Interested in A.I. as a Career? Here’s Some Good News
The u201ctech talent gapu201d is real and it is growing but the cause of it is not the lack of passionate talented tech individuals, but the tech companiesu2019 inability to access the talent that they require. If this issue goes unaddressed, the tech talent gap will keep increasing. It is extremely vital for tech companies to come up with innovative means to tackle this talent deficit which has been impeding the growth of a vast majority of companies. For the past decade, Artificial Intelligence has been heavily influencing and reshaping society in both consumer and business realms. Hailed as the u20184th Industrial Revolutionu2019, the rise of AI technology forms one of the seminal stages of development witnessed by humanity since the start of mechanical production during the first industrial revolution in 1784. CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai observes: u201cThe last ten years have been about building a world that is mobile- first. In the next ten years, we will shift to a world that is AI- first.u201d Artificial Intelligence has taken the world by storm, particularly since IT giants like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook have ensured that AI has an impact on practically every aspect of our lives. Whether it is SIRI and 3D printing, or drones, pedestrian detection and autonomous vehicles, we have reached a stage where AI is indispensable to our lives. Despite its monumental success and all the hype surrounding it, Artificial Intelligence is still in its infant state. It is a fast-expanding market with endless opportunities, and NOW is the perfect time for young people to capitalise on it by acquiring and developing pertinent skills. Whatu2019s more, pursuing Artificial Intelligence as a career can help you earn quite a lot! According to u2018The Dice Salary Calculatoru2019, a tech pro from San Francisco with a minimum of five years of experience in technologies related to Artificial Intelligence can earn up to $121,000 per year. In a u201cfunu201d place like Kansas City, salaries for pursuing a career in Artificial Intelligence may approach or even exceed six figures! An analysis conducted by u2018The New York Timesu2019, three years ago, found out that Ilya Sutskever, who works in OpenAI, earned almost $2 million. However, the demand for people equipped with the knowledge of Artificial Intelligence far outstrips supply. An analysis conducted by u2018McKinsey & Companyu2019 found out that A.I experts in the world are fewer than 10,000. u2022tThere are multiple courses being offered by tech companies and educational organisations that can help you develop essential skills to pursue a career in Artificial Intelligence. u2022tThey also instruct you about machine-learning on a rudimentary level. u2022tFor instance, Google offers a crash-course on machine learning, that only takes a few hours, through their website, u2018Google Cloud Platform Website.u2019 Facebook also provides a series of videos related to fundamental Artificial Intelligence concepts. u2022tYou could also be a self-taught Artificial Intelligence pro. Many free and low-cost learning opportunities can be found online, with a little research. u2022tYou could access u2018GitHubu2019 to teach yourself the basics of AI, or check out Udacity,, Codecademy, and Coursera. u2022tThese help you gain immense knowledge, at your own pace and from the confines of your bedroom if you so want, while also jazzing up your CV. Artificial Intelligence is taking over all aspects of our lives- from our economic growth to waste reduction, from healthcare to education. Moreover, training in Artificial Intelligence opens up job prospects in machine learning and development, data science and architecting Artificial Intelligence technology stack. It is, indeed, the fastest growing job market in todayu2019s world, and it is the perfect time for you to take proactive and decisive steps to launch a successful career
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