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PEL101- COMMUNICATION SKILLS-I. LECTURE-6 Subject-Verb Agreement WEEK-3 DESIGNED BY ANUDEEP KAUR BEDI ID-13654. SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT. Agreement with lost subjects The common cause of subject- verb agreement error is when the writer has lost track of what the subject actually is
SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT Agreement with lost subjects • The common cause of subject- verb agreement error is • when the writer has lost track of what the subject actually is • and has made the verb agree with the wrong thing.
Example: The cost of all the repairs we needed to make were more than we could afford. x -the writer has lost track of the subject and has made the verb were agree with the plural noun repairs. The actual subject is singular noun cost. Examples: The cost of all the repairs we needed to make was more than we could afford.
Exercise-- Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. 1. Neither of us ________ able to predict the outcome of today's game. a) Was b) were 2. Macaroni and cheese ________ my favorite dish. a) is b) are 3. At the foot of the mountain ________ two enormous vineyards, both owned by the same woman. a)was b) were 4. A small percentage of the grain _______ ruined by the prolonged rain. a) was b) were 5. Most parents mistakenly think that mumps _______ been eliminated as a childhood disease. a) has b) have
6. Our college should change _______ policy about withdrawals. a) its b) their 7. Coaches Espinoza and Calhoun coach different sports. Neither Espinoza nor Calhoun scheduled ________ team for the gym this afternoon. a)her b) their 8. No one has offered to let us use _______ home for the department meeting. a) their b) his or her 9. If I ever find my glasses, I think I'll have ________ replaced. a)it b)them 10. General Motors will probably recall most of _________ four-wheel-drive vehicles. a) its b) their
Answers 1. Was 2. is 3. were 4. was 5. has 6. its 7. her 8. his or her 9. them 10. its
Agreement with Compound Subjects A compound subject is formed when two (or more) subjects are joined by a coordinating conjunction.
EXAMPLES 1 Larry and Holly are coming to the meeting. 2 A pencil or a pen is all that you will need. 3 Both Donner and Willy are really fed up with the fat guy. 4 Either Fred or Patrick is scheduled to be there. 5 Unfortunately, neither I nor my husband is able to come. (Coordinating conjunctions is in red italics, compound subjects are underlined)
Rule if ….. it is One and the Same subject 1. For a compound subject in which the two nouns refer to the same person or thing, we use a singular verb. Example: My neighbor and good friend Sally has lived here for years. His son and heir is an accountant in Axis Bank. ( compound underlined, verb in red italics)
Rule if it is …..Each and Every 2. When the modifier each and every is used to modify a compound subject, the verb is singular. Examples: 1 Each senator and representative on the committee has one vote. 2 Each boy and girl takes a turn at drawing names. 3. Each and everything is possible to a willing heart
Each and Every • Every senator and member of congress has exactly one vote. 5. It seems that every town, country, and village has an oak street. ( compound underlined, verb in red italics)
Exercise-- select the verb form that will best fit in the blank. • Carlos is the only one of those students who __________ lived up to the potential described in the yearbook. a) has b) have • The International Club, as well as the Choral Society and the Rowing Club, __________ to submit a new constitution.a)need b) needs 3. Not only the students but also their instructor ________ been called to the principal's office.a)have b)has 4. Most of the milk _____ gone bad. Six gallons of milk _______ still in the refrigerator.a)have --- are b)has --- is 5. Each and every student and instructor in this building __________ for a new facility by next year.a)hope b) hopes
6. The students and instructors each ________for a new facility by next year.a)hopes b)hope 7. Rice and beans, my favorite dish, __________ me of my native Puerto Rico.a)remind b)reminds 8. A large number of voters still ___________ along straight-party lines.a)votes b) vote 9.Four years _______ a long time to spend away from your friends and family.a)are b) is 10. Politics __________ sometimes a dirty business.a) are b) is 11. To an outsider, the economics of this country ________ to be in disarray.a)seem b) seems
ANSWERS has, need, has, has…is, hopes, hopes, reminds, vote, is, is, seem
Rule if .. compound subjects joined by the coordinating conjunction and form a well recognized single unit • then they are used with a singular verb Examples: Bacon and eggs is still the standard American breakfast Drinking and driving is the major cause of accidents. Thunder and lightning always scares little babies.
Identifying Compound Subjects and Their Verbs In the following sentences, underline the compound subject and the verb . • Trucks and automobiles roll through our town. 2. Jerry and Josephina play tag football with us. 3. Both the radio and the television were on. 4. Either the cars or the truck uses more gas. 5. Neither the cats nor the dog was outside last night. 6. Either the drums or the horns are too loud.
Choose the Correct Verb Form given in the parentheses • John and I (visit, visits) my grandmother on Sundays. 2 Both the wind and the dog (was, were) howling. 3 Neither the players nor their mascot (seem, seems) lively today. 4 Mom and Dad (watch, watches) each episode of this show. 5 Either the teacher or her students (answer, answers) each question. 6 In the forest, birds and small mammals (share, shares) resources.
Choose the verb that correctly completes each sentence 1. Either an atlas or an almanac_ ____sure to have the answer to your question about the topography of Mexico. a) Is b) Are 2. Not only the spider but also all other arachnids _____four pairs of legs. a)Has b) Have 3. The senior class _____fitted for their graduation robes today. a) Was b) Were 4. George Jones is the student who _____ in the library. a) Works b) Work 5. The Big Dipper, as well as many other constellations _____easy to find. a) is b) are
6. Hardly anyone _____that people in Columbus’ time really didn’t think the world was flat. a) Knows b) Know 7. Every night a pink moon and a fleecy cloud _____over the horizon of the city. a) Appears b) Appear 8. My tweezers_ ____to be replaced because they are rusty. a)Needs b) Need 9.The committee for legislative oversight_____ considering the proposal on increased laws for the disposal of toenail clippings. a)Is b)Are 10. The student newspaper and the student council _____on Tuesday afternoons a) Meets b) Meet
ANSWERS 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B