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Family history. D & C 110. Verse 9 – Jesus . Hearts of thousands shall rejoice. Verse 11 – Moses . Keys of Gathering . Proclaim the Gospel. Verse 12 – Elias . Dispensation of Gospel of Abraham. Perfect the Saints. Verse 13 – Elijah . Sealing Keys. Redeem the Dead.
D & C 110 Verse 9 – Jesus Hearts of thousands shall rejoice Verse 11 – Moses Keys of Gathering Proclaim the Gospel Verse 12 – Elias Dispensation of Gospel of Abraham Perfect the Saints Verse13 – Elijah Sealing Keys Redeem the Dead
When the Spirit of Elijah is brought into any activity it sanctifies that activity and brings the person or persons involved additional power to bless their lives and fulfill their needs.
What is Family History? • Research • Indexing • Writing your Personal History • Collecting Family History Stories • Keeping a Journal • Attending the Temple • Documenting Family Records • Scrapbooking • Photography • Letter Writing • Family Organizations • Family Reunions • Serving a Family History Mission
“The Spirit of Elijah is the Holy Ghost testifying of families.” Steve Rockwood
Agenda items What Family History items should be on a PEC or Correlation Council agenda?
Dear Presidents: In our efforts to “enable salvation for the dead by performing ordinances” of exaltation on their behalf, we desire to foster a spirit of family history work among the saints of all ages. This will require that our bishops consistently focus on this divinely appointed responsibility that rests upon the Saints in our day. To assist the bishops in this effort, I have attached a document that I hope you will share with each of them which suggests ways that they can move this work forward on a ward basis. In addition to distributing this document to all of your bishops, please consider using this document in your bishopric training meetings.
We hope that the Ward Family History Consultants will become increasingly active in teaching the Saints in their homes of the process and tools that are available to prepare family names for essential temple ordinances. The Gordon's are available to assist you on a stake basis in training your high counselors and high priest group leadership in how they can organize and carry out their responsibilities. They are also available to meet with you in bishopric training meetings. May the spirit of Elijah be poured out to an even greater degree in your stakes as you and your bishops move forward in faith. Gospel Love, Elder Cherrington
Memo for Bishops • Dear Bishops • In your work of “perfecting the saints” you may find Family History to be both helpful and vital. It is yet another tool to help you. The following are suggestions on how you can use Family History to bless your ward members. • Encourage your ward members to take family names to the temple; the process has been simplified. Ask your Family History Consultants to show your Ward correlation Council how to do it and set the example for your ward. The web site is: new.familysearch.org • Consider calling ward members to serve as Family Search Indexers. (They will need Internet access in their homes.) Homebound, less active, YSA or others may enjoy this calling. The web site for Indexing is: familysearchindexing.org
Consider calling multiple Family History Consultants for your ward. You can send Ward Family History Consultants into ward member’s homes to help them learn to use New Family Search. This can be done regularly. Ward Family History Consultants can also teach the Family History class during Sunday School time. • Ask your counselor over Family History and the High Priest Group Leader to report regularly as an agenda item on Family History and Indexing activities in the ward. • The Utah North Area Family History Advisors are Richard and Cristal Gordon. I encourage you to invite them to come to your stake where they will provide training for your priesthood leaders and those with callings related to Family History. You can reach them by email at: richarddgordon@comcast.net, or gordon1010@comcast.net; or by phone at: 435 753-6614 (Home), 435 770-7924 (Richard’s cell), 435 770-7925 (Cristal’s cell).
Are all ward/stake leaders registered on New.FamilySearch.org? • Indexing Reports • Are Family History web sites listed in the weekly ward bulletin? • new.familysearch.org • indexing.familysearch.org • What families could the Ward F.H. Consultants be assigned to contact to assist them in preparing names for the temple? (Perhaps the Ward Correlation Council could be first.) • Report on families contacted by F.H. Consultants this past week.
President Eyring on the “Joy of Family History Work” In an excerpt from the Training Video for Family History Leaders, May 2000 Elder Henry B. Eyring said: “When you help a member trying to do family history, don't see that single person. See hundreds and perhaps thousands of their ancestors who will be praying to be found and liberated. And think of the faithful missionaries who have waited with them. As you do, you will feel not only the urgency of your service but confident that prayers, some from this side of the veil and more on the other, will be answered. Even in Utah, 17 percent of the members are converts. In the rest of the United States it is nearly half.
Outside the United States and Canada, it is more than 90 percent who are converts. Their conversion brought joy in the spirit world and hope to their ancestors that the long waiting would end. I pray that you would sense in your service the sound of people shouting for joy. The Prophet Joseph saw when he was alive what he must feel even more now. Let your hearts rejoice and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into singing. Let the dead speak forth anthems of eternal praise to the King Immanuel who ordained before the world was that which would enable us to redeem them out of their prison, for the prisoners shall go free (see D&C 128:22).”
“In conclusion, the future of this work, I see the records of the dead and their histories gathered from every nation under heaven to one great central library in Zion…the largest and best equipped for its particular work in the world. Branch libraries may be established in the nations, but in Zion will be the records of last resort and final authority. Trained genealogists will find constant work in all nations having unpublished records, searching among the archives for families and family connections. Then, as temples multiply, and the work enlarges to its ultimate proportions, this Society, or some organization flowing out of this Society, will have in it’s care some elaborate, but perfect system of exact registration and checking, so that the work in the Temples may be conducted without confusion or duplication. And so throughout the years, reaching into the Millennium of Peace, this work of salvation will go on, until every soul that can be found from earthly records will have been searched out and officiated for, and then the unseen world will come to our aid, the broken links will be joined, the tangled threads will be placed in order, and the purposes of God in placing salvation within the reach of all will have been consummated.” Nephi Anderson – Secretary of the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1912