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Reading Street. Unit 5 Week 5. What difference can a great idea make?. When does a problem need a clever solution?. How can new ideas help us see things differently?. Why do we want to find answers to some questions?. What great ideas make our lives easier?.
Reading Street Unit 5 Week 5
What difference can a great idea make? When does a problem need a clever solution? How can new ideas help us see things differently? Why do we want to find answers to some questions? What great ideas make our lives easier? How can a great idea change the way we live? How can you use something familiar in a new way?
Day 1 Morning Warm Up! Today we use all kinds of machines. Our lives have changed because of inventions and machines. How can a great idea change the way we live?
Amazing Words determinedinventortechnologystablestalledbiplanesketch speech
Oral Vocabulary: Share Literature Everyday Technology It takes a determined inventor, To make an invention succeed. But without determined inventors. We wouldn’t have things that we need. TV, phones, cars, computers, And other technology. Without those things Where would we be?
Phonemic Awareness:Segment and Count Phonemes We just sang about inventors who make new inventions. Inventors start with an idea. Then they draw a design. Listen to the word draw. How many sounds are in draw? d r o draw p o s pause r o raw h o k hawk p o paw f o t fault s t r o straw h o n t haunt l o law s o s sauce f o n fawn c o s cause y o n yawn
Vowels aw, au ball walk You’ve studied words like these already. What is the vowel sound in these words? What are the words? Today we will learn about other vowel letters that also stand for the sound /o/. This is audience. The sound you hear at the beginning of audience is /o/. Say it with me: /o/. continue to next slide
Vowels aw, au (continued) The letters aw can stand for /o/. This is how I blend this word: Let’s blend this word together. The letters au can also stand for /o/. This is how I blend this word. Let’s blend this word together. Let’s blend some more words with this sound: s o s sauce What do you know about reading these words? The letters aw or au can stand for /o/. c r o l crawl y o n yawn l o n ch launch p o paw
Blend these words: th o thaw l o n lawn c o s cause s qu o k squawk d r o draw h o n t haunt b r o l brawl h o l haul
Build Words • Write the word law. • Add n to the end of law. What is the new word? • Change the l to p and take away the n. What is the new word? • Change the aw to au and add se to the end. What is the new word? • Change the p to c. What is the new word?
Sort Words I can blend by saying the sound before the vowel, /d/, and then saying the rest of the sounds together, -awn. Then I blend both parts together: /d/, -awn, dawn. Try reading these words by saying the sound before the vowel and then the rest of the sounds together:
Tell me about what you see here. Yes, that’s right, there are several machines here that have changed the way we live. What kind of machine is next to the computer? Yes, it’s a typewriter. Have you ever seen a typewriter? Tell me about what you think it was used for. Look at the two cars at the top of p. 141. How are these cars different? How have cars changed the way we live? • Use the word technology as you describe the differences between the record player and the CD player. • How was the inventor of the car trying to change the way we live? • If you were determined enough, do you think you could make a computer more convenient than it is now? How would you do it? • What is attached to a computer that we click to direct our typing on the computer? • What is the machine next to the CD player?
Listening Comprehension • Sometimes authors don’t tell readers everything about the people and things they write about. • Good readers use clues from the words and pictures and what they know about the real world to figure out more about the people and things an author writes about. • Read “Earle Dickson and His • Wonderful Invention”
As I read, I thought about why Earle Dickson’s wife couldn’t make a bandage for her own hand. I think this was because she needed two hands to tie a bandage, and she couldn’t do it with just one good hand. • Why did Earle want to make his wife a better bandage? • Why do you think adhesive bandages make a person feel better after getting a cut? • Why do you think adhesive bandages are so popular? • Recall the Selection Simple Machines • Why would it be hard to move a car without wheels? • What are some things you might use a wheelbarrow for? Have students complete page 164 in practice book 1.2.
1. How can u learn to draw.How can you learn to draw? 2. I hav good idea.I havea good idea. Daily Fix-It • How can u learn to draw. • I hav a good idea.
1. How can u learn to draw.How can you learn to draw? 2. I hav good idea.I havea good idea. Daily Fix-It • How can u learn to draw. • How can you learn to draw? • I hav good idea. • I havea good idea.
If I want to use a pronoun instead of my name in a sentence, I have to think about the rest of the sentence before I decide whether to use I or me. • In sentence 1, the pronoun is the subject. It comes before the action verb make. I use the pronoun Iand I use a capital letter.
Using and I and Me • Are these pronouns used correctly? • The moon looks like a yellow smile to Sara and I. • I want to go to the moon. • Will you go with me?
Wrap Up Your Day! Vowel: aw /o/ straw Read these words What letters make the /o/ sound in straw, draw and yawn? draw yawn Let’s name other words with /o/ spelled au or aw. If I came in with a bandage on my finger, what conclusion would you draw? Do you think you’d like to be an inventor? What would you invent? Tomorrow the class will read about the Wright Brothers and a great invention they made.
Day 2 Morning Warm Up! Today we will read more about the Wright brothers and their planes. I have flown in a plane many times. Flying does not frighten me. Does flying frighten you?
Is this book fiction or nonfiction? • Does it have illustrations or photographs? • Look at the captions below the pictures. Sometimes the captions give more information about the story. • What happened when the Wright’s plane or glider stalled in the air? • What did they put on their invention to make it more stable?
