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Expansion of Hout Crude Onshore Production Facility. OWNER / CLIENT Khafji Joint Operations (KJO). CONTRACT TYPE EPC LSTK Consortium Enppi/Petrojet Enppi Lead SCOPE OF SERVICES Engineering, Material Supply, Construction, Commissioning and Start-up and Overall Management.
Expansion of Hout Crude Onshore Production Facility OWNER / CLIENT Khafji Joint Operations (KJO). CONTRACT TYPE EPC LSTK Consortium Enppi/Petrojet Enppi Lead SCOPE OF SERVICES Engineering, Material Supply, Construction, Commissioning and Start-up and Overall Management. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Due to Production capacity increase 50,000 Barrels / day, Alkhafji Storage Capacity will expand by installation 5 Storage tanks (150,000 to 500,000) Barrels, booster pumps, Instrument, Piping, Fire fighting and a new Electrical substation.
OWNER / CLIENT Khafji Joint Operations (KJO). CONTRACT TYPE EPC LSTK Consortium Enppi (Leader) / PMS /Petrojet SCOPE OF SERVICES Engineering, Material Supply, onshore Structure fabrication, offshore laying / Installation, Overall Management, Construction Supervision, Commissioning and Start-up and. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of new 6 platforms, modifications of 5 existing platforms, subsea new pipeline with total length 110 km sizes 28” / 36” / 42” and laying of subsea cables with total length of 8km diameter 6”. Located at the Joint operations area - North of Arabia Gulf. Khafji Field Development – Phase 1August 06- January 09
14”x2 PDP –1 (NEW) Y-3 150,000BPD Y-1 75,000 BPSD Existing facilities Utility Platform Scope of work for FDP-1 Y-1b (new) 240,000 BPD 7 wells Living quarter Existing crude oil line Pdp-3 (new) New crude line Existing 12” Gas pipelines LWG-5 (new) Existing gas line Offshore Control platform New gas line Existing sub-sea cable New Sub-sea cable Pump platform Existing 12”Gas Supply line Ratawi Prod’n platform Exiting 26” x 2 pipelines (250,000 BPDX 2) Existing 12” gas pipeline Gas lift station PDP-2 (new) Y-2 150,000 BPD Y-4 75,000 BPSD Y-2B (New) 240,000 BPD 5 WELLS 24” 24” 12” 24” 2 cables Offshore 24” Onshore Khafgi Onshore facility on shore gas Receiving Facilities Gas Processing Plant 42” x 42 km Onshore Inlet Separators Utility Unit 14” x 2 16” 2 cables New Onshore Flare 36”x42 km 12 wells 24”
OWNER / CLIENT Saudi Aramco CONTRACT TYPE EPC LSTK SCOPE OF SERVICES Engineering, Material Supply, Construction, Commissioning and Start-up and Overall Management. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project will expand Safaniya Arabian Heavy Crude and Utilities Plants to maintain the plant's crude oil demand until 2011. Area:Plant #369 Scope / New Commodities: Crude Header , Low Pressure Production Trap (LPPT) designed to 600 MBD oil with 40% WC, relevant utilities. Area:Plant G26 Scope: CPI’s designed to handle 400 MBD of formation water, IGF’s designed to handle 805 MBD of formation water, Booster/Injection pumps to deliver formation water to injection wells. Safaniya Water Disposal System UpgradeAugust 06 – May 08
Plant # G26 Plant # 369 Safaniya Water Disposal System Upgrade Safaniya offshoreField is the largest oil field in the world, producing more than 1.2 million barrels/day
Yanbu Gas Plant Expansion 2006 / 2008 OWNER / CLIENT SAUDI ARAMCO CONTRACT TYPE EPC Main Contractor - LSTK SCOPE OF SERVICES Detailed Engineering, Material Supply Construction - Enppi / Petrojet Saudi Arabia IK Commissioning and Start-up – Enppi / Petrojet Saudi Arabia IK. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Expand Yanbu NGL Plant Capacity from 390 to 585, scope of work includes: 195 MBOD Deethanizer with ancillaries and propane, refrigeration system, Feed to the existing De-propanizer & De-butanizer Columns, Construct Substation with Process Interface Room, Expand DCS and ESD systems.
