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Bad Plasmid By - Dr. David Hepburn
“Doctorshavenightmares. Wehavenightmaresabouttakingoutthewrongkidney, takingoutnight nurses ororderingtakeoutwith a side of bacteria gone wild. Fortunately, there are veryfewstegosaurileft in schoolsbut ladies and gentlemen, startyourengines and getout of dodge. Thereisnow a new superbug, a rogue bacteria gonewild” Dr. David Hepburn
Thesuperbug • Dr. David Hepburn statesthatthisoneisn’tjustsuper, itissuper, kryptoniteresistant. Welcome to mynightmarebacteria theonewedidn’teverwant to see, theonethat NO antibiotic can touch. • Thesuperbugsyouhaveheard of like MRSA, the NDM-1 plasmid of New Delhi, C. difficile etc., werenotcompletely 100% resistant to everyantibiotic. • Thisnew one IS and ifyou’renotscared, getscared. It’scalled CRE and itdoes CRE stuffbutreally,
CRE • Dr. Hepburn explainsthatthereare twothingsyoushouldknowabout CRE: • 1. Ifyou catch it, youonlyhave a 50% chance of surviving. • 2. Itishere.
Whyisithere? Reasons • Antibioticoveruse. Thisisnormallywhere I tee off and berateyou, thepatient, forcoming to theclinicforantibioticsfor a coldorfluoranearache. Butmost of you folks havefigureditout. • As theworldshrinksthe medical problemsexpand. In thirdworldcountrieswhereantibiotics are plentiful and educationisnot, antibiotics are being doled outlikeKleenex at a Flamesgame.
Many places nowhavespecialprotocols in place to dealwithsickpatientswho’ve come from places likeGreece, theMiddle East, and theIndiansubcontinent. Buthereisthescarypart. There are nowactuallyprotocols in place forpatientswhohavebeen in hospital in…. the USA! A couple of hundredhospitals in 41 US statesnowhaveconfirmed cases of thisdeadly CRE.
Dr. David Hepburn advisesonthecare of thesebacteria: “Thecountermeasuresincludekeepingpatientsisolated/quarantined as CRE isshed in thefeces of patientswho are infectedorcarryingthe bacteria. Yetanothergoodreason to stayawayfromhospitals and clinicsunlessyouhave to. Apparently, there are sickpeoplethere. Can you catch something in thewaitingroom? Absolutely! Ifyou use doorknobs, touch a chairor run yourhandsthroughthehair of thepatientsittingbesideyou, youcould catch a nasty bug. I recentlyhad a patientlicktheface of anotherpatientsitting in thewaitingroom”
Finally Dr. David Frederick Hepburn concludes • TheblockbustermovieContagionshowedtheentireworld, or at least Toronto, grinding to a halt as anunstoppablemicrobedestroysthe Blue Jays and most of theLeafs’ defensemen. Couldthisactuallyoccur? Possibly. Thiswould mean thattheLeafswillneveragainwin Lord Stanley’s Cup prolongingthenightmare of those of us of LeafNation. Unless, of course, thisyearwehappen to tradefor a stegosaurus. Thatwould be a dream come true.
For more healthy tips visit: • https://davidfrederickhepburntips.wordpress.com • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBXgR9QtbtDlFbK1GUqZw8A