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History and Evolution of Nursing: Florence Nightingale & Islamic Nursing Beginnings

Learn about Florence Nightingale's pioneering work in nursing and the inception of nursing care in Islamic history. Explore the impact of key figures and moments in nursing evolution.

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History and Evolution of Nursing: Florence Nightingale & Islamic Nursing Beginnings

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  1. History and Evolution of Nursing (3)

  2. Think and recall 1- …………………is the first name which given to the nurses at the period of Christianity. 2- …………………founded by Vincent de Paul in France. 3- An institute where Florence Nightingale received her initial education in nursing is ………… 4- During the historical period of the King Henry VIII, Nursing is considered as………………,………….…

  3. Objectives By the end of this lecture, each student will be able to: • Identify the Founder of Nursing.. • Identify Formal Training of Florence Nightingale. • Identify Nursingin the Islamicperiod. • Discuss the evolution of the Nursing profession in Egypt. • Identify the evolution of the Nursing education in Egypt.

  4. Because of her legacy……………. Florence Nightingale Is the Founder of Modern Nursing.

  5. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (12 May 1820 – 13 Aug 1910) The founder of Nursing A nursing theorist, writer and statistician.

  6. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE • Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 into a wealthy British family. • Her education included the mastery of several ancient and modern literature, philosophy, history, science, mathematics, religion, art and music. • She dedicates her life to the service of humanity.

  7. Formal Training • She was determined to become a nurse since she believed that she was “called by God to help others and to improve the well-being of mankind”. • She visited (Kaiserswerth) and received nurse’s training at 1850 for three months.

  8. Formal Training • The outbreak of the Crimean War gave Nightingale an opportunity for achievement. • On Oct. 21, 1854, left with 38 women for the Crimean War, British victims were high; within 6 months, death rate cut in half. • Nightingale and her nurses transformed the military hospitals by setting up diet kitchens, a laundry, recreation centers, and reading rooms, and organizing classes for militaries.

  9. Formal Training • Nightingale believed that dirt, rather than microscopic pathogens were the cause of disease, she embarked on a movement to thoroughly scrub the militaries’ camps and hospital wards, and to let in sunshine and fresh air. Within months, the number of deaths decreased dramatically. • Nightingale, who had learned the principles of statistics from her father’s teaching, carefully documented the results of her care and used these as the basis for further interventions. Through her work, she put the basis for modern evidence based practice.

  10. Formal Training • After the war, in 1860 Nightingale placed the foundation of professional nursing when the Nightingale Training School for Nursed at St. Thomas’ hospital in London was established; the school served as a model for other training school. Nightingale Training School at St. Thomas’ Hospital

  11. Formal Training • First to stress on aseptic precautions while caring for the patient. • she stressed good food, clean air and sanitation. • “Maintaining a safe and • clean environment to • Promote well-being” Environmental Theory

  12. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE • Called as the “Lady with the Lamp”

  13. NOTES on NURSING (1859) • Wrote textbooks on nursing. • Wrote famous “Notes on Nursing” “What it is and What it is not” • Her favorite proverb  • “Do the Patient No Harm”

  14. Nursingin theIslamicperiod

  15. Islam and Nursing • However all the Western literature relate the initiative step in nursing for the “Lady with the lamp”, the Islamic literature has a different view. Nursing, in Islam, started in the age of the Prophet Mohammed; in the 8th century. • Prophet Mohammed made nursing care givers as an essential part of the Muslim Army body.

  16. Islam and Nursing • Rufaidah Bint Sa'ad Al Ansareyah is recognized as the first Muslim professional nurse. • Called as “The comate of the first officinal tent in history” • she learned how to care for patients. Tracing her history showed that she expressed all attributes of a good nurse; kindness and empathy, capability of leading and organizing, and ability to inspire others to produce good work, besides having several very good clinical skills.

  17. Islam and Nursing • After the establishment of the Islamic State in Madina, Rufaidah devoted herself to nurse the Muslim sick. The Prophet offered a tent, outside his mosque, for nursing sick Muslims in the peace time. • During war she used to guide groups of helper nurses who went to the battlefield and treated the wounded. Rufaidah had trained a group of women companions as nurses.