KHURSANIYAH GAS PLANT 2005 / 2006 OWNER / CLIENT Saudi Aramco / Bechtel UK. CONTRACT TYPE Professional services - Reimbursable basis SCOPE OF SERVICES Engineering services assistance PROJECT DESCRIPTION Khursaniyah Gas Plant includes two gas-conditioning trains, ethane and natural gas liquids recovery units process 1000 MMSCFD of natural gas, produce 550 MMSCFD sales gas, 240,000 BL/D ethane / natural gas liquids, and 1,800 metric tons / day sulfur. The complex will process natural gas from three onshore fields in the Eastern Province: Abu Hadriya, Fadhili, and Khursaniyah.
PDVSA NGL PLANT 2006 OWNER / CLIENT Petroleos De Venezuela S.A. CONTRACT TYPE Professional Services Lumpsum SCOPE OF SERVICES Basic Engineering PROJECT DESCRIPTION New NGL Extraction Plant (4th Train) in San Joaquin) – Processing Capacity 1000 MMSCFD of NG – Producing 52,500 BPD of C3.
HPC-SYRIA ENGINEERING SERVICES 2006 / 2008 OWNER / CLIENT HAYAN PETROLEUM COMPANY HPC CONTRACT TYPE Lump-sum Professional services SCOPE OF SERVICES Three Years Service Contract: Basic Engineering, Detailed Engineering review and Construction Supervision. PROJECT DESCRIPTION New Gas and Oil production facilities in Jihar including; Gathering and Transportation pipelines, Satellite Gathering Station, Gas Treatment Plant 3 MM m3/day, Product Export system and export P/L’s to Syrian Oil and gas distribution system, Oil production capacity for 400 m3/day and 250 000 m3/day associated gas, Liquid phase – condensate plant capacity will be 1200 m3/day,LPG production in range of 300 m3/ day
Maximization of C2 & C3 – 2005 / 2008 OWNER Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO) CONTRACT TYPE Lump-sum Professional Services / Material Supply Disbursable SCOPE OF SERVICES EPC Main Contractor: Basic and Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Construction Supervision, Commissioning & Start up Assistance, Overall Project Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION Maximize C2 & C3 recovery in Western Desert Gas Complex and install a new facility at Amerya LPG plant to produce C2 & C3 mixture
QASR / OZORIS NEW OIL FACILITY – 2006 / 2008 OWNER KHALDA PETROLUEM COMPANY (KPC) CONTRACT TYPE Lump-sum CTR Professional Services SCOPE OF SERVICES Basic and Detailed Engineering, Procurement Services PROJECT DESCRIPTION New Oil Production facilities at OZORIS to accommodate Qasr / Ozoris / Syrah oil well production 20,000 BFPD
GUPCO REHABILITATION PROJECT 2005-2010 OWNER GUPCO - bp CONTRACT TYPE Reimbursable Professional services / Cost Plus Material & Subcontracts. SCOPE OF SERVICES Basic, Detailed Engineering, Procurement Services, Construction, Commissioning and Start-up and overall management. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Rehabilitation of GUPCO offshore facilities includes , 9 complexes , 69 satellites platforms, and 1600 km of sub sea pipelines in addition to onshore facilities Ras Shukhier / Dahshour / Western Desert including associated pipelines.
