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Grade Separation and Interchange: Solutions for Traffic Conflict

Learn about time-sharing, space-sharing, and grade separation as solutions for traffic conflicts at intersections. Discover grade-separated intersections, flyover interchanges, and interchange components.

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Grade Separation and Interchange: Solutions for Traffic Conflict

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  1. Grade Separation & Interchange

  2. Menurut Banks (2002) pada prinsipnya ada tiga cara untuk memecahkan konflik pergerakan lalulintas pada suatu persimpangan. • melalui solusi Time-sharing yang melibatkan pengaturan penggunaan badan jalan untuk masing-masing arah pergerakan lalulintas pada setiap periode waktu tertentu, contoh dari solusi tersebut adalah persimpangan berlampu lalulintas (signalized intersection).

  3. melalui solusi Space-sharing yang merubah konflik pergerakan bersilangan (crossing) menjadi jalinan (weaving), contoh dari solusi tersebut adalah bundaran lalulintas (roundabout).

  4. melalui solusi Grade separation yang meniadakan konflik pergerakan bersilangan dengan menempatkan arus lalulintas pada elevasi yang berbeda pada titik konflik, contoh dari solusi tersebut adalah persimpangan tidak sebidang (interchange).

  5. Definition A grade-separated intersection is formed when the roadways that meet at the intersection are separated in the vertical plane to eliminate crossing conflicts. If one road is carried over or under another by means of bridge, but without connections between them, the facility is called a Grade Separation

  6. Grade Separation If one road is carried over or under another by means of bridge, but without connections between them, the facility is called a Grade Separation

  7. Fly Over

  8. Interchange If connecting roadways to permit turning movements in one or more quadrants are provided, it is called an Interchange

  9. An interchange is a grade separation with connectors (ramps) to facilitate turning movements. An interchange eliminates collisions at crossing points in the main through lanes.

  10. An interchange is a grade separation with connectors (ramps) to facilitate turning movements. An interchange eliminates collisions at crossing points in the main through lanes.

  11. An interchange is a grade separation with connectors (ramps) to facilitate turning movements. An interchange eliminates collisions at crossing points in the main through lanes.

  12. Komponen Interchange (Underwood, 1991)

  13. Pola Dasar Geometri Ramp

  14. Desain Geometri Loop Ramp • Simple Curve Radius with Spiral (Spiral-Circle-Spiral) • Simple Curve Radius with Tangent (Tangent-Circle-Tangent) • Compound Curve Radius (Sharp-Flat-Sharp or Flat-Sharp-Flat)

  15. Desain Geometri Loop Ramp • Simple Curve Radius with Spiral (Spiral-Circle-Spiral) • Simple Curve Radius with Tangent (Tangent-Circle-Tangent) • Compound Curve Radius (Sharp-Flat-Sharp or Flat-Sharp-Flat)

  16. Geometri Loop Ramp Spiral-Circle-Spiral

  17. Geometri Loop Ramp Simple Curve Radii With Tangent

  18. Geometri Loop Ramp Flat-Sharp-Flat Compound Curve Radii

  19. 8% 16% 62% Enam Pola Dasar Geometri Interchange

  20. Types of Interchanges

  21. Types of Interchanges

  22. Types of Interchanges

  23. Types of Interchanges

  24. Types of Interchanges

  25. Types of Interchanges

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