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This study focuses on Z' boson models and their discovery limits, including the data used, kinematics, interference effects, electron identification and calibration, Z' reconstruction, background analysis, decay width, leptonic cross section, and discriminating variables.
Z’ studies at LHCZe+e- Martina Schäfer Exotics meeting @ CERN 23 June 2004 F.Ledroit (UJF-CNRS) : DEIRTh.Müller (Universität Karlsruhe) : Diplomarbeit IEKP Martina Schäfer 1
Z’ models and discovery limits • Data used • Kinematics • DY and Interference • Electron identification • Calibration • Z’ reconstruction in full sim • Background • Total decay width • Leptonic cross section • A_FB • Summary and outlook discriminating variables Martina Schäfer 2
Z’ models (1) The research for Z’ bosons is motivated by the high number of models beyond the standard model that propose extra gauge bosons. As it is a channel easy to observe, this channel is an excellent method to distinguish the models. • SSM • Z’ with same couplings as the usual Z boson • E6 models • Effectif rang 5 models • Based on GUTS, popular extensions: SO(10) and E6 • E6SO(10) x U(1)SU(5)xU(1)x U(1)MSxU(1)ß • Z’=sinß Z + cosß Z • studied: Z, Z et Z Martina Schäfer
Z’ models (2) • tower of Kaluza-Klein resonances for all gauge bosons withM²n=(nMc)²+M0², (Mc compactification scale, M0 mass of the ordinary gauge boson) • LR symmetric models • SU(2)LxU(1)Y (SM) enlarged to SU(2)LxSU(2)RxU(1) • =gL/gR: ration of the couplings of the left and the right gauge bosons • studied: =1 • Z’(KK): extra dimensions • fermions confined on a 3-brane, gauge bosons propagate with the gravitation in the extra dimensions (small, orthogonal to the branes) • here: one extra dimension compactified on S1/Z², all fermions are on the same « orbifold point » MC=1TeV n=3 n=1 n=4 n=2 goal: study of discriminating variables Martina Schäfer
Discovery limits Direct and indirect discovery limits • SSM • >1.5TeV indirect, >690GeV direct • E6 models • >350..680GeV indirect, >590..620GeV direct • LR symmetric models • >860GeV indirect, >630GeV direct • Z’(KK) • 4TeV Mixing between Z’ and Z negligible Martina Schäfer
Data used • channel Z’ e+e- • low lumi, without pile-up,… • generation with Pythia (within Athena) • Z’ at 1.5TeV and 4TeV with complete interference structure(DY) • DY only • without ISR/FSR • cut CKIN(1) = 1000GeV / 2500GeV • fullsim (DC1) • Z’ at 1.5TeV with DY (4TeV not yet done) • DY only • with ISR/FSR • cut CKIN(1) = 500GeV • single electrons, photons and dijet for electron identification and calibration from DC1 Martina Schäfer
Kinematics for the SSM at 1.5TeV (generation level) fullsim pT of e- e+ || of e- and e+ =(e-,e+) (lab) fullsim fullsim pz of Z’ Martina Schäfer
DY and interference Interference : SSM (generation level) peak Interference : Z’(KK) broader Mll(GeV) DY+Z’ narrower Mll(GeV) with int. Mll(GeV) DY destructive destructive ! Mll(GeV) with int. /GeV /GeV Martina Schäfer
Electron identification • only clusters with ET>50GeV • selection • variable “ISEM” (standard electron identification ) • number of tracks (1 or 2) • number ofhits in the tracker (at least 6) • results (efficiency) • electrons (single electrons, DC1, 200GeV): 91% • electrons (single electrons, DC1, 1000GeV): 87% • photons (single photons, DC1, 200GeV ): 4% • jets (dijets, DC1, 560GeV): 0.13% Martina Schäfer
Calibration • “standard” calibration : photons • de-calibration and re-calibration • only barrel • tested with single electrons (200GeV and 1TeV) Stathes Paganis (University of Wisconsin)H4e Results: Z’ (SSM 1.5TeV) electrons at 750GeV (E)/E (E=750GeV) =9.5%sqrt(E)-1 0.45% 0.6% ok (M)/M (M=1.5TeV) = sqrt(2) (E)/E 0.8% ok resolution of electrons (Z’ at 1.5TeV) /E0.7% Martina Schäfer
Z’ reconstruction (1) only events with • 2 identified electrons • e+ and e- • 2 electrons in the barrel truth recalibrated resolution on the mass(1.5TeV) not recalibrated = 11 GeV + tails /E 0.7% Losts by bremsstrahlung and FSR outside the cluster neglected. Martina Schäfer
Z’ reconstruction (2) acceptance(55%, only barrel 45% ) in |cos| for different bins in |Y| high |Y| in |Y|(Y of Z’) in |cos| low |Y| Martina Schäfer
Background (1) • photons and jet rejection: • see electron identification • efficiency • 90% for electrons • 0.1% for jets • 4% for photons at 1.5 TeVgeneration bb pT() << 50GeV at 1.5TeV, with B=DY, B=S=0.4, 1 year low lumi (20fb-1) Martina Schäfer
Background (2) at 4 TeV, generation at 4TeV, with B=DY, B=S=0.4, 1 year high lumi (100fb-1) very clean signal Mll/GeV Martina Schäfer
Discriminating variables • Total decay width • Leptonic cross section • Asymmetries Martina Schäfer
Total decay width (1) ±4 peak fit for total decay width -- generation level exemple: Z’(eta) à 1.5 TeV parton luminosity + interference BW BW*exp+exp DY only: Approximated by exp exp (DY) DY /GeV KK: NO DY Martina Schäfer /GeV
