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PAB PRESENTATION TO CG 16 th October 2003. Organizational issues PAB: Role & Function Membership & Rotation CG membership CA Policy issues. PAB PRESENTATION TO CG 16 th October 2003. Organizational issues PAB Role and Function PAB Members think that:
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 Organizational issues • PAB: Role & Function Membership & Rotation CG membership CA Policy issues
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 Organizational issues PAB Role and Function PAB Members think that: • While committed to agendas of CA, their roles and contribution need Secretariat staff time for it to be fully effective • Their involvement in developing regional links and their networks should be enhanced to promote CA goals. • The arrangement for the preparation of the PPF will be during the PAB spring meeting, which could also cover any other issues that the Secretariat will need their advice on.
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 Organizational issues PAB Membership • For the first time all 8 PAB members have been present • We compliment the CG and Secretariat for selecting such a balanced PAB • We discussed the issue of rotation and propose the membership rotation rules and schedule
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 Organizational issues PAB Members Rotation rules • The rotation starts in 2005 when 2 members leave • CG have one-year time (2004) to find and approve two new members • Each year two PAB members leave so that in 2008 all present PAB members will be changed • At spring 2005 PAB Meeting (and the followings spring meetings) the two new members will join the meeting together with the out-going members • The Alumni PAB Members should be kept in close communication and continue to be resources in regional activities
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 Organizational issues PAB Members Rotation Chart • 2005: Somsook and Richard • 2006: Mary and Prof. Akim • 2007: Jean Pierre and Sheela • 2008: Yousef and Ana It is necessary to balance regional, skill & gender representation of PAB
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 Organizational issues CG membership Local Authority Associations merging in mid-2004: • In order to facilitate active participation of cities in the CA activities worldwide, the PAB recommends that the seats of the new local authorities organization on the CG be based on regional representation
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 Organizational issues CG new members • PAB members recommend that membership of the CA should be broadened to bring in more stakeholders in the spirit of partnership
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 CA Policy issues PAB members are concerned that urban issues are receding in international agenda and development cooperation • The MDGs and the Human Development Report of this year did not find space to discuss urban issues of cities and their poor • Most donor’s Development Strategies have buried urban issues within sectoral rearrangements • Many National Governments tend to ignore the urgency of addressing cities problems and challenges
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 CA Policy issues • While we applaud Cities Alliance for sustained commitment to the Urban Agenda, we suggest that the CG reflect on how to change this trend and bring the Urban Agenda into focus within their agencies and in various international fora
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 CA Policy issues CA Role in Being a Learning Alliance PAB Members think that there is a need to deepen the debate and knowledge systems: • PAB recommends that a process be developed to design a strategy for distilling the knowledge out of the various activities and share it at national & regional level. To kick-off the process, PAB suggests that a consultant be hired to review the various activities of the CA and their impacts on the wider constituency, and attempt a first draft of the important lessons.
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 CA Policy issues CA Role in Looking at future Urban Growth • In general Urbanization is considered as negative and Cities Growth as a nightmare. The concept of “slums prevention”adds to this negative perception • If peri-urban development are seen as new emerging urban settlements needing to be developed within the overall framework of the city, then they could be prevented by expeditious action from regenerating into slums
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 CA Policy issues CA Role in Looking at future Urban Growth • The reality of managing Growth over the next 30 years in such a pro-active manner needs to be acknowledged • We recommend that in 2004 the PPF should focus on the relationship between the CDS and such anticipated growth of the city
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 CA Policy issues CA Participation in MDG Task Force and WUF CA should have a strategy to use these events • To expand the Urban Agenda by making linkages with other programs • Share and disseminate CA knowledge and insights
PAB PRESENTATION TO CG16th October 2003 CA Policy issues Public Policy Forum - PPF • PAB members believe that the PPF process is a very important CA initiative which: • Should debate & dialogue among various stakeholders both within & outside regions • Should be structured to produce learning and development of new ways of achieving the CA goals • PAB members are willing to provide active support to the Secretariat in arranging & managing the PPF