Amazing Words determinedinventortechnologystablestalledbiplanesketch speech
Phonemic Awareness We just read about the inventors of the first airplane with an engine. They used their heads to come up with an amazing idea. Listen to the sounds in head. h e d head b r e d bread s w e t sweat h e l th health th r e d thread s p r e d spread b r e th breath
Short e: ea • dream treat • You’ve studied words like these already. What do you know about reading these words? • Right! The letters ea usually stand for the long e sound. Today we’ll learn about another sound that the vowels ea can stand for. This is elephant. The sound you hear at the beginning of elephant is /e/. Say it with me: /e/.
head In this word, the letters ea stand for /e/. This is how I blend this word: Let’s blend this word together: When you come to a new word with ea, you may have to try the sound /e/ and /e/ to figure out the word. Remember that the word read can be pronounced /red/ or /red/, depending on how it is used in the sentence. Continue on next slide
Say each sound and blend these words together. Remember that sometimes the /ea/ will have the short e sound and sometimes it will have the long e sound. b r e d bread h e l th health h e t heat m e n t meant d r e m dream s p r e d spread th r e t threat
Say each sound and blend these words together. Remember that sometimes the /ea/ will have the short e sound and sometimes it will have the long e sound. th r e d thread b r e th breath d e d dead s t e l steal w e l th wealth d e f deaf ch e p cheap d e l t dealt s w e t sweat
Build Words • Blend the word head. Now write it on your board. • Change the h to dr. What is the new word? • Change the first d to b. What is the new word? • Change the b to th. What is the new word? • Change the thr to sw. What is the new word? • Add er to the end of the word. What is the new word?
Spelling: Practice Vowels aw The pup hurt its paw playing on the lawn. It is fun to crawl through a straw maze. We read about a hawk in science class. Does your jaw open wide when you yawn?
Routine • Say and spell: Look at the words on p. 142. You cannot blend these words. We will spell the words and use letter-sounds we know to learn them. Point to the first word. This word is early, e-a-r-l-y, early. What is this word? What are the letters in this word? • Identify Familiar Letter Sounds: Point to the r in early. What is this letter? What is the sound for this letter? • Demonstrate Meaning: Tell me a sentence using this word. • Repeat the routine with each word. Have children identify these familiar letter sounds: learn (l /l/, r /r/; and n /n/; science (n /n/), built (b /b/, and lt /lt/, and through (thr, /thr/).
What would have happened if the Wright brothers gave up after they crashed the first glider? • Do you think many inventors get everything right on the first try? • Let’s write a paragraph about the Wright brothers. We will begin with a sentence that tells what Orville and Wilbur set out to do. They wanted to invent a flying machine. Begin with their names and then let’s tell that. Think about the way you would sound out the word invent. What is first sound you hear in the word invent? What letter stands for that sound? What is the second sound you hear in the word invent? What letter stands for that sound? Go to next slide for example
Try, Try Again Orville and Wilbur Wright wanted to invent a flying machine. First they built gliders. They crashed many times, but they kept working to make the gliders better. Then they tried building planes with an engine. The first one did not fly for long. They kept trying. Soon their planes could fly for hundreds of miles.
1. How can u learn to draw.How can you learn to draw? 2. I hav good idea.I havea good idea. Daily Fix-It • 3. I mad somethig new. • 4. Im an inventor?
1. How can u learn to draw.How can you learn to draw? 2. I hav good idea.I havea good idea. Daily Fix-It • I mad somethig new. • I made something new. • Im an inventor? • I’m an inventor!
Grammar • I and me are both pronouns that take the place of • your name. • Which one is used in the subject of a sentence? • Which one is used after an action verb? Inventing Riddles Using Pronouns If I want to write a riddle about an animal, what clues can I give? Maybe if I tell about one thing I have or do and one thing that happens to me, people can guess what animal I am. I have four legs and a long mane and tail. People can ride me. What am I? I have four legs and pointy ears. I meow to get your attention. I purr when I’m happy. What am I?
Draw a dog like the one on this page. Then write your own riddle under it using the pronoun Ito describe the picture.
Wrap Up Your Day! Identify the high-frequence words in these sentences: In science class, I built a boat. I had to come early. I got through before everyone. head What sound does the ea stand for? List other short e words spelled with ea. Recall the big book Orville and Wilbur Wright. Do you think the invention of planes has changed the way we live? How? Tell about your experiences on an airplane. Think about good and bad changes caused by the invention of the airplane.? Tomorrow we will read about the man who invented the telephone.
Day 3 Morning Warm Up! Today we will read about Alexander Graham Bell. He was a determined inventor. He invented the telephone. What does the telephone help us do?
Amazing Words determinedinventortechnologystablestalledbiplanesketch speech
Our amazing word for today is biplane. A biplane is a plane with two pairs of wings, one above the other. Yesterday we read the book to find out what problem Wilbur and Orville had and how they fixed it. Listen today to find out what “The Flyer” is. • Look at page 5. • There are two paragraphs on this page. • A paragraph is a group of sentences about the same idea. • Look at the page and tell me how a paragraph starts. • What was “The Flyer”? • What did the pilot have to do to steer the plane? • Do you think Orville and Wilbur were frightened when they were flying their planes?
Routine Vowels aw, au; Short e: ea You can read this word because you know that the letters aw can stand for /o/. What sound does aw stand for? dawn thread You can read this word because you know that the letters ea can stand for short e, /e/, or long e, /e/. What sound does ea stand for in this word? What is the word? • When you come to a new word, look at all the letters in the word and think about its vowel sound. You may have to try more than one vowel sound. Say the sounds to yourself and then read the word. • When you come to a new word, what are you going to do? dawn thread
Let’s read these words. Look at all the letters, think about the vowel sounds, and say them to yourself. When I point to the word, let’s read it together.
Inventors Think Ahead Do you know? Have you read How inventors think ahead? When they see an awesome Problem to be solved, They sit down and get involved. They draw up a raw plan. They fix every flaw they can. That is how such things like Autos come to be, Changing life for you and me.
Sort Words sauce fault squawk awful launch crawl aw au squawk sauce awful fault crawl launch