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Magnetic fields in our Galaxy How much do we know JinLin Han National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China hjl@bao.ac.cn. Thanks for cooperation with Dick Manchester (ATNF, Australia), G.J. Qiao (PKU, China),
Magnetic fields in our GalaxyHow much do we know JinLin HanNational Astronomical ObservatoriesChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing, Chinahjl@bao.ac.cn Thanks for cooperation with Dick Manchester (ATNF, Australia), G.J. Qiao (PKU, China), A.G. Lyne (Jodrell Bank, UK), K. Ferriere (Obs. Midi-Pyr. France)
Galactic B field: How much we want to know • B-Structure • Disk field: local • Disk: large structure? • Direction reversal in arm or interarm • Field in halo? • Field near GC? Strength vs. scales Spatial B-Energy Spectrum B-Strength 1. Random vs. ordered ( <δB>2/B2 ) 2. Local vs. large-scale B~ f(R)? B~ f(z)?
Magnetic fields in our GalaxyHow much do we know ? • Some background, reminding • Knowledge 10 years ago • Current knowledge • Central field & halo field • disk field • directions • strength • spatial magnetic energy spectrum • What we should know in future
Observational tracers of magnetic fields • Polarization of starlight:perpendicular field in 2 or 3 kpc orientation // B⊥ ------------- 9000 stars • Zeeman splitting: parallel field, in situ (masers, clouds) △ ∝ B// ------ 30 masers • Polarization at infrared, mm:perpendicular field orientation // B⊥------ clouds & star formation regions • Synchrotron radiation:vertical field structures (added) total intensity S ∝ B⊥2/7, p%∝ B⊥u2 / B⊥t2 • Faraday rotation:parallel field, integrated (the halo & disk) RM∝∫ne B//ds ------ 500 pulsars + >1000 EGSes
Starlight polarization:local field // arm • 9000 stars have polarization measured • mostly nearby (1~2kpc) • polarization percentage increases with distance Zweibel & Heiles 1997, Nature 385,131 Berdyugin & Teerikorpi 2001, A&A 368,635
Zeeman Effect: B in molecular clouds >30 people working for >30 years, get <30 good measurements! Difficult &Bad Luck! Bourke et al. 2001, ApJ 554, 916
Maser B-fields:Nothing to do with large-scale B-field?! Reid & Silverstein 1990, ApJ 361, 483 Fish et al. 2003 41 clockwise 33 counterclockwise Assume Bφ>> Br or Bz ne: ISM: 1cm-3 ==> GMC: 103cm-3 ==> OH-maser: 107cm-3
Observational tracers of magnetic fields • Polarization of starlight: perpendicular field in 2 or 3 kpc orientation // B⊥ ------------- 9000 stars • Zeeman splitting: parallel field, in situ (masers, clouds) △ ∝ B// ------ 30 masers • Polarization at infrared, mm:perpendicular field orientation // B⊥ ------------- star formation regions • Synchrotron radiation:vertical field structures (added) total intensity S ∝ B⊥2/7, p%∝ B⊥u2 / B⊥t2 • Faraday rotation:parallel field, integrated (the halo & disk) RM∝∫ne B//ds ------ 500 pulsars + >1000 EGSes
thermal emission (of dusts) aligned by B-field in the clouds Polarization at mm, sub-mm, infraredWorking toward measure B-field of galactic scale Hildebrand et al. PASP 112, 1215
Synchrotron radiation:transverse B-structuresGlobal B-field structure from linearly polarized emission • Two Possible origin of polarization: • Large-scale magnetic field as vectors shown (convention) • Anisotropic random field compressed by large-scale density wave How to distinguish? RM maps helps on directions of (disk &) halo field! MPIFR has a group working on this for 25 years! No information of B-directions! Han et al. 1999, A&A 384, 405
Observational tracers of magnetic fields • Polarization of starlight: perpendicular field in 2 or 3 kpc orientation // B⊥ ------------- 9000 stars • Zeeman splitting: parallel field, in situ (masers, clouds) △ ∝ B// ------ 30 masers • Polarization at infrared, mm : perpendicular field orientation // B⊥ ------------- star formation regions • Synchrotron radiation : vertical field structures (added) total intensity S ∝ B⊥2/7, p% ∝ B⊥u2 / B⊥t2 • Faraday rotation:parallel field, integrated (the halo & disk) RM∝∫ne B//ds ------ 500 pulsars + >1000 EGSes
Pulsars: Best probes for Large-scale Galactic B-field Pulsar distribution • Widely distributed in Galaxy • Distance from DM: 3-D B-field • Linearly polarized: RM easy to obs • No intrinsic RMs: Direct <B>
Why? Pulsars as probes for Galactic B-field • Polarized.Widely spread in our Galaxy. Faraday rotation: • Distances estimated from pulse dispersion: • <===the delay tells DM • the rotation of position • angles tells RM value===> • Average field strength is
