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Take a look on various uses of laser dentistry and why it is beneficial for the patients and dentists.
I m p r o v e Y o u r D e n t a l T r e a t m e n t w i t h L a s e r D e n t i s t r y i n H o n o l u l u , H I OVERVIEWONLASERDENTISTRY USESOF DENTALLASERS Laser Dentistry Toothwhitening Firstusedin1960to experimenttooth extraction Aftermanyadvancesin Laserdentistry, dentists startedusingthelaser moreregularlyin1990s Crownlengthening Rootcanals Gumdisease Tissueremoval 100 million patients According to various reports 100 million patients fear a visit to the dentist because of fear of the drill and the needle. 82% TheADArecentlyreported thatatleast82% of patientsthinkthatitis veryimportantthata dentalofficeisequipped withdentallaser www.dreugeneazuma.net SOURCE
Benefits of Laser Dentistry to Patient and Practice Single instrument to treat hard tissue, soft tissue, and bone, as well as correlating therapies for root canal, oral surgery, and perio Reduces pain and in most cases reduces the need for anesthesia Reduces anxiety in patients who fear to dental drill Laser procedures are precise and safe causing less bleeding and swelling due to which healing will be faster Precisely remove tooth enamel decay while leaving around unaffected area. This can conserve your precious and healthy tooth. Conclusions Laser technology can greatly increase the ability of a dentist to address the dental needs of the patient, and perform more procedures both clinically and cosmetically. ABOUT THE AUTHOR EUGENE M. AZUMA, DDS IS A DENTAL OFFICE IN HONOLULU, HAWAII. WE OFFER DENTAL SERVICES SUCH AS GENERAL DENTISTRY, COSMETIC DENTISTRY, DENTAL IMPLANTS, LASER DENTISTRY, SLEEP APNEA AND CROWNS AND BRIDGES.