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This document outlines the annual self-assessment report required for the performance-based appraisal system (PBAS) at Modern College. It includes guidelines on evaluating the work of teachers, code of professional ethics, academic workload, and minimum point norms for promotion.
Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Arts, Scienceand Commerce Ganeshkhind, Pune 53 Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) ( PHYSICAL DIRECTORS) By Principal Dr. Sanjay Kharat M.Sc., Ph.D, LL.B.,M.B.A. IQAC
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual self-Assessment for the performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Assessment of Teachers work To evaluate the work of the teacher, he should prepare an out line of his academic program in consultation with HOD at the beginning of a session and then at the end of the academic year prepare a report of the work done by him which should be submitted to the principal by the end of year. purpose of Assessment Report : a) for evaluation of the six monthly report during the period of probation. b) for confirmation in service. c) For Assessment at the time of crossing Assessment Bar in [pay scale] d) For consideration at the time of interview for a higher post. e) once every three years for determining whether the teacher continues to take his work seriously. f) On other occasions when required for specific purposes. IQAC
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual self-Assessment for the performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Code of Professional Ethics: Each University should evolve its own professional ethics after full discussion in the academic bodies and associations and incorporate the same in its Acts, Ordinances and/or Statute, as the case may be, for strict observance by the academic faculty. IQAC
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual self-Assessment for the performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Code of professional Ethics: I. Teachers and their Responsibilities. II. Teachers and the Students. III. Teachers and college. IV. Teachers and Authorities. V. Teachers and Non –teaching staff. VI. Teachers and Guardians. VII. Teachers and Society. IQAC
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual self-Assessment for the performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Academic workload The workload of the teachers in full employment should not be less than 40 hours a week for 30 working weeks(180 teaching days) in an acadamic year. It should be necessary for the teacher to be available for at least 5 hours daily in the college for which necessary space and infrastructure should be provided by the college. Direct teaching hours should be as follows: Assistant Professor 16 Hours Associate Professor & Professor 14 Hours A minimum of 6 hours per week may have to be allocated for research activities of the teacher. IQAC
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual self-Assessment for the performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Total number of working days per academic year IQAC
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual self-Assessment for the performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Why PBAS ? MHRD Notification 31st December 2008 UGC 30th June 2010 G.R. Dated 12-Aug-2009 G.R. Dated 15 –Feb-2011 COVERAGE Teachers--- Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Sci, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and AYUSH, Education, Engineering and Technology, Pharmacy, Management ( in consultation with respective Authorities IQAC
Progressive Education Society’s Modern college of Art’s Commerce and Science Ganeshkhind, Pune 53 Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) IQAC
Minimum point norms of the API (academic performance indicators ) for promotion of teachers in colleges . Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Minimum total average annual score required under category I and II at least 100 marks per year . IQAC
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53 Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual self-Assessment for the performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) • PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION • PART B: ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDICATORS • PART C: OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION • Goal Of Higher Education • Creation of Knowledge • Storage of Knowledge • Dissemination of Knowledge • Out come/ Out put of Knowledge IQAC
Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) CATEGORY I : TEACHING ,TRAINING ,COACHING,SPORTS PERSON DEVELPOMENT AND SPORTS MANAGEMENT ACTIVITICES IQAC
Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) CATEGORY I : TEACHING ,TRAINING ,COACHING,SPORTS PERSON DEVELPOMENT AND SPORTS MANAGEMENT ACTIVITICES IQAC
Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) CATEGORY I : TEACHING ,TRAINING ,COACHING,SPORTS PERSON DEVELPOMENT AND SPORTS MANAGEMENT ACTIVITICES IQAC
Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) CATEGORY I : TEACHING ,TRAINING ,COACHING,SPORTS PERSON DEVELPOMENT AND SPORTS MANAGEMENT ACTIVITICES IQAC
Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) CATEGORY II : CO-CURRICULAR, EXTENSION AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELPOMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES IQAC
Category III Research publication and academic contribution A. Research papers published– a. Referred journals 15 marks b. Non referred, reputable, ISBN/ISSN 10 marks c. Conference proceeding 10 marks B. Research publications– a. Reference book- international publisher 50/ sole author peer review system 10/ chapter in edited book. b. Subject book- National publisher, state and central 25/ sole author govt. publication with ISBN/ISSN number 5/ chapter c. Subject book – Local publisher with ISBN/ISSN 15/ sole author Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53 Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
c. Research Projects A. Major project- above 5 lakhs 20/ each project B. minor project- 3 lakhs to 5 lakhs 15 C. minor project- 25 thousand to 3 lakhs -10 D. Consultancy projects- 2 lakhs – Mark-10 E. Project Evaluation- Completed project report ) Accepted by funding agency) F. Project Outcome /Outputs- Major Policy document of Govt./ Patent 30- each national, 50 each International Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53 Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53 Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Research Guidance • M.Phill - Degree awarded only – 3 each candidate • Ph.D – Degree awarded – 10 each candidate Training Courses / Conference / Seminars / Workshop Papers IQAC
Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 53 Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Training Courses / Conference / Seminars / Workshop Papers IQAC
Part c: Other relevant information Details of any other credential significant contributions awards received etc not mentioned earlier. Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual self-Assessment for the performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) • The IQAC shall act as the documentation and record –keeping Cell for the institution including assistance in the development of the API criteria based PBAS pro forma using the indicative template separately developed by UGC. • The IQAC may also introduce, wherever feasible, the student feedback system as per the NACC guideline on the institutional parameters without incorporating the component of student of individual teachers in the PBAS. Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual self-Assessment for the performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
Career Advancement Schemes (CAS) Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) • In order to remedy the difficulties of collecting retrospective information and to facilitate the implementation of these regulations from 31-12-2008 in the CAS promotion the API based PBAS will be progressively and prospectively rolled out. • The annualized API scores can be compounded progressively as and when the teacher becomes eligible for CAS promotion to the next cadre. • A teacher who wishes to be considered for promotion under CAS may submit in writing to the university/college with three months in advance of the due date, that he/she fulfils all qualifications under CAS and submit to the university /college the performance based appraisal system pro forma as evolved by the concerned university duly supported by all credentials as per the API guideline . IQAC
Career Advancement Schemes (CAS) • In order to avoid delays in holding selection committee meeting in various positions under CAS, the university /college should immediately initiate the process of the screening /selection , and shall complete the process within six months from the date of application • Candidates who do not fulfill the minimum score requirement under the API scoring system proposed in the regulations as per rule or those who obtain less than 50% in the expert assessment of the selection process will have to be re-assessed only after a minimum period of one year. • CAS promotions from a lower grade to a higher grade of Assistant Professor shall be conducted by a Screening cum Evaluation Committee. Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
Career Advancement Schemes (CAS) Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Screening cum Evaluation Committee members for CAS promotion A The Principal of the college B Head of the concerned Department from the college C Two subject experts in the concerned subject nominated by the Vice Chancellor from the university panel of experts D Joint Director, Higher Education, Maharashtra state (30/1/2012) IQAC
Career Advancement Schemes (CAS) Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) • In the final assessment , if the candidates do not either fulfill the minimum API Scores in the criteria as per PBAS pro forma or obtain less than 50% in expert assessment, wherever applicable, such candidates will be reassessed only after a minimum period of one year. IQAC
STAGES OF PROMOTION UNDER CAREER ADVANCEMENT SCHEME OF INCUMBENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED ASSISTANT PROFESSORS Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
STAGES OF PROMOTION UNDER CAREER ADVANCEMENT SCHEME OF INCUMBENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
STAGES OF PROMOTION UNDER CAREER ADVANCEMENT SCHEME OF INCUMBENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
STAGES OF PROMOTION UNDER CAREER ADVANCEMENT SCHEME OF INCUMBENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
Minimum Point Norms of The API Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
PROFESSOR IN UNDER GRADUATE COLLEGES • Ten percent of the number of the posts of Associate Professor in an under Graduate College shall be that of Professors and shall be subject to the same criterion for selection / appointment as that of Professor in Universities. • Provided that there shall be no more than one post of professor in each department • Provided further that (25%) of the posts of Professor in Under Graduate College shall be directly recruited or filled on deputation by eligible teachers and the remaining (75%) of posts of Professor shall be filled by CAS promotion from among eligible Associate Professor of the relevant department of the under Graduate college. • Identification of posts of Professor in an under graduate college for being filled through direct recruitment / deputation shall be carried out by the affiliating / concerned university acting in consultation with the college. Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune 53Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) IQAC
Modern College, Ganeshkhind Pune 53 Reaccreditation by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based AppraisalSystem (PBAS) Thank you IQAC