Just remind you …… Magnetic field should have complicated structure, but often is artificially said to have components of Ordered: irregular (random) + regular (uniform) Line of sight: perpendicular + parallel Structural toroidal(azimuthal) + poloidal (vertical) Locations Localized features &/or Global structure
Our Milky Way Galaxy: What structure? Optical sky • how many spiral arms: • 2 or 4, or 3? • pitch angle of spiral: • 8o, 10o or 14o ? • Our Galaxy: we live near the edge • We do not know the structure of our own Galaxy • We want to work out (via radio view) how its magnetic field looks like, and where it originates from? Radio sky
Knowledgeof 10 years ago ……
Galactic magnetic fields: 10 years ago disk field:* 3 models* which one? • Halo field:*no idea on halo field * Poloidal fieldsnear GC:Yessee nonthermal filaments Concentric Rings Axi-symmetric Bi-Symmetric Spiral Rings model spiral (ASS) (BSS)
Axi-Symmetric Spiral modelby J.P. Vallee • Main Problem: fields go across the arms • Just one radius range for reversed fields • Not consistent with field reversals near -- Perseus arm?? -- the Norma arm !! ? ? BSS reversal BSS reversal
by R. Rand & S. Kulkarni (1989)R. Rand & A.Lyne(1994) Ring model:Concentric rings of reversed fields • Selection effect problem ?? • Field lines go across the arms? • Inconsistent Formula for the BSS when modeling ?? It is the zero-order modelling only for azimuthal magnetic field ! There were not as many pulsar RMs as today….
Bi-Symmetric Spiral Model Proposed from RMs of Extragalactic Radio Sources: Simard-Normandin & Kronberg (1980) Sofue & Fujimoto (1983) Confirmed byPulsar RMs: Han & Qiao (1994) Indrani & Deshpande (1998) Han, Manchester, Qiao (1999) Han,Manchester, Lyne, Qiao(2002) Supported bystarlight polarization Heiles (1996) The best match to all evidence field reversals & pitch angle – 8°±2° ( the field stronger in interarm region ? ? )
Current knowledge …… • Central field & halo field • disk field: directions & Strength • magnetic energy spectrum
Poloidal & Toroidal fields near GC (from Novak et al. 2003) Predicted B-direction GC Toroidal fields (Novak et al. 2003, 2000) permeated in the central molecular zone (400pc*50pc) sub-mm obs of p% toroidal field directions determined by averaged RMs of plumes or SNR! Poloidal field filaments Unique to GC --- dipolar geometry! (Morris 1994; Lang et al.1999) 150pc
Magnetic fields in our Galaxy: near GC Spiral arms & B- fields continue near GC? Yes in NGC 2997 (Han et al. 1999) - How strong? Poloidal fields reason for jets? dipole field? related to vertical-B? how strong? (from B.D.C. Chandran 2000)
Optical sky Radio sky
To study halo field:unique to our Galaxy RM distribution Pulsars • The largest edge-on Galaxy in the sky • Pulsars and extragalactic radio sources as probes
To study halo field:unique to our Galaxy Extragalactic Radio Sources RM distribution <B> away from us RM<0 RM>0 <B> to us • The largest edge-on Galaxy in the sky • Pulsars and extragalactic radio sources as probes
Anti-symmetric RM sky: A0 dynamo(Han et al. 1997 A&A322, 98) Evidence for global scale • High anti-symmetry to the Galactic coordinates • Only in inner Galaxy • nearby pulsars show it at higher latitudes Implications • Consistent with field configuration of A0 dynamo • The first dynamo mode identified on galactic scales Bv
Local vertical components: frompoloidal field? North Galactic Pole Unique measurement of Vertical B-component Bv=0.2~0.3G pointing from SGP to NGP (Effect of the NPS discounted already!) South Galactic Pole (see Han & Qiao 1994; Han et al. 1999)
Magnetic field configurations for basic dynamos A0 M31:only 21 polarized bright background sources available !! Han, Beck, Berkhuijsen (1998): An even mode (S0) dynamo may operate in M31 ! S0 S1
Current knowledge …… • Central field & halo field • disk field: • directions • Strength • magnetic energy spectrum
Bi-Symmetric Spiral Model Proposed from RMs of Extragalactic Radio Sources: Simard-Normandin & Kronberg (1980) Sofue & Fujimoto (1983) Confirmed byPulsar RMs: Han & Qiao (1994) Indrani & Deshpande (1998) Han, Manchester, Qiao (1999) Han,Manchester, Lyne, Qiao(2002) Supported bystarlight polarization Heiles (1996) The best match to all evidence field reversals & pitch angle – 8°±2° ( the field stronger in interarm region ? ? )
CCW B-field along the Norma arm: from New Pulsar RMs possible field directions Field directionsnewly determined ?? Coherent B-fielddirections>5 kpc along Norma arm Another reversed field in large-scale? Han et al. 2002, ApJ 570, L17
Large-scale magnetic field in the Galactic disk The largest coherent field structrue detected in the Universe!
