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THE GILA MONSTER. THE GILA MONSTER. A very sluggish animal. Inactive from mid -November to early March. Active about 30% of the time during the hot wet season. How can it be so inactive ?. Yummy ! A hamster !. But why is it so interesting ?. Toxicity of the venom. IMMUNE.

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  3. A verysluggishanimal Inactivefrommid-November toearly March Activeabout 30% ofthe time duringthehotwetseason

  4. Howcanitbe so inactive ? Yummy ! A hamster !

  5. But whyisit so interesting ?

  6. Toxicityofthevenom IMMUNE 7 min < 2 min

  7. Toxicityofthevenom IMMUNE 7 min < 2 min The Gila monster does not use its venom to hunt !

  8. WHAT Gradual paralysisofrespiration Coagulationofbloodisstopped Gradual paralysisoftheheart Rapid drop in bloodpressure Paralysis oftherespiratorysystem or Cardiacfailure DEATH

  9. WHAT Excruciatingpain, edema, rapid drop in bloodpressure, hemorrhage in internalorgans, difficultytobreathe

  10. The venomapparatus Specializedsalivarygland Ductthatdeliversthevenomtotheteeth.

  11. Complexteeth Lance-shapedatthetip Groove forconductionofvenom Capillarity action Temporaryreservoirsforthevenomdischargedbytheglands.

  12. Complexteeth Lance-shapedatthetip Groove forconductionofvenom Capillarity action Temporaryreservoirsforthevenomdischargedbytheglands.

  13. The venom More than a dozen peptides and proteins have been isolated from the Gila monster's venom, hyaluronidase, serotonin, phospholipase A2, and several kallikrein-like glycoproteins Peptide : EXENDIN-4

  14. EXENDIN-4 50% similar tothe human hormoneglucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that increases the production of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. EXENATIDE May helptotreattype-2 diabete

  15. EXENDIN-4 • remains effective much longer than the human hormone its synthetic form helps diabetics keep their blood sugar levels from getting too high • slows the emptying of the stomach and causes a decrease in appetite, leads to weight loss

  16. GILA MONSTER Itcan kill But itcanheal.

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