FIELD DEVELOPMENT OF SAQQARA July-05 / Nov-05 OWNER GUPCO CONTRACT TYPE Reimbursable Service SCOPE OF SERVICES Detailed Engineering Enppi/KBR-UK, and technical support during construction phase PROJECT DESCRIPTION Production of Saqqara field via an unmanned fixed steel nine-slot platform through a 16” multiphase P/L to onshore facilities. Power, signals and chemicals from onshore facilities to the Saqqara platform is supplied via an umbilical. Onshore Facilities: reception facilities approximately 1 km South East of the existing Ras-Shukeir Plant where the gas and liquids will be separated. The gas will then be sweetening and dehydration units and utilities.
NEEM EXPORT PIPELINEJULY-05 / JUNE-06 OWNER Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company Ltd. (GNPOC) - Sudan CONTRACT TYPE LumpSum S/C of Ram/Petrojet Consortium SCOPE OF SERVICES Basic & Detailed Engineering PROJECT DESCRIPTION 16”- 100 km crude oil pipeline Neem to Diffra 100,000 B/D Neem Diffra
SHARARA MELLITAH PIPELINE - LIBYA 2004 - 2005 OWNER AGIP OIL COMPANY Ltd. CONTRACT TYPE Lump Sum – S/C from Petrojet. SCOPE OF SERVICESBasic Engineering & Detailed Engineering PROJECT DESCRIPTION 30" Crude Oil Pipeline from Sharara area to Melittah - 750 KM The new pipeline will be three sections including Metering skids, Scada System.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE JORDANIAN GAS TRANSMISSION PIPELINE 2003 - 2005 OWNER Jordanian EGYPTIAN FAJR FOR NATURAL GAS TRANSMISSION AND SUPPLY COMPANY CONTRACT TYPE EPCM - Consortium (Enppi, Petrojet & Gasco) SCOPE OF SERVICES Engineering & Procurement Services / Material Supply, Construction Supervision, Commissioning & Start Up Assistance Consortium Leadership PROJECT DESCRIPTION A 36” , 394 KM Pipeline. From AQABA, South Of Jordan To Samra And Rehab Power Stations North Of Jordan – 10 BCM/Y Gas.
Project Area UGDC, NGL PROJECT AT PORT SAID 2001-2004 Port-Said Process area & Damietta export facilities areas North East Delta. Propane Export P/L – 10” 52 KM Propane Export Area Process Area
UGDC, NGL PROJECT AT PORT SAID 2001-2004 (COMPLETED) 1100 MMSCFD Gas Drying & Treatment Gas Separation Refrigeration Natural Gas OWNER United Gas Derivatives (UGDC) bp – Agip - GASCO CONTRACT TYPE Lump sum turnkey responsibilities: Professional Services Lump-sum price Material Supply - Disbursable • PROJECT DESCRIPTION • NGL Process Facility Which • Has The Capacity ToProcess • 1100 MMSCFD Of Natural Gas • From Elgamil And Hapy Fields. • Propane Export Facilities At • Dameitta Port SCOPE OF SERVICES FEED review, Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Construction Supervision, Commissioning & Start Up Assistance, Overall Project Management Gas To Grid 2000T/D Propane 1500T/D LPG 350T/D Condensate
NGL - Damietta Storage& ExportFacilities 2001 – 2004 (Completed)
Simian / Sienna - Sapphire Gas Development Project 2003 - 2005 OWNER: Burullus Gas Company. CONTRACT TYPE: (Consortium Enppi/Petrojet) Lumpsum Turnkey
Simian / Sienna - Sapphire Gas Development Project 2003 - 2005
Simian / Sienna - Sapphire Gas Development Project ( Continued ) SCOPE OF SERVICES: Lump-sum turnkey scope: engineering services, procurement services , overall project management / consortium leadership, material supply , construction supervision, commissioning & start-up. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Extension to existing Scarab / Saffron onshore facilities and increase total gas production to 2100 MMSCFD by utilizing 2*665 MMSCFD of natural gas produced from Simian / Sienna and sapphire wells to feed the Egyptian Gas Liquefaction Plant (ELNG)
Baltim-NW2 Platform 2005 OWNER: Belayim Petroleum Company (PETROBEL) CONTRACT TYPE: Lump Sum SCOPE OF SERVICE: Basic Engineering,Detailed Engineering & Procurement Services PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 12-slots RULE platform, Capacity 10 MMSCMD Gas. Gas, water & Condensate are Directed to onshore through 24”, 10” and 4” and sub-sea PLEM – 2 Km distance.
