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A D og W ho W ants G o O ut. By Isabella Hincapie Alvarez. PALLI 1. Once upon a time a dog wants to go o ut because she liked to have a friend . The dog live in the house 89 and the name is Tuti . PALLI 2. Then Tuti go to her uncle`s house and Tuti is
A Dog WhoWantsGoOut ByIsabellaHincapieAlvarez
PALLI 1 Once upon a time a dogwantstogo outbecauseshelikedtohave a friend. The doglive in the house 89 and the name is Tuti.
PALLI 2 ThenTutigotoheruncle`shouse and Tuti is Struck in a hole. Tutifalldown and shesaywoofwoof. I want a ice cream.
PALLI 3 LaterTutigoesinside and catches the ice creamseller. Shewantstocrybecauseshethinks the seller has herparents. ThenTutigoestoherhouse.
PALLI 4 AfterTutigoestoherhouse and findsherparents . Thenherparentshave ice crema toeatforall.Tutimakes cookies and putswhipscream and alleat.
PALLI 5 Her parents take Tuti to city park and eat Pizza. Tuti is the best daughter, singer, and the best friend. Then the parents are very happy because Tuti is the best student in the school.
FANALI PALLI 6 The parents and the friendhave a partyforTutiand Tuti is so hapybecausthey do all the thingshelikes.