Total decay width (2) [Res][BW*exp+exp] Mass resolution fit for total decay width -- full sim natural decay width detector resolution G+G+G Resolution function: Gauss+Gauss (central peak + tails) Gauss+Gauss+Gauss(preliminary to take into account the asymmetry in the resolution/preliminary calibration) G+G Martina Schäfer
Total decay width (3) M recalibrated DY 1.5TeV fit all models (generation) Mll/GeV full sim, SSM 1.5TeV Martina Schäfer /GeV
Total decay width (4) Results at 1.5TeV – generation andfull sim syst 1…6% already at generation level, bigger for small always over- estimated! stat. error Martina Schäfer
Total decay width (5) Results at 4TeV – generation level /GeV Martina Schäfer stat. error
Leptonic cross section (1) • Calculated with • luminosity (cross section of Pythia) • number of events in the peak without DY • in 4 • acceptance 1 (at generation) • * ( exotic Z’ decays) results at 4TeV, generation (n )/(15 ) LR 1.5TeV, generation Martina Schäfer n stat. error
Leptonic cross section (2) results at 1.5TeV Martina Schäfer stat. error
Forward/Backward (1) % of evts with wrong quark direction • in pp collisions there is no natural forward/backward definition q direction “forward” • q direction approximatedby Z’ direction (in general the quark is a valence quark and so faster than the antiquark from the sea) • wrong in 25% of the events • better at high rapidity Y of the Z’ parametrised by pol2 |Y| > 0.8: 10% wrong 1.5TeV, generation Martina Schäfer
Forward/Backward (2) cos * distribution in the Z’ system exemple: Z’(chi) model at 1.5 TeV(generation) * = (e-,q) * = (e-,Z’) * = (e-,z-axis) • cos* is asymmetric A(true) • cos* : less asymmetric A(obs) • cos*is symmetric Martina Schäfer
A_FB (1) as a function of M A_FB(M)=(N+-N-)/N N+: cos>0, in each bin of M ! need acceptance correction ! or fit to the cos distribution in each bin of M 3/8(1+ cos2) + A_FB cos exemple: Z’(SSM) at 1.5TeV, generation real direction of the q fit counting conclusion: Agreement between fitting and counting. Martina Schäfer
A_FB (2) as a function of M exemple: Z’(psi) at 4TeV, generation fitting q direction Z’ direction conclusion: Z’ washes the asymmetry out. Martina Schäfer
A_FB (3) as a function of M counting, with(out) cut |Y|>0.8 q, without cut q, with cut Z’, without cut Z’, with cut exemple: Z’(eta) at 1.5TeV, generation conclusion: A cut in |Y| reduces the loss in asymmetry. But: acceptance decreases with |Y|. Martina Schäfer
A_FB (4) as a function of M Factor of dilution: A(obs)=D A(true), D-1=1-2eps(y) Dilution fit q fit Z’ fit 2D (dilution) Fit 2D, simple division doesn’t work as D depends on the model. conclusion: Fit in 2D works fine, eps(y) is independent of the model, but dependent of the mass. Advantage: access A(true) and not only A(obs) exemple: Z’(SSM) at 1.5TeV, full sim Martina Schäfer
A_FB (5) as a function of M A(true), 4TeV generation Martina Schäfer
A_FB (6) as a function of M Results (on peak) A(true) fit2D stat. error stat. error+ syst. error on eps(y) Martina Schäfer
A_FB (7) as a function of Y exemple: Z’(LR) at 1.5TeV full sim A_FB(Y)=(N+-N-)/N N+: cos>0, in each bin of Y ! need acceptance correction ! A_FB(-Y)= - A_FB(Y) exemple: Z’(eta) at 4TeV generation exemple: Z’(chi) at 1.5TeV generation Y Martina Schäfer
A_FB (8) as a function of Y Choice: slope of a straight line to characterize models stat. error + syst. error on acceptance Martina Schäfer
Summary and Outlook • To do : • 4TeV (fullsim) • Selection cuts (fullsim) • Background/noise (fullsim) • Discriminating • Outlook: • « Diplomarbeit » finished in September • ATLAS note • Analysis at generation level at 1.5 and at 4TeV for different models • interference • background • Study in full simulation • Electron identification • Calibration • Resolution • Discriminating variables • decay width • cross section • A_FB (dilution factor) Towards discrimination between models by global fits Martina Schäfer
FIN BACK-UP Martina Schäfer
Back-up (1) • Theoretical decay width • = gx² /48 (cv²+ca²) Mx (for mf=0) • gx=g/cosw, g=e/sin w • Extra dimensions • S1: y=0..2R, 0=2R • Z²: y=-y=2R-y • Fix points: 0 et • Dilution • A_FB(obs)= (1-2eps) A_FB(true), eps: % of wrong q direction • Charge miss-identification: 3.5% Martina Schäfer
Calibration (1) • “standard” calibration :photons • de-calibration • re-calibration • only barrel energy after recalib. Stathes Paganis (University of Wisconsin) before recalib. 200GeV /E=0.9% (E)/E (E=200GeV) =9.5%sqrt(E)-1 0.45% 0.8% ok Martina Schäfer
Calibration (2) energy after recalib. 1TeV before recalib. /E=0.8% (E)/E (E=1000GeV) =9.5%sqrt(E)-1 0.45% 0.5% ok Martina Schäfer
Calibration (3) Results on the Z’ (SSM 1.5TeV), electrons at about 750GeV (E)/E (E=750GeV) =9.5%sqrt(E)-1 0.45% 0.6% ok (M)/M (M=1.5TeV) = sqrt(2) (E)/E 0.8% ok /E0.7% resolution of electrons (Z’ at 1.5TeV) Martina Schäfer