  18. Islam and Nursing • When the Prophet's army was getting ready to go to the battle of Khaibar, Rufaidah and the group of volunteer nurses went to the Prophet Muhammad. They asked him for permission "Oh messenger of Allah, we want to go out with you to the battle and treat the injured and help Muslims as much as we can". The Prophet gave them permission to go.

  19. Islam and Nursing • Not only Rufaidah was a practical nurse, but also she was a teacher. In her school, a lot of volunteer Muslim women learned nursing skills and how to care for ill and wounded Muslims. • In the Arabic language, the word “Asiya” was used for the single female nurse, while the plural was “Awasi”. The translation of the word “Asiya” may involve the physical, emotional, social, and even spiritual care (Holistic Approach to health care service)..


  21. Nursing in the period of Muhammad Ali • He established a School of Medicine (1827) and set maternity ward and a school of midwifes in the hospital but he found great difficulty in getting students to this school so the government has bought ten girls (Hbashaat and Sudanese of the market for slaves) and joined two Aghwat of the palace with the castle to them and also others tenth maids.

  22. Nursing in the period of Muhammad Ali (1805) • The number of girls be twenty-two and has increased ten girls young orphans were sent their as patients to hospital for treatment after that no one ask about them, because these students were illiterate, he began to educate them to read and write in Arabic.

  23. The Evolution Of The Nursing in Egypt • By time, nursing schools increased. • Due to the demand for nurses, there was a need to find another class to help in overcoming the shortage in the nursing service. Therefore the Ministry of Health in 1928 has done the first program to help nurses at the Amiri Hospital in Alexandria. So, it set the School of Nurse’s Aid.

  24. The Evolution of the Nursing in Egypt • The study of this school (School of Nurse’s Aid) was one year without any requirements, and the girls trained to do simple acts of nursing. • in 1959, girls except to hold the preparatory school certificate and the study increased the duration to 18 months.

  25. The Evolution Of The Nursing in Egypt • Nursing schools : In 1964 the system of Muhammad Ali schools has stopped, and replaced by a system of Nursing diploma after a study period of 3 years preceded by a period of the preparation for 6 weeks and called the Nursing schools and it is possible after it to join with diplomas of specialization, including: • Diploma in delivery • Diploma in massage. • Diploma of Health Visitor.

  26. The Evolution Of The Nursing in Egypt • Technical Secondary Schools of Nursing: Established in 1972 with the ending of Nursing schools and it includes a high school program with a study of Nursing.

  27. The Evolution Of The Nursing in Egypt • Nursing Technical Institutes of Health Under the Ministry of Health:This division has established and attached to the Technical institutes in Alexandria and Cairo and the duration of the study is two years after the completion of secondary school. Certificate allow to be joined a supplementary study for specialized diplomas, and also to join with Higher Institute of Nursing (the University system).

  28. The Evolution Of The Nursing in Egypt • Higher Colleges of Nursing (University system): The first Higher Institute of Nursing established in Alexandria and was required to join him to obtain a certificate of high school, scientific discipline. The duration of the study was four years followed by a year of obligatory training with salary and under the supervision of the Institute (the year of Internship).

  29. The Evolution Of The Nursing in Egypt • The higher Master's degree in Nursing has been entered in Higher Institute of Nursing in Alexandria and Cairo in 1969 in each of the following fields: Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Medical and Surgical Nursing, pediatric Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Psychiatric and Mental Health and Nursing Administration. • The higher Doctorate's degree in Nursing has been entered in Higher Institute of Nursing in Alexandria in 1976 then followed by Higher Institute of Nursing in Cairo.

  30. مستعدين! هنسأل؟

  31. Questions • Florence Nightingale is called as……………… • During Islamic period nurses are called as ……. • Nursing Technical Institutes are affiliated to ……….. • Write short account about: • The Evolution of the Nursing in Egypt

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