Temsah - 4 Platform 2003-2004 OWNER: Belayim Petroleum Company (PETROBEL) CONTRACT TYPE: Lump Sum SCOPE OF SERVICE: Basic / Detailed Engineering & Procurement Services PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 4 legs,12-Slot unmanned Fixed Offshore, 24" Gas Pipeline 5.5 Km, 10"Condensate P/L 5.5 KM, 4“ Produced water 5.5 KM and 3“ Instrument gas 5.5 KM- Offshore. Production Platform in 85m Water Depth, Capacity 10 MMSCMD Gas Plus 3000 BBLD Condensate.
Barboni Platform 2003-2004 OWNER: Belayim Petroleum Company (PETROBEL) CONTRACT TYPE: Lump Sum SCOPE OF SERVICE: Basic Engineering, Detailed Engineering & Procurement Services PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 4 Legged unmanned Steel Jacket Platform Located Rosetta 49 m Water Depth, Capacity of 275 MM SCFD. Weight 450 tons. Through a 26" Sub Sea Pipeline 17 km to The Onshore Terminal for Final Processing.
Baltim-N Platform 2003-2005 OWNER: Belayim Petroleum Company (PETROBEL) CONTRACT TYPE: Lump Sum SCOPE OF SERVICE: Basic Engineering,Detailed Engineering & Procurement Services PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 4 legs 9-slots Tubular Steel Frame Jacket. Fixed Offshore Production Platform, Capacity 4.7 MMSCMD Gas. Gas & Condensate is Directed to Baltim East Existing Platform through a 18" Gas Pipeline 20 Km and 4“ Produced Water 20 KM.
EGYPTIAN LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE PROJECT 2003 – 2005 Phase I / 2005 – 2008 Phase II OWNER ECHEM / ELAB CONTRACT TYPE Lump-Sum SCOPE OF SERVICES (PHASE I) Professional Services - License selection, Basic Engineering Based on UOP License (PHASE II) Professional Services - Detailed Engineering through Consortium GS E&C Leader / Enppi / Petrojet
EGYPTIAN LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE PROJECT 2003 – 2005 Phase I / 2005 – 2008 Phase II PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Plant capacity is 100,000 T/Y of LAB - (UOP) license. The main feeds for the complex are Kerosene/jet A-1 fuel from Alexandria Petroleum Company (APC) and reformat and Hydrogen from Alexandria National Refining & Petrochemicals Company (ANRPC) The Project facilities comprises the following units packages: - Process Units - Utilities - Storage Facilities - Service Buildings
UHDE GRANULATION PLANT 2003 - 2005 OWNER: Krupp, UHDE GmbH CONTRACT TYPE: Lump Sum SCOPE OF SERVICE: Detailed Engineering & Procurement Services PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Project aims to fulfill the granulation process Requirements of both Suez Fertilizer Company & Alexandria Fertilizer Company. Granulation process aims to produce 1,200 T/D Ammonia and 1,925 T/D Urea including utilities and off-sitefacilities.
ETHYLENE AND POLYETHYLENE PLANTS - SIDPEC UTILITIES AND OFFSITE COMPLEX PROJECT 1997 - 2000 OWNER Sidi Kerir Petrochemical Company (SIDPEC) CONTRACT TYPE Lump Sum Turnkey SCOPE OF SERVICES Turnkey Main Contractor PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Utilities And Offsite Plant Provides SIDPEC’s Two New Plants (Ethylene And Polyethylene) With Fire Fighting & Cooling Water, Compressed Air And de-mineralized Water. Moreover, The Complex Provides Process Water Treatment.