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Reading Street

Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the changes in our world and within ourselves. From the excitement of growth to observing nature's transformations, embrace the evolving beauty around us through engaging activities and learning experiences.

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Reading Street

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reading Street Unit 3 Week 2

  2. What is changing in our world? How do we change as we grow? What do we learn as we grow and change? Why are changes exciting? What changes happen in a garden? What changes can we observe in nature? How does nature change during the year?

  3. Day 1 Street Rhymes! Not so long ago I was just a Baby who drinks milk and slumbers. Soon I learned to walk and talk; Now I can read and add up numbers

  4. Amazing Words attempteventtime linefamousflattercorrectcommon lovely

  5. Use the amazing words to tell about the picture. attempteventtime line Which skills did the children learn first? Next? Later?

  6. What else can we add?

  7. Team talk Notice the amazing words as we sing. How does this help you understand their meanings? Attempt Event Time line

  8. What is the alligator wearing on her hand? Let’s find other words that end with the /ng/ sound. I see a piggy bank. Let’s find other words that end with the /nk/ sound.

  9. Mixing: You know words with ing. Today we will work with words ending in /ng/ or /nk/ skunk Mixing: You know words with ing. Today we will work with words ending in /ng/ or /nk/ swing What do you know about reading these words?

  10. What sound does /nk/ make? What sound does /ng/ make? Read the words and sentences

  11. Phonemic Awareness (Blend and segment onset/rime) th ink think p ink pink s ung sung d unk dunk st ing sting b ank bank h ang hang

  12. Model Blending Word Families Listen to me as I blend these words: k ing = king s ing = sing r ing = ring st ing = sting Now let’s blend the words below: -ing -ank -unk -ink king bank junk link sing tank dunk pink sting blank trunk think

  13. Check Word Reading Final ng, nk king hunk rang junk wink trunk blank drink stung swing thank thing chunk drank think

  14. Some words we learn by remembering the letters, not by sounding it out. What are these words? Read the sentences.

  15. When we compare things, we look for ways they are the same. When we contrast things, we look for ways they are different. Compare and contrast video Ducks Chickens Model a Close Read with “Something else to Do.” Let’s compare and contrast Ducks and Chickens.

  16. Grammar Teach/Model Verbs That Add -s

  17. Wrap Up Your Day! Fix it on next slide wing bank bring pink skunk rink sang trunk rang blank

  18. Daily Fix-It i sang on the way to the rinc. Put the blanck book in the trunk

  19. Daily Fix-It • i sang on the way to the rinc. • I sang on the way to the rink. • Put the blanck book in the trunk • Put the blank book in the trunk.

  20. Day 2 Morning Warm Up! Today we will read about Harry and Mr. George Baker again. George goes to school because he wants to learn.

  21. Amazing Words attempteventtime line famousflattercorrectcommon lovely

  22. Listen for the words Famous and Flatter. What does flatter mean? What other words could we use to mean the same thing? What does famous mean? Team talk! Mr. George Baker learned on his own time line. We all learn in different ways and times. Let’s add that to our map.

  23. I see a sunflower. Sunflower is a compound word. Let’s find other compound words.

  24. Bedtime is a compound word. (made up of two smaller words) Bed time Football Foot ball What two words make up these compound words? What does each word mean? What do you know about reading these words?

  25. Phonemic Awareness (Blend and segment syllables in compound words) home work homework tree top treetop sand box sandbox class mate classmate week end weekend

  26. something some thing flagpole flag pole classmate class mate bathtub bath tub sunshine sun shine anthill ant hill

  27. Check Word ReadingCompound Words pigpen quicksand inside treetops gumball runway blueprint sunset outside newscast basketball paperback nickname jellyfish understand

  28. Spelling: Practice Final ng, nk(Click to Check Dictation) Make sure you bring cash to the bank. He rang every bell. Put the pink dress in the trunk. We sang at the ice rink.

  29. Practice Spelling words. Rang Bank Trunk Bring Sunk Blank Sang Rink Pink wing

  30. Can you name a synonym for each word?

  31. Today we will read “Ruby in Her Own Time. It is an animal fantasy. Let’s look for things ducks can NOT do.

  32. Verbs that add –s tell what one person or thing does now. Mr. George Baker sits. What does he do? When does he do it? How many people are sitting? For this sentence to be correct there must be –s on the verb! Harry _________ on the step. Mrs. Baker _______ a lunch. p. 335 in Blue workbook

  33. Grammar Develop the Concept:Verbs That Add -s This girl ________ the flowers. rides eats runs climbs dives skates reads

  34. Interactive Writing Include feelings Team talk Think of two things that Ruby did that you like. Why did you like them? Use p. 337 in blue workbook to practice correct handwriting Use p. 336 in blue workbook to help you. Now write about it.

  35. Speaking and Listening Give Directions Speakers Listeners 1) Give directions in 1) Listen carefully. correct order. 2) Remember the steps 2) Clearly explain each and their order. step. 3) Follow the directions 3) Speak loudly enough in the order they were to be heard. given.

  36. Now let’s look up another unfamiliar word. Jewel

  37. Wrap Up Your Day! Look for the high-frequency words in this sentence: Every morning I fix my own breakfast. I always fix enough to eat. every own always enough Compound Words: Read these compound words. What two words make up each compound word? everything flagpole inside

  38. Fix it on next slide.

  39. Daily Fix-It The bird’s wing Is pink bring your skates to the rinck.

  40. Daily Fix-It The bird’s wing Is pink The bird’s wing is pink. bring your skates to the rinck. Bring your skates to the rink.

  41. Day 3 attempteventtime line famousflattercorrectawkwardlovely Team talk “That must be corrected,” says George. What does this mean? Why did the author choose this word? What other phrases could he have used?

  42. Amazing Words attempteventtime line famousflattercorrectcommonlovely

  43. When I add s to the beginning of wing, I get swing. Now let’s look for other words that are made by adding an initial sound.

  44. Phonemic Awareness (Blend and segment onset/rime) w ink wink s ink sink p ink pink dr ink drink th ink think Go to next slide.

  45. Phonemic Awareness (Blend and segment onset/rime) s ang sang b ang bang br ing bring st ing sting s ank sank bl ank blank p. 339-340 in blue workbook

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