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This tutorial explores the concepts of decidability and universal Turing machines. It covers the design of a universal TM and discusses the decidability of the Acceptance Turing Machine (ATM) and the Halting Turing Machine (HALTTM).
CSCI 3130: Formal languagesand automata theoryTutorial 8 Chin
Reminder • Homework 5 is due at next Thursday!
Decidability • A language L is decidable if there exists a TM M such that • If x is in L then M accepts. • If x is not in L then M rejects x • A language L is recognizable if there exists a TM M such that • If x in L then M accepts x • If x is not in L then M rejects x / M loops • If L is decidable then L is recognizable
Decidability • Universal Turing Machine U • It takes a TM M and a string x and simulate M on x • Think of • M as a function which takes a string as input string M(string w) { … return accept/reject; } • U as another function which takes a function description and a string as inputs, then it can invoke thefunction on the string string U(string <F>, string x) { // you can do anything with <F, x> here convert <F> to F // think of “gcc <F>.c –o F” return F(x) // just an example } • What happens if I do U(<M>, w)?
Decidability • ATM = {<M, w>: M is a TM that accepts w} • ATM is recognizable • How to design your universal TM U ? string U(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to F; return F(x); } • Given <M, w>, we runU(M, w) • What happens to U if M accepts w? string M(string w) { return “accept”; } • What happens to U if M rejects w? string M(string w) { return “reject”; } • What happens to U if M loops on w? string M(string w) {while (1); return “accept”; } If x is accepted by M, then Maccepts If x is NOT accepted by M, then Mrejects / loops
Decidability • ATM = {<M, w>: M is a TM that accepts w} • ATM is UNdecidable • Suppose not, then there exists a universal TM H string H(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts x, return “accept”; if F does not accept x, return “reject”; //does not accept = reject / loop } • Now we try to do something ridiculous using H
Decidability • ATM = {<M, w>: M is a TM that accepts w} • ATM is UNdecidable • Suppose it is decidable, then there exists a universal TM H string H(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts x, return “accept”; if F does not accept x, return “reject”; //does not accept = reject / loop } • Design another universal TM H’ string H’(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if H(F, x) == “accept”, return “reject”; if H(F, x) == “reject”, return “accept”; // think of H as a global function }
Decidability • Suppose ATM is decidable, we have H string H(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts x, return “accept”; if F does not accept x, return “reject”; } string H’(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if H(F, x) == “accept”, return “reject”; if H(F, x) == “reject”, return “accept”; } • Design yet another universal TM D string D(string <F>) { convert <F> to become a function F // think of x is the source code, we compile x return H’(F, <F>); }
Decidability • Suppose ATM is decidable, we have H string H(string F, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts x, return “accept”; if F does not accept x, return “reject”; } string H’(string F, string x) { if H(F, x) == “accept”, return “reject”; if H(F, x) == “reject”, return “accept”; } string D(string <F>) { convert <F> to become a function F return H’(F, <F>); } • run D(<D>), where <D> is the source of D
Decidability • Suppose ATM is decidable, we have H • run D(<D>), <D> is the source of D D { H’(D, <D>) { H(D, <D>) { If D accepts <D> return “accept” } return “reject” } return “reject” } If D accepts <D>, D rejects <D>. Contradiction! string H(string F, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts x, return “accept”; if F does not accept x, return “reject”; } string H’(string F, string x) { if H(F, x) == “accept”, return “reject”; if H(F, x) == “reject”, return “accept”; } string D(string <F>) { convert <F> to become a function F return H’(F, <F>); }
Reducibility • HALTTM = {<M, w>: M is a TM that halts on input w} • Known: • ATM = {<M, w>: M is a TM that accepts w} is undecidable • If HALTTM is decidable, exists H string H(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if F halts on x, return “accept”; if F loops on x, return “reject”; //does not accept = reject / loop } • construct a universal TM U using H to decide ATM
Reducibility • HALTTM = {<M, w>: M is a TM that halts on input w} • If HALTTM is decidable, exists H string H(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if F halts on x, return “accept”; if F loops on x, return “reject”; //does not accept = reject / loop } • Construct a universal TM U using H to decide ATM string U(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if H(F, x) == “accept”, return F(x) if H(F, x) == “reject”, return “reject”; }
Reducibility • HALTTM = {<M, w>: M is a TM that halts on input w} string H(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if F halts on x, return “accept”; if F loops on x, return “reject”; } string U(string <F>, string x) { convert <F> to a function F; if H(F, x) == “accept”, return F(x) if H(F, x) == “reject”, return “reject”; } • Given <M, w>, • If M accepts w, U accepts w • If M rejects w, U rejects w • If M loops on w, U rejects w • U is a TM that decidesATM, contradition!
Reducibility AEPSTM = {<M>: M is a TM that accepts input e} • Want to show if AEPSTM is decidable, so is ATM. • If AEPSTM is decidable, exists H string H(string <F>) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts e, return “accept”; if F loops on/rejects e, return “reject”; } • If e becomes w, then we are happy. • Consider the following TM M’ string M’(string z) { return M(w); // we ignore z } • Want to simulate H(<M’>) • M accepts w if and only if M’ accepts any input, in particular e. • First we need to construct <M’>
Reducibility • AEPSTM = {<M>: M is a TM that accepts input e} string H(string <F>) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts e, return “accept”; if F loops on/rejects e, return “reject”; } string M’(string z) { return M(w); // we ignore z } • Given <M, w>, we can construct a TM U to construct M’ string U(string <F>, string x) { <M’> = “string M’(string z) { convert <F> to a function F; return F(x); }”; return <M’>; } • U(M,w)constructs M’
Reducibility • AEPSTM = {<M>: M is a TM that accepts input e} string H(string <F>) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts e, return “accept”; if F loops on/rejects e, return “reject”; } string M’(string z) { return M(w); // we ignore z } • We make a small change to U string U(string <F>, string x) { <M’> = “string M’(string z) { convert <F> to a function F; return F(x); }”; return H(<M’>); } • Given <M, w>, run U(M,w)
Reducibility • AEPSTM = {<M>: M is a TM that accepts input e} • U is a TM that decides ATM U(<M>, w) { construct M’; H(<M’>) { For all inputs z (inc. e) if M accepts w, accept if M rejects w, reject if M loops on w, reject } } • If M loops on w, M’ loops on everything (in particular, e) • If M’ loops on e thenH<M’> rejects, then U rejects. string H(string <F>) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts e, return “accept”; if F loops on/rejects e, return “reject”; } string M’(string z) { return M(w); // we ignore z } string U(string <F>, string x) { <M’> = “string M’(string z) { convert <F> to a function F; return F(x); }”; return H(<M’>); }
Reducibility SOMETM = {<M>: M is a TM that accepts some input} • Want to show if SOMETM is decidable, so is ATM. • If SOMETM is decidable, exists H string H(string <F>) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts some inputs, return “accept”; if F does not accept any inputs, return “reject”; } • Consider the following TM H’ string M’(string z) { return M(w); // we ignore z } • Want to simulate H(<M’>) • M accepts w if and only if M’ accepts any input, in particular e. • Same reduction as AEPSTM to ATM!
Reducibility • ETM = {<M>: M is a TM that accepts no input} • Known: SOMETM = {<M>: M is a TM that accepts some input} is undecidable • If ETM is decidable, exists H string H(string <F>) { convert <F> to a function F; if F accepts no inputs, return “accept”; if F accepts some inputs, return “reject”; } • Just flip the answer. Construct U as follows string U(string <F>) { if H(<F>) accepts, reject; if H(<F>) rejects, accept; }
End • Questions?