Synchrotron radiation:transverse B-structuresGlobal B-field structure from linearly polarized emission • Two possible reasons for polarization ofSynchrotron radiation ofExternal Galaxies: • Large-scale magnetic field as vectors shown (conventionally) • Anisotropic random field compressed by large-scale density wave Polarized radio mission origins from large-scale uniform field? Based on pulsar data in our galaxy <B>=RM/DM: YES! But maybe partially Han et al. 2002 ApJ 570, L17 How to distinguish? RM maps helps on directions of (disk &) halo field! MPIFR has a group working on this for 25 years! No information of B-directions! Han et al. 1999, A&A 384, 405
Current knowledge …… • Central field & halo field • disk field: • directions • Strength • magnetic energy spectrum
Current knowledge …… • Central field & halo field • disk field: directions & Strength • magnetic energy spectrum
Why our Galaxy has magnetic field?Probably Dynamo!How dynamo works? Alpha-Omega effect. Dynamo Really works? Computer Simulations….
Many Simulations of dynamos ---- check spacial B-energy spectrum & its evolution e.g. Magnetic energy distribution on different spatial scales (k=1/λ) • No real measurements • to check whether • dynamo works or not! • Many papers by • N.E. L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg, W. Dobler, ….. • A. Schekochihin, S.C. Cowley, S. Taylor, J. Moron, ….. • E. Blackman, J. Maron ….. • Others ….. Far away from telling anything about a real galaxy …… Don’t know much about the large-scale magnetic field ...
Kolmogorov over 12 orders in scale? Spatial fluctuation spectrum for electron density “The Big Powerlaw in the Sky” (Armstrong, Rickett & Spangler 1995) 10 pc B-field & electrons coupling? If so, B-energy spectrum? 1000 km
Minter & Spangler 1996 Spacial energy spectrum of BPreviously only available information from RM structure function λ< ~4pc: consistent to Kolmogorov 3D 80>λ> ~4pc: turbulence in 2D?
Pulsar RM distribution in Galactic planered: new measurements by Parkes 64m telescope
Spatial magnetic energy spectrum of our Galaxy(Han et al. 2004, ApJ 610, 820) By pulsar RM/DM Email from A. Minter Minter & Spangler 1996
Conclusive Remarks More data needed--Best we can say up to now • Spatial Energy spectrum • Radial Dependence (unpublished) • Halo field • Disk field
If I have time, I tell you more aboutwhat we are doing …… Thanks for your attention.
Halo field: structure and field strength • What difference: • fields in arm and interarm • Structure in large regions: More pulsars? • Structure in more details • Field in intergalactic space Current doing & future ……
RMs of EGRs for the halo B-field Only about 1000 RMs available in literature upto now... We are using Effelsberg -100m telescope to make a RM survey of 1700 sources, enlarge the cover density by a factor of three in most sky area……
Galactic plane polarization survey at 6cm • Cooperation with • MPIfR • System hardware • & software • almost ok • No data at this • frequency • Less affacted by • foreground RM • Useful for CMB • polarization Just messioned last week…. Will finish in 3 years ... MPIfR 6cm receiver 总强度图 偏振强度图 Urumqi 25m telescope
Field reversals exterior to the Perseus arm -- it is fine! Brown et al. 2003, ApJ 593, L29 Mitra et al. 2003, A&A 398,993 Han et al. 1999 Evidence at 150<l<100 is very weak, but Evidence for two reversals at l~70 is hard! Han et al. 1999 Lyne & Smith 1989