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BME International Relations: Enhancing Educational and Research Collaboration

Explore the rich history and diverse faculties of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) through the lens of the PAHTHER project kick-off meeting in Warsaw. Discover BME's Nobel laureates and notable alumni, along with its extensive range of academic programs and global partnerships. Learn about BME's emphasis on student and professor exchange programs in multiple languages and the opportunities for international students to study at this prestigious institution.

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BME International Relations: Enhancing Educational and Research Collaboration

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  1. Budapest University of Technology and Economics, BME , 1782

  2. Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 Peter Moson vice rector for international relations Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) Content Short history, presentation of BME International relations(education, research) Pictures 2

  3. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 • Institutum Geometricum – Hydrotechnicum • - - - - - - - - - - • 1949-2000 Technical University of Budapest • 2000- Budapest University of Technology and Economics • 8 Faculties, • 77 Departments • 24 000 Students • Academic Staff: 1300, with scientific qualification: 700 Faculties: • Civil Engineering (1782) • Mechanical Engineering (1871) • Architecture (1873) • Chemical and Biotechnology (1873) • Electrical Engineering and Informatics (1949) • Transportation Engineering (1951) • Natural Sciences (1998) • Economic and Social Sciences (1998) 3

  4. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 Nobel laureates: Dénes GÁBOR(1900 - 1979) Holography, in 1971 Jenő WIGNER (1902 - 1995) Theoretical physics, in 1963 György OLÁH (b:1927) Organic chemistry, in 1994 A famous former graduate: Ernő RUBIK(1944 -) inventor ofRubik’s cube 4

  5. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015BME - 1956

  6. Faculty of Civil Engineering (EMK) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (GPK) Faculty of Architecture (EPK) Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering (VBK) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK) Faculty of TransportationEng. (KSK) Faculty of Natural Sciences (TTK) Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (GTK) Civil Engineering (8 semesters) Mechanical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Industrial Design Engineering, Mechatronics (7) Architecture (8) Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Environmental Engineering (7) Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering (7) Transportation, Vehicle Engineering (7) Mathematics (6) Physics (6) Management in Engineering (7) Business and Management BA (6+1) International Business BA (6+1) Applied Economics BA (6) Communication and Media Sciences BA (6) BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015Education 1 - BSc

  7. SOME MASTER PROGRAMMES Structure civil engineer (1,5 year) Infrastructure civil engineer (1,5) Geodesy & geoinformatics (1,5) Mechanical, Mechatronics engineer, Mechanical modeling (2) Architecture (5 years) Chemical engineer, Bioengineer, Environmental engineer (2) Electrical engineer, Computerengineer, Biomedical engineer (2) Transport, Logistics, Vehicle engineer (2) Mathematics, Physics (2) Economics, Marketing, Accounting, Cognitive Science (2) DOCTORATE SCHOOLS Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences Mechanical Engineering Sciences Architectural Art (DLA) Building Sciences Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering Information Technology Transport Science Vehicle, MobileMachinesEngineering Mathematics and Computer Science Physics Economy, Management and Organizations Psychological Sciences History of Technology and Science BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015Education 2 – MSc, PhD

  8. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 International relations PRIORITY – Student (Professor) exchange Background: Education in 4 (5) languages English – since mid 1980-ties (regular, exchange foreign + Hungarian students, about 1000 ) French – since early 1990-s (about 30-100 mainly Hungarian students) German – since mid 1990-s (about 100-200 mainly Hungarian students) Hungarian Russian (until mid 2000-s)

  9. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 English Education (since 1980-es). 5 BSc courses + 12 MSc courses + a list (more or less stable) of additional subjects for local and exchange students. Incoming students* Regular (since1980-es, degree seekers, tuition fee). 300 (Iran, Turkey, Nigeria**). Brazil (Science without Borders, since 2013, exchange students, tuition fee). 400. Erasmus (since 1990-es, exchange students, no tuition fee). 300. (Spain, France, Germany). Others. (with and without tuition fee). 200. New: Stipendium Hungaricum 30 (but there will be 1000s of Hungarian governmental scholarships nationwide). * Approximate numbers / year of students attending at least 1 semester. ** Here and later we give the most involved countries.

  10. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 Outgoing students Politics: BME would like to preserve its best students for the full training (BSc + MSc + PhD), but we understand that international experience is a „must” nowadays. So university organizes different type of exchange programs from short (1-2 weeks) through medium (1-2 semesters) to long (2 years, 2 diplomas).Financial support is important. Some programs: Erasmus+ (since 1990-es). More than 300 bilateral agreements. 300 academic outgoing student (Spain, Germany) + 100 internships. Campus Hungary (since 2012). Mobility of students in 4 categories: short (less than 1 month), long (1 semester), group visits, internship to any country of the World.* * There are more categories, money for Non-Central-Hungarian Regions. BME details next page.

  11. 4TU meeting, Budapest, October 10-11, 2014.

  12. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 Wide variety of exchange programs EU Erasmus (1-2 semesters) CEEPUS. (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) ATHENS (Advanced Technology Higher Education Network / Socrates). 14 leading European universities (Paristech /14 grandes écoles parisiennes/, BME Budapest, TU Delft, University of Istanbul, KU Leuven - UC de Louvain, IST Lisbon, UP Madrid, TU München, Politecnico di Milano, Czech Technical University Prague, TU Thesszaloniki, NTNU Trondheim, TU Warsaw, TU Wien, 2*1week courses. Mobility of about 4000 students / year T.I.M.E. Network of 54 leading universities of technology. Double diplomas, doctorate cooperation, summer schools etc. 12

  13. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 EUA (European University Association) AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) iNEER/ICEE (International Network on Engineering Education and Research/International Conference on Engineering Education) EAIE (European Association for International Education) CESAEER (Conf. of European Schools of Advanced Engineering Education and Research) SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education) CRP (Conference of Rectors and Presidents of European Universities of Technology) 4TU League(Regional cooperation of BME, CTU in Prague, SUT in Bratislava, TUVienna) Cooperation Platfom of the Metropolitan Universities of Technology from Central and Eastern Europe (11 universities of the region)

  14. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February2015 Research University 2010 by the Hungarian government (5 in the country) Rector of BME Gábor PÉCELI with the official document

  15. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 • SE - Sustainable EnergyEnvironment and Climate Protection, Renewable Energy, Supply Security • VTL - Vehicle Technology, Transport and Logistics Intelligent Vehicle Technologies and Transport Systems,Integrated Logistics • BHE - Biotechnology, Health and Environmental ProtectionBiopharmaceuticals, Support of Way of Life, Environment Friendly Technologies • NNM - Nanophysics, Nanotechnology and Materials ScienceNanoelectronics, Nanostructures, Structural and Functional Materials • IET - Intelligent Environment and e-TechnologiesFuture Internet, Embedded Systems, Network and Software Technology • Disaster prevention. Flooding, Earthquake, environmental pollution, industrial security.

  16. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015Main industrial partners IBM Intel Knorr-Bremse Microsoft Nokia Oracle Paks Nuclear Power Plant Richter Gedeon SAP Sanofi-Aventis (Chinoin) Siemens Telenor • Alcoa • Audi • Bosch • Budapest Gas Works • EGIS • E.ON • Ericsson • Flextronics • General Electric • Hewlett-Packard • Hungarian Electric Works • Hungarian Oil Co. (MOL) • Hungarian Post 16 16

  17. BME, PAHTHER project, kick-off meeting, Warsaw, February 2015 Participation in similar EU Erasmus Mundus projects EWENT, ACTIVE – Coordinator TU Warsaw, Eastern Europe, Caucasus Region. ADDE SALEM – Coordinator Politecnico di Milano, South America. Cooperation with universities from Australia, New Zeeland T.I.M.E member - University of Queensland (UQ) Student exchange – UTS (University of Technology Sydney). Earlier - Group of Eight (Go8)

  18. bkiss@iit.bme.hu http://www.bme.hu http://www.ff.bme.hu

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  22. P.Moson, BME, Hungary 24

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