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Managing Projects with AERES: A Hands-On Guide

Managing Projects with AERES: A Hands-On Guide. Contents. Project Tracker to AERES: Goals Getting it done, Faster and Easier: Using AERES - just the basics Managing projects Reporting on projects Doing more - advanced concepts Wrap-up. Project Tracker to AERES: Goals.

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Managing Projects with AERES: A Hands-On Guide

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  1. Managing Projects with AERES:A Hands-On Guide

  2. Contents • Project Tracker to AERES: Goals • Getting it done, Faster and Easier: • Using AERES - just the basics • Managing projects • Reporting on projects • Doing more - advanced concepts • Wrap-up

  3. Project Tracker to AERES:Goals • To make Project Tracker data available on the web • To allow Project Managers to create, save, and share custom reports • To directly link master AERES building, room, etc. data with Projects • To attach project documents (“scans”) directly to project information • To capture more data: • Multiple buildings, multiple code & items, etc.

  4. Basic System Use • Login - Get access • Navigate - Move around • Search - Find what you need • Organize and Refine: • Sort • Filter • Print • Export

  5. Basic System Use: Login • https://aeres-fpd.fis.ncsu.edu/ • Type your usernameand password

  6. Basic System Use:What's Inside?

  7. Basic System Use:Searching • Remember the 3 key areas? • (Dashboard, Search, & Reports) • Those 3 let you find data • Once found, you act on it: print, edit, etc. • We'll look at all, but we start withDashboard

  8. Dashboard • The “Google” of AERES • Type a keyword, press enter • AERES finds matching information • Always ready! • Click “Dashboard”in menu & you'rethere • Try it now • Type a building name • Make sure youhave Projectschecked

  9. From Dashboard to Results

  10. Quick Lab #1 (3 min) • Go back to Dashboard • Type your last name • What are the results?

  11. Sort Try it now! • Multi-column sort supported • Choose order • Click “double green arrows” Apply changes With double green arrows Choose order

  12. Filter Limit the • Narrow down the results information you want to see Apply when ready

  13. Quick Lab #2 (5 min) • Go to dashboard • Type your last name • Filter on a building where you have projects • Sort by project number

  14. Print • From results, click the printer icon • In new window that appears, click Ok

  15. Export • From results, click the disk icon • In new window that appears, click red link

  16. Managing Projects • Synopsis - the big picture • Edit - change it!

  17. How to Get to Synopsis • Each row in results has project icon on left Click icon to open project synopsis

  18. Synopsis Provides anOverview of the Project Shuttle move b/w results Timeline Actions Key information People & firms involved

  19. Synopsis Provides anOverview of the Project Project data by phase. Click the tab and the phase data appears

  20. Quick Lab #3 (10 min) • Shuttle between your search results • Go to the last result • Go back to the first • Next through each • Click the phase “tabs” fields at the bottom • Notice the phase tab defaults to the project's current phase • Click View all Phases in the phase data • What appears? • What happens if you click “View Current Phase”?

  21. Edit • From Synopsis, you can Edit the project Click edit NOTE: you may not have this privilege

  22. Edit • Access controlled - you may not be ableto edit all fields Quickly control what phases & data are shown Update = save changes Cancel = abandon

  23. Edit Each phase has its own container Each phase has its own data fields, too Show or Hide phase fields, and quickly jump between phases

  24. Quick Lab #4 (10 min) • Go to Dashboard • Type an exact project number you're familiar with • Make sure Projects is checked • Click Go • What page appears? • Click Edit (if you have permissions) • What fields appear? • Make changes... • Don't worry, you're not changing Tracker data

  25. Reporting on Projects • Saving search results as a report • Running previously saved reports • Building a custom report • From scratch • By modifying a template

  26. Saving Search Results • Every time you see this screen.... • You can save the results as a report Just click Save as Report” “

  27. Saving a Report • Give yourreport: • a title • a description • access • The reportremembers: • Columns • Sort order • Data filters • and more advanced options

  28. Running a Report • Once saved, your report is always available • Hover your mouse over Reports in the menu • Move down over My Reports, System Reports, or Public Reports • To see a list of all reports, just click on the Reports menu item • NOTE: There is a bug in IE 6 (Internet Explorer). Sometimes the report menu appears behind a drop-down. If that happens, just click the Reports menu to get an easy-to-access list of your reports.

  29. Quick Lab #5 (10 min) • Go to Dashboard • Type your last name • Make sure Projects is checked • Click Go, and make sure your projects appear • Click Hide Toolbar • Click Save as Report, then • Type “My Projects” into text field beside Title • Click “Only you may access this report” • Click Save as Report • From Reports menu • Hover over My Reports • Click “My Projects”

  30. Building Custom Reports:Search with Filters • Dashboard gives you fixed columns • No matter what keyword you type, you always get the same 9 columns: • Project #, Code & Item, Building #, Building Names, Project Title, Design PM, Const. PM, Fac Ops PM • Search with Filters: • Define what columns you want • What order you want them in • How? • Hover your mouse over “Search” in the menu, then select “Search with Filters”

  31. Search with Filters Selected Columns - Project # • Click “Projects” • Choose what youwant to see & Title are Defaults Available Columns - Lots! Double click to move from one side to the other

  32. Search with Filters Shuffle the order of • You can alwayscome back &add or removecolumns your columns Click Search when ready

  33. Quick Lab #6 (10 min) • Select Search > Search with Filters • Click Projects • In the left-hand side select, find and double click each of these: • Construction Project Manager • Design Project Manager • Total Project Funding • Using the Up/Down buttons, put columns in this order: • Number, Funding, Title, Design PM, Const. PM • Click Search • Save results as a report only you can access titled “My Test Report”

  34. Modifying Reports • Creating reports from scratch is hard • Remember, dashboard is a quick alternative to just finding the data you need • Modifying an existing report is a way to “template” • Run a report from the Reports menu • Click Show more fields... • Notice that the columns are already selected based on the existing report • Modify any attribute of the report you want • Click Save as report... to save your changes as a new report

  35. Quick Lab #7 (7 min) • Run the “My Test Report” report • Click Show more fields... • Change the column order to: • Title, Design PM, Const. PM, Number, Funding • Click Search • Sort by Funding (Descending) • Save as a new report entitled “My New Test Report”

  36. Advanced Concepts • Configuring AERES • Time-savers

  37. Configuring AERES • AERES is highly configurable... • ... and becomes more so every day • Adapt AERES to fit your needs • Easiest way to change all settings is from Dashboard

  38. Configuring AERES Third column holds settings If you don't see the gray column, click “ show news & Settings”

  39. Configuring AERES Scroll down until you see the “ My Settings” panel Click “More Settings” to see them all

  40. Configuring AERES • Settings are grouped • You might want to change: • Fast Find Settings: Default Category = Projects • General: Start page after Login = Dashboard • Synopsis Pages Settings: Default phase to show on project synopsis = Design, Construction, etc. • Click Apply when done

  41. Time-Savers • When your dashboard keyword matches only one result, you jump immediately to the synopsis • If you single click the project icon, you go to synopsis; double click and go to edit • Can change in your settings

  42. Wrap-Up • Summary of How-to Guides • Important Note • Thank You!

  43. Summary • Use Dashboard to quickly find data • Single click to synopsis; double click to edit • Save results as a report when needed • Modify existing reports to save time building a report

  44. Important Note • AERES will replace Project Tracker soon • Continue to use Tracker until notified

  45. Thank You! • Thank you for your time • Please direct questions or suggestions to Rob Yaeger (Rob_Yaeger@ncsu.edu)

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