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Hacky Sack. Katie Goetz Oxford High School Oxford, Michigan Midwest District TOY. What is Hacky Sack?. The co-operative kicking sport has ancient origins from China, Thailand, Native America and nearly every country.
Hacky Sack Katie Goetz Oxford High School Oxford, Michigan Midwest District TOY
What is Hacky Sack? • The co-operative kicking sport has ancient origins from China, Thailand, Native America and nearly every country. • The basic idea of the game is to 'Hack‘ (kick) the footbagusually with the inside of your foot or with your toe, keeping the ball in the air using any part of the body EXCEPT for your hands or arms. The footbagmay even be stopped or delayed before continuing to see how many times and in what variations you can 'hack' the ball. • "Footbag Freestyle" is where individual players are judged on their physical and artistic skills while performing a variation of moves with the footbag. • Hacky Sack is the trademark for Wham-O. Footbag is the common name for this activity.
Where Did Hacky Sack Come From? Hacky Sack or Footbag, as we know it today, is a modern American sport invented in 1972, by John Stalberger and Mike Marshall of Oregon City, Oregon. Marshall had created a hand-made bean bag, that he was kicking around. Stalberger was recovering from knee surgery and was looking for a fun way to exercise his knees. Together, they called the new game "Hackin' the Sack." The two decided to collaborate and market their new game under the trademark of "Hacky Sack®". Mike Marshall died of a heart attack in 1975, at the age of twenty-eight. Stalberger continued with the "Hacky Sack" cause and formed the National Hacky Sack Association. John Stalberger Mike Marshall
NASPE Standards Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
Benifits • Increases health related fitness • Can be played just about anywhere • It doesn't require a lot of space • CHEAP • Low impact activity • Can be played with a single player or more • It is the perfect game for any time, place, or group of people. • Enhances whole body development • Creates new pathways in the brain • Effects a synchronicity between the right and left brain • Develops the eye muscles • Entertaining fitness regimen
Health Related Fitness Components • For one hour of activity could burn from 236-345 calories. • The constant movements work the cardiovascular system, and the repetitive leg lifts work the legs and abdominals. • The game also improves players' dexterity and “foot-eye” coordination • Hack sack greatly increases flexibility. In order to play the game, players must move their legs in ways that they would not normally move them. • Even people that normally run or perform leg exercises will find themselves becoming more flexible. • In order to keep the hacky sack off the ground players will have to maintain their balance while stretching their legs for a kick, which often opens up the hips. • Requires an intense amount of concentration, and as such helps players develop their awareness and reaction times. • Improvement in coordination and balance.
Terms • Stall – hacky sack stops on a part of the body (usually top of foot, neck, chest) • See Saw – kicking the hacky sack with the inside of foot and then outside of foot • Roll – allowing the sack to roll from your chest down to your foot or down the leg to your foot • Serve – toss the sack to another person to begin a game or moving the sack onto your foot and passing it to someone else to start the game (top of toe or heel kick up) • Self serve – tossing the sack to yourself to start a game • Dido – repeat motion over and over again • Jester – jump up and cross leg behind your back to kick the hacky sack • Full hack – Everyone in the group is able to touch the hacky sack one time without hitting the ground
Skills • Inside Kick • Outside Kick • See Saw • Toe Kick • Knee Kick • Serves • Body hits • Head, shoulders, chest, etc. • Stalls • Rolls
Games • Full Hack • PIG • “Team” 21 • One Footed Hack • Monkey in the middle • Numbers • Draw and Kick (need cards) • “Individual” 21 • Add On • Copy Cat • Round Robin • Elimination • Stall • Stall Crazy • Create your own game
Great Lead Up for the Game of Takraw • Takrawis an explosive mix of football, volleyball and Kung Fu, where two teams battle it out over a net with a rattan cane ball • Takraw, for short, is now a widely popular sport in Southeast Asia and is spreading all over the world. • Strategy of playing Takraw is similar to volleyball with players using their feet and heads to kick or head the ball instead of hands. • Using the same dimensions as a badminton court to play, Takraw is played with 3 on each side with a plastic woven ball little bit bigger than the size of softball. • Watching Takraw creates an excitement and enjoyment to spectators who have never seen the game before when they are treated to thrilling rallies with acrobatic spikes where players flip in the air to spike the ball at speeds nearing 80 miles per hour. • From the website http://takrawusa.com/ • http://takrawusa.com/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CP6ykzsK0M • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_oiycbO3RU
Basic Skills and Court • Inside Kick. Arguably it is the most important skill. • Knee/Thigh kick. The knee and thigh is used when the ball comes fast towards the area between your knees and your waist. • Header. The header is probably the second most important skill to have, especially in the net game. • Front kick/Toe kick. The toe kick is a defensive kick, great for saving a ball that has gotten out in front of you. • Center Line • The Service Circle • The service circle of 1 foot radius shall be drawn on the left and right court, the center of which is 8 feet from the back line of the court and 10 feet from the side boundary. • Height of the Net • It should be 5 feet, 1 inch at the center.
Resources • http://www.hottestnewitems.com/hacky-sack-offers-low-cost-way-to-exercise-and-gain-flexibility/ • http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blhackysack.htm • http://www.x-village.com/fbtricks.html • http://www.freestylefootbag.com/games.htm • http://www.tcnj.edu/~educat/ncate/documents/KMunitplan.pdf