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Myths Dispelled - Dr. David Hepburn

Myths Dispelled - Dr. David Hepburn<br>

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Myths Dispelled - Dr. David Hepburn

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  1. MythsDispelled By Dr. Hepburn and Dr. Sealy

  2. Medical Myths • Thereare manymithswith in theworld of medicine. • Dr. David Hepburn and Dr. Sealy tellyousome of themostcommonmyths.

  3. Eyesight • Howmany times haveyouheardthatifyouread in thedarkyouwillhurtyoureyesight? • Thisis false. • According to Dr. David Hepburn • Reading in dim light can notdamageyourvisionit can cause you a bit of eyestrainbutwill do nothing to yourvision.

  4. Coldsand theClimate • Dr. Sealy: • Itisverycommon to thinkthatthereissomerelationshipbetweenclimate and coldsbutthisiscompletely false.  • Coldwetweather causes colds and flus: • “Wellof coursethat’snot true despitewhatmomtolduswewant to stayout of thedampchillystuffbutitdoesn’t cause colds. • Coldsare due to respiratoryinfectionsfromabout 200 differentviruses”

  5. Dr. David Hepburn Dr. Robert Sealy

  6. Antibiotics • A thirdmyththatisverycommonwhichisyouneedantibioticsforcolds. • According to Dr. David Hepburn thisis false • You do notneedantibioticsforcolds • “Do not come intoour office ifyouhave a coldthereis no reason to do that. Youdon’tneed to seea doctor” Dr. Hepburn

  7. Cracking theknuckles • Cracking yourknucklesiscommonlyattributed as a cause of arthritis • Thisisfalse! • Actuallyitmayhelp to preventthisdisease as thedoctorsmentioned • Thisconclusionwasbasedon a studiomadebythe Johns Hopkins University: • By cracking knucklesoranyjointsthemselvesitimprovesthelubricationthejointkind of opens it up so itactually reduces yourrisk of arthritis so goahead and crack up allyou” Dr. David Hepburn

  8. Dr. David Hepburn Dr. Robert Sealy

  9. For more healthy tips visit: • davidfrederickhepburntips.wordpress.com • davidfrederickhepburn.com

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