage in potential clients’ minds. As business guru Seth Godin puts it,"If you cant state your position ineight words or less, you dont have aposition."
Having a Specialty Can Give You anAdvantage Over Your Competition Potential clients have specific challenges in theirlives they want help with. When seeking help, they are more likely tocontact you if...
You have helped someone they know with the sameproblem or issue; You have advertised your services to target howyou can help with their specific problem or issues; You are identified predominantly with a specificproblem or issue. When people think of “X,” they think of you.
Why Is Having A SpecialtySo Important? Having A Specialty...Enables you to be seen as an expert in your fieldGives potential clients a clear, specific idea ofwhat problems or challenges in their lives thatyou can help them solve or feel better about
Having A Specialty...Makes it much easier to promote your servicesoffline and online.Makes it much easier to develop Referral Systems; Joint Ventures; Public Relations campaigns and other diversifiedmarketing activities.
How To Find Your Market NicheWhen identifying your niche or specialty, the first place tolook is at your own interests and life experiences. Askyourself these questions: What kinds of clients do I most enjoy working with? Do you have a relevant linguistic and/or cultural knowledgebase? What training have I had that would qualify me to ethicallyclaim that I specialize in a specific area? Is there any additional training that would add value for meand my patients?
You can have more than one specialty,but limiting it to a few areas is best because youwant people to think of you when they think ofyour specialty.Listing eight or ten areas of specialty in your marketingmaterials creates the impression that you are allover the place and don’t truly specialize inanything.
Here Are Some Examples… Tamara was born in Israel and speaks fluent Hebrew.She markets her counseling services to Israeliimmigrants and conducts many of her sessions inHebrew.
Krystal spent 15 years as an executive recruiter beforebecoming a therapist.She specializes in career counseling and offers asupport group for survivors of corporate downsizing.
Jack is a registered dietician and licensed psychologist.He specializes in working with clients with eatingdisorders.
Consider Factors Such As These… Where you grew up Where you went toschool Places you’ve lived Special talents Past misfortunes Languages you speakfluently Special training Past careers Unusual skills Life experiences
Example:Charley A. of Toronto is suffering from anxiety. Hedoesnt know where it comes from, and he’s used tobeing in control of his life.Hes scared and confused.He finally decides to get help.He goes online and searches in Google for “anxietyhelp Toronto.”What shows up on the list are four different clinicians.He clicks on all of their links...
Example:Dr. Slate says he treats marital problems, depression,anxiety, ADHD, sexual abuse, dissociative disordersand eating disorders.Dr. Rubble says she is the Director of the Center forthe Treatment of Anxiety.Dr. Flintstone says he specializes in new techniquesthat provide rapid relief from all sorts of symptoms.Who does Charley call?
Dr. Rubble Of Course!The one who is the specialist.The one whose web site discusses the exact symptoms he’shaving.“This woman understands me already," thinks Charley.For all we know, one of the other therapists might be better forCharley in terms of their skills. But thats irrelevant becausethey are out of the game. Charley calls the Center for theTreatment of Anxiety and never looks back.
It’s also a huge advantage in your field because so manystruggling clinicians dont specialize, for fear oflosing some clients.The opposite is actually the truth: the more well-knownyou are as an expert, the more referrals you get of allkinds - not just in your specialty.Why Is Having A Specialty SoImportant?
Brad’s PracticeNorth Shore Center forWeight Management
The Great Example of Dr. B Win-win-win galorePatients, referring docs, and Dr. B Specialty in Obesity Treatment Grand Rounds LecturesExpertiseNon-competitiveArticles and resources Health Clubs East Bank Club Follow-Up
Health ClubsDoctor’s Expertise/Value AddedGroup/education model/methodAchieving your weight goalsOvercoming food challenges East Bank ClubHigh-end, concierge clienteleExclusivity/Prestige
Does Great WorkGroups are more affordable for patients andprofitable for you10 meetings @ 10 pts @ $100/week = $10,000 for10 hours work or $1000/hour! Some Patients Need 1:1More help and/or intra-psychic issues present Follow-Up
Excellent (and easy) Follow-Up to ReferralSourceMonthly, 1-page formatted letter (on letterhead)Gives clinical updateHelps confirm referring MD’s request for consult andmitigates risk for him/her as you have demonstrated pt isin your consultative careHelps remind referring MD that you are an availablespecialist with good results and good follow throughRefer back when appropriate from your patientpopulation
Where to Focus YourMarketing EnergiesRemember, One Size Fits FewHere is a quick list:
The power of newspapers is news. Marketingthat is newsy gets noticed because news is in theforefront of readers’ minds. The power of magazines is credibility. Readersunconsciously attach to the expert/ author/interviewee the same credibility that theyassociate with the magazine.
The power of radio is intimacy. Usually radio isa one-on-one situation allowing for a close anintimate connection between listener andspeaker. The power of brochures is the ability to givedetails. Few media allow you the time and spaceto expand on your benefits as much as abrochure.
The power of the Internet is interactivity,connectivity and information. You can be found byinterested individuals, inform them, answer theirquestions, and make appointments.
Go Where Others Aren’tThe “Go Where Others Aren’t” strategy can apply tofactors besides your location.It can also mean marketing your therapy services topeople in special situations — especiallypopulations that may be underserved.