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A preliminary premonition - Dr. David Hepburn<br>
“Predict, prevent and preserve should be the slogan forphysicianswhosejobis to haveyou die young…at anoldage” Dr. David Hepburn
Prediseases • To preventyoufromgetting a stroke, hypertension, diabetes orcomingdownwithanunexpected case of “eternal rest”, wenowtend to diagnoseyouwithprediseases. • Dr. David Hepburnstatesthatthe idea is to takeactionbeforebloodpressureorbloodsugarsor a bloodystrokeriskbecomeanyworse. • A pre-diseasedoesnot mean prescriptionpillsbuttakingprecaution to preventprediseasesfromproceeding to theirpredeterminedfate. • Itmeanslifestylechange, seriouslifestylechanges of lesssedentariness, less pizza, less stress, more hockey.
PREHYPERTENSION • RecentlytheNationalInstitutes of Healthrevisedtheguidelines of highbloodpressure (hypertension) forthefirst time since 1997. Thechangesincluded a new definition of “normal” bloodpressure. • Dr. David Frederick Hepburnexplainswhywhatwasclassified as normal bloodpressure (a systolicpressure of 120-139 mm Hg and diastolicpressure of 80-89 mm Hg) isnowcategorized as prehypertension: • Severalstudieshaveshownthatyour cardiovascular risk (heartattack and/orstroke) startsclimbing at 115/75 mm Hg – not 140/90! Thismeantthat 50 million North Americanswhohadgone to bedwith normal bloodpressurewoke up with a disease.
PREDIABETES • According to Dr. David Hepburn, prediabetes, when a person’sbloodglucoselevels are higherthan normal butnothighenough to be type 2 diabetes, may be asymptomatic, yetinsidiouslydestructive. • In fact, millions of peoplehaveeither prediabetes or diabetes and don’tknowitbecausesymptomsdevelop so graduallythatpeopleoftendon’trecognizethem.
PREDIABETES • There are threedifferentlabtestsyou can take to determine ifyouhave prediabetes. • Thoughthispredisposesyou to gettingType 2 diabetes, youwillnotnecessarilyalwaysgoon to developtype 2 diabetes automatically, butyou do need to makesomelifestylechanges.
PRESTROKE • Dr. Hepburn alsoreferred to as a TIA, thepercentage of thosewhopresentwith a TIA and goon to full blow • A pre-strokeoccurswhen, for a short period of time, thereis a lack of bloodflow to a section of thebrainnstrokeisfrightening. • Thepersondevelopssymptoms of brainfunctionimpairmentlikehavingtroublespeaking (DuckDynastysyndrome) ormovinganarmorlegononeside of thebody.
PRESTROKE • Don’tpretenditisnothingoryoumay be prebookingyourprecarious ticket to thehereafter. • More thanone-third of thosewhohave a TIA willhave a stroke, manywithin a month, so itisimperative to gettreatmentforyour TIA ASAP so youdon’tend up in an ICU a couple of monthslater.
For more healthy tips visit: • https://davidfrederickhepburntips.wordpress.com • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBXgR9QtbtDlFbK1